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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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But how many people realize their report was erroneous?

When it happened to Rather, everyone and their mother knew the report was wrong because the news media bombarded us with it.

I'm fine with the argument that she made a mistake and paid the price, so it shouldn't be that big a deal. But my problem here is that if a liberal made this mistake, then the story would be huge and the non-conservative media would be all over it to show how non-biased they are.

It's bullshit. Either go after everyone who fucks up hard or don't. Don't do it based on politics.

People have gone harder on Bashir because he screwed up his implication that someone should shit in Palin's mouth when he should have said Palin's been shitting in our mouths, instead.

Nobody in the US gives a shit about Benghazi except conservatives who want it to be a scandal and liberals who are outraged the conservatives are trying to turn it into a scandal. That's even more true for Bashir.

Time and time again political scientists show none of this determines elections, it's just sport for the people interested in the inside baseball of politics.
Nobody in the US gives a shit about Benghazi except conservatives who want it to be a scandal and liberals who are outraged the conservatives are trying to turn it into a scandal. That's even more true for Bashir.

Time and time again political scientists show none of this determines elections, it's just sport for the people interested in the inside baseball of politics.

Oh, I agree it doesn't affect elections.

But as Pigeon shows it opens the door up for more shoddy journalism which is bad and it is really fucking annoying having to deal with people still saying "hey did you not see that 60 minutes on Benghazi!"

And if the non-conservative media did push it hard, one wonders if it would at least force a change among the actual conservative media a bit over time.
Oh, I agree it doesn't affect elections.

But as Pigeon shows it opens the door up for more shoddy journalism which is bad and it is really fucking annoying having to deal with people still saying "hey did you not see that 60 minutes on Benghazi!"

And if the non-conservative media did push it hard, one wonders if it would at least force a change among the actual conservative media a bit over time.

But she was suspended. I mean her career is damaged from this, overall she's a pretty good journalist. It's not as if she's some hack with a history of helping conservatives peddle crazy stories. The conservative media will burn itself out, telling the truth is a better long term strategy. Look at the 2012 elections, Fox took a ratings hit because they basically had to admit it was all a game when they fired Dick Morris and Palin.


But she was suspended. I mean her career is damaged from this, overall she's a pretty good journalist. It's not as if she's some hack with a history of helping conservatives peddle crazy stories. The conservative media will burn itself out, telling the truth is a better long term strategy. Look at the 2012 elections, Fox took a ratings hit because they basically had to admit it was all a game when they fired Dick Morris and Palin.

Wait, wait. I don't think Mamba was arguing that we should create a liberal version of the conservative media. (This would never work in any case, because liberals don't view themselves as conformists.) He was saying that the media should be drawing attention to major blown stories, for the same reason that the police should be aggressive in busting crooked police officers -- it improves both the public faith in them and the public utility from them. But they don't, mostly for the same reason that the police don't.


Remember that DC Walmart issue and how it was gonna kill jobs and hurt business? Now neighboring PG And Mo County in MD will have higher minimum wages. I wonder if Walmart will close stores there now too lol. How will these poor companies in maryland ever survive????


Prince George's County has joined Montgomery County in passing a measure that will raise the county's minimum wage to $11.50 over the next four years.

The Montgomery County Council approved the bill 8-1 Tuesday night after hours of tense debate. County Executive Ike Leggett says he will sign the measure into law.

The action would raise the hourly rate far above the current state and federal minimum of $7.25. It increases the wage in steps to $8.40 in October 2014, $9.55 in 2015, $10.75 in 2016 and $11.50 in 2017.

Neighboring Prince George's County unanimously passed a similar measure the next morning.

Prince George's minimum wage will also increase to $11.50 by 2017, News4's Prince George's County Bureau Chief Tracee Wilkins reported.

Other jurisdictions locally and around the country are considering similar changes.

