But how many people realize their report was erroneous?
When it happened to Rather, everyone and their mother knew the report was wrong because the news media bombarded us with it.
I'm fine with the argument that she made a mistake and paid the price, so it shouldn't be that big a deal. But my problem here is that if a liberal made this mistake, then the story would be huge and the non-conservative media would be all over it to show how non-biased they are.
It's bullshit. Either go after everyone who fucks up hard or don't. Don't do it based on politics.
People have gone harder on Bashir because he screwed up his implication that someone should shit in Palin's mouth when he should have said Palin's been shitting in our mouths, instead.
Nobody in the US gives a shit about Benghazi except conservatives who want it to be a scandal and liberals who are outraged the conservatives are trying to turn it into a scandal. That's even more true for Bashir.
Time and time again political scientists show none of this determines elections, it's just sport for the people interested in the inside baseball of politics.