Earlier this week, a D.C. Council committee unanimously approved a bill that would raise the city's minimum wage to $11.50 an hour, one of the nation's highest, by 2016.

The committee voted 6-0 Monday to send the bill to the full council, which could take the first of two votes as early as December.

"I think that everyone knows that living on $8.25 an hour, the current minimum wage is just impossible in this city," Elissa Silverman, who works for the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute told News4. The advocacy group is working to raise the minimum wage.

Mayor Vincent Gray said he supports a raise in minimum wage to $10 an hour, but is concerned that a larger increase would hurt the job market. He's planning to hire a consultant to study the issue.


More shitty things done by NC's shitty Republican governor.

North Carolina Gov. McCrory Wants Payment For Public Records

Since taking office earlier this year, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory's (R) administration has demanded payment for access to public records, a policy that newspapers and media organization in the state are decrying as unprecedented.

The Associated Press reported Tuesday that McCrory's staff has interpreted a clause in North Carolina's public records law in a way that allows for "special service charge" on any records request that requires more than a half-hour to process.

According to the AP, the governor's office has levied hundreds of dollars of fees for digital copies of emails that were provided by previous administrations without charge.

Journalists in the state argue that the policy is antithetical to the law, which says that the government documents "are the property of the people."

Kim Genardo, a spokeswoman for McCrory, told the AP that smaller requests are still handled for free, but she defended the fees.

"I can tell you that with extensive staff time, we are going to charge. Because everyone here has a job to do and a job function. And, yes, we do have to facilitate public records," Genardo said.

Here's a novel idea: Instead of charging people, why not hire people to provide and fulfill the requests for the documents if you are too busy to do it?
Well with the website improving, and the media narrative kinda turning around, I'm kinda feeling more hopeful that the Dems will come out victorious in the next budget battle.

What's the likelihood we'll get an end to the sequester? Reid's good, and if Biden doesn't get in the way I think we'll get a good deal like an end to the sequester.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Most Americans believe Obamacare's current problems will be solved. 54 percent say they believe current problems will be fixed, compared with 43 percent who say they won't be.

Most Americans believe it's too early to judge whether Obamacare is a success or failure. A total of 53 percent think it is too early to say whether Obamacare is a success or failure. A total of 39 percent think it's a failure and 8 percent already think it is a success.

Most Americans do not support conservative critiques of Obamacare. According to the poll, 41 percent of Americans think Obamacare is too liberal, slightly more than 40 percent who support Obamacare. But 14 percent think it's not liberal enough.



Raising minimum wage would be bad if the people who get the raises were already able to spend all of their money on non-necessary expenditures prior to the wage increase, it would simply lead them to spend more money on most of the same things, leading to inflation without expanding economic activity, but it's not the case. People who make minimum wage spend almost all of it on obligatory expenditures like energy, housing, basic food, transport, debt. So when you raise their wages, it allows them to potentially spend a greater amount of money on non-essentials, which is highly valuable to maintain a healthy economy, or at worst at least pay down their debts.
US healthcare sign-ups jump at state level in promising sign of turnaround

The number of insurance applications received by America's largest state healthcare exchange has jumped by 60% this month, according to new data suggesting national website problems are gradually being eclipsed by success at a regional level.

The figures, published late on Tuesday by California, also revealed a record weekly total for people contacting the Department of Health Services by telephone to seek information on enrolment.

Though independently managed states like California, which operates its own website, have consistently out-performed the troubled federal programme, their accelerating growth rates are now giving hope to administration officials in Washington that a similar explosion in national demand may occur once their healthcare.gov site is functioning properly.

Kathleen Sebelius, health and human services secretary, this week promised officials in the 36 states reliant on healthcare.gov that the site would be operating at increased capacity in time for a self-imposed deadline for fixing its various software glitches on Saturday.

We're gonna have to wait until the November numbers come out but this is promising.


Bad news for Ohio (for real):

President Obama often talks about how he's run his last political race, and that may be a good thing for him — he's really struggling in the key state of Ohio.

Only 34% of Ohio voters approve of Obama's job performance, while fully 61% disapprove, his worst marks in a state that can decide presidential elections, according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University.

It is "his lowest score in any Quinnipiac University poll nationally or in any state," the poll said.

In addition, Ohioans says Obama "is not honest and trustworthy" — by a margin of 57%-39%.

As with similar national and state polls, Obama's ratings are being weighed down by the faulty rollout of his new health care plan.

Said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling institute:

"President Barack Obama's popularity is at a record low in Ohio and (it is) the first time his approval rating has fallen below 40% in the state.

"This is a state considered to be a national bellwether, where he got 51% of the vote just 12 months ago. Only 30% of men, 38% of women and 27% of white voters, along with 83% of black voters, give him a thumbs up.

"Clearly much of the reason for the president's decline in Ohio is 'Obamacare.' Ohio voters oppose the Affordable Care Act 59%-35%. Perhaps more significantly, voters say 45%-16% they expect their own health care to be worse rather than better a year from now."

"If voters still feel that way about their own situation come November 2014, that is likely to create a political playing field beneficial for Republicans. Voters still blame the Republicans more for the government shutdown, but that issue's salience is being dwarfed by the opposition to 'Obamacare.'"
That really hurts.

So uh basically, opposition to a law that is doing more good for people than bad is somehow more important than opposition to a group of 50 people in DC who nearly made us default.

Fucking insane. I-n-s-a-n-e.

Bad news for Ohio (for real):

That really hurts.

So uh basically, opposition to a law that is doing more good for people than bad is somehow more important than opposition to a group of 50 people in DC who nearly made us default.

Fucking insane. I-n-s-a-n-e.


Welp, never mind, we're fucked.

And I was hoping we could purge the Tea Party rubber stamp in my district in Ohio who was polling well behind a generic Dem but now is surging because of Obamacare.

Obama you fucking useless idiot.


Welp, never mind, we're fucked.

And I was hoping we could purge the Tea Party rubber stamp in my district in Ohio who was polling well behind a generic Dem but now is surging because of Obamacare.

Obama you fucking useless idiot.

In your short time here you've managed to distinguish yourself as both a more obnoxious chicken little than Diablos and a more infuriating troll than PD. Congratulations.


Republicans constant onslaught against Obamacare wins.

In other completely unrelated news,

Bob Harper from the biggest loser finally comes out! About damn time.

I am not surprised that both Jillian and Bob were part of the gays.


I'm just trying to figure out what is SO horrible about the ACA that it warrants Obama getting such low marks. Reuters has him at like 38 even. His highest is Gallup but they have lost tons of credibility. Yes, the rollout of the website was a fucking embarrassment. It is getting fixed. It is working for most people. They are following through on their commitment to having the website up and operational. What is the problem?

tbh I'm not worried about Obama, he got his second term. But what does this mean for 2014 and 2016? Is his Presidency on the brink of being sunk (which will inevitably take his party down too) or is this just a low point that will recover? WHERE ARE WE GOING :O

Looks like Obama isn't getting his third term.
No (derp) but if he can't get out of this ditch, it means the Democrats might not hold the Senate next year either. That's what Democrats should be worried about.

Welp, never mind, we're fucked.

And I was hoping we could purge the Tea Party rubber stamp in my district in Ohio who was polling well behind a generic Dem but now is surging because of Obamacare.

Obama you fucking useless idiot.
No (derp) but if he can't get out of this ditch, it means the Democrats might not hold the Senate next year either. That's what Democrats should be worried about.
Not gonna happen but even if it does Republicans have to defend WI, OH, FL, NC, PA, NH, AZ, IA in 2016. They'll have 2 years to repeal Obamacare over and over while Obama vetoes it

Then in 2016, fuck'em


Not gonna happen but even if it does Republicans have to defend WI, OH, FL, NC, PA, NH, AZ, IA in 2016. They'll have 2 years to repeal Obamacare over and over while Obama vetoes it
Yeah I get that. But wave elections can happen.

Has there ever been an incumbent President with an approval rating <40% that was succeeded by someone of his own party?

I just can't help but figure that as Obama goes, so does the party in terms of electability, generally speaking. Especially if his bad polling remains the same through most of 2014. It will be hard for Hillary to disassociate herself from that, assuming it stays this bad.
Has there ever been an incumbent President with an approval rating <40% that was succeeded by someone of his own party?
Like at any point in his presidency?


Approval at 35% in 1983


Approval at 37% in 1993. Of course, he was succeeded by a Republican, but we all know the score.

FWIW Obama's approval was worse in 2011 and I seem to remember certain individuals crowning him a one-termer because of it.

Anyone see the Pennsylvania PPP poll that had Christie beating Hillary by 4?

Bad news for Hillary.
I wonder how many Republicans will get elected with the help of Coattails Christie.


Like at any point in his presidency?


Approval at 35% in 1983


Approval at 37% in 1993. Of course, he was succeeded by a Republican, but we all know the score.

FWIW Obama's approval was worse in 2011 and I seem to remember certain individuals crowning him a one-termer because of it.
I know, and no, not at any time but at the end, so in this case late 2015.

Obama's numbers will get even worse in a month when unemployment benefits run out and the sequester goes into fuller impact.
Emergency UE benefits are a lost cause now?


Unconfirmed Member
Raising minimum wage would be bad if the people who get the raises were already able to spend all of their money on non-necessary expenditures prior to the wage increase, it would simply lead them to spend more money on most of the same things, leading to inflation without expanding economic activity, but it's not the case. People who make minimum wage spend almost all of it on obligatory expenditures like energy, housing, basic food, transport, debt. So when you raise their wages, it allows them to potentially spend a greater amount of money on non-essentials, which is highly valuable to maintain a healthy economy, or at worst at least pay down their debts.

That's assuming necessities are supply constrained which I'm not sure they are. I don't think a high price is what is keeping things from being sold out on store shelves, I instead think suppliers mostly set a price that's both competitive and profitable and produce as much as they need to meet demand. If they upped the price solely because of increased demand they risk messing up the competitive part of that equation. And the necessities market maybe the most competitive market there is.

But even if we say that necessities are 100% supply constrained, demand for necessities comprises of way more than simply minimum wage workers. Everyone buys necessities. If minimum wage workers make up 10% of overall demand and their demand doubled, the overall demand would only increase by 10%, which would cause the price to inflate, but not double. So at the end of the day least minimum wage workers would still go home with a larger percent of the overall supply of necessities than what they had before.
Nothing will happen between now and next November, nothing.

Also let's ignore the other party does have a record they have to defend (crazy house votes) and can't run on saying no to everything and they have a dismal approval rating too.

Let's ignore the dems have done a great job of getting out certain voting groups (black voters, single women, Hispanics) when it counts.

Let's ignores that the problems with obamacare highlight the GOPs lack of a plan to fix it.

Let's ignore the role themes like inequality and investment will play in 2014 and 2016.

2014 will look just like 2010 and Christie should start measuring the drapes.
Nothing will happen between now and next November, nothing.

Also let's ignore the other party does have a record they have to defend (crazy house votes) and can't run on saying no to everything and they have a dismal approval rating too.

Let's ignore the dems have done a great job of getting out certain voting groups (black voters, single women, Hispanics) when it counts.

2014 will look just like 2010
Also they're probably going to shut down the government again.
Can we stop the absolutely useless comparisons with past presidents? Its of no use and tells us nothing. They're are far too little examples. We've only had 3 presidents fully serve out two terms in the modern era

There were so many people telling us something had never happened and Obama was doomed until it happened
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