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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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Geez, not even California or New York?

Welp the GOP is fucked in the long term if they gotta rely on white people to win elections.

What will be their demographic ten years from now?.
Ummm... don't give (white) women too much credit. You should really be thanking minorities.

If white women only voted, Obama would've taken CA, CT, DC, IL, IA, VT, ME, MA, MN, NH, NY, OR, WA, and WI. Couldn't find data on Delaware, or Hawaii.

I think we help out plenty. :)


If white women only voted, Obama would've taken CA, CT, DC, IL, IA, VT, ME, MA, MN, NH, NY, OR, WA, and WI. Couldn't find data on Delaware, or Hawaii.

I think we help out plenty. :)

Hey, I didn't say no credit! Just wanted to point out that white women alone wouldn't offset the mass stupidity of white men.
Happy Thanksgiving, PoliGAF! Here's a chart for you.


For more, click here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeedpolitics/what-the-2012-election-would-have-looked-like-with

Obama wouldn't even have won the white male in California and New York where he won big anyway?

Eye opening article, but this:

The United States doesn’t just have a large number of prisoners. It has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. Higher than Russia. Higher than Rwanda. In fact, as the Huffington Post reported earlier this year, if sitting in prison were a job, it would be one of the most common jobs in the United States. There are more U.S. prisoners than there are construction workers, engineers, and even high school teachers:

Is just fucking inexcusable.

Are you fucking kidding me, America?!


If white women only voted, Obama would've taken CA, CT, DC, IL, IA, VT, ME, MA, MN, NH, NY, OR, WA, and WI. Couldn't find data on Delaware, or Hawaii.

I think we help out plenty. :)

if Delaware and Hawaii flip when taking all white people into account, that means white women must lean Democrat to cancel out the Republican lean among white men

of course girls can't do math, why am I surprised :p
Question: So if a country is having mass inflation that means more money is being created than spent right? So in that situation you should invest in more things like infrastructure and what not in order to offset the inflation correct?
Question: So if a country is having mass inflation that means more money is being created than spent right?

Not necessarily. It could mean that something has happened to sharply reduce economic output or population size. The circumstance of too much money relative to goods and services can come about either by increasing the supply of money or by decreasing the supply of goods (or some combination of both). Both variables move. Sudden or sharp supply reductions are historically the primary cause of hyperinflation. See Zimbabwe:

Zimbabwe’s economic crisis and subsequent hyperinflation were preceded by several years of economic decline and mounting public debt. Weakening began in 1999, coinciding with periods of drought that adversely affected the agriculturally dependent nation. External debt as a share of GDP increased to 119 percent in 2008 from 11 percent in 1980. Land reallocation in 2000 and 2001, which redistributed large agricultural tracts, depressed commercial farming output. Output fell 50 percent between 2000 and 2009, led by a decline in the country’s major foreign-exchange cash crop, tobacco, which slid 64 percent in 2008 from 2000 levels (Chart 3). Commercial production of maize, the national staple, dropped 76 percent during the same time (FAOSTAT Database 2011). ...

The dire economic conditions prompted a wave of emigration to neighboring countries, contributing to a population and labor force decline beginning in 2003 (Chart 4). Zimbabwe emigration totaled 761,226, about 6 percent of the population in 2005. This number increased to 1.25 million in 2010, representing 9.9 percent of the population (World Bank 2008 and 2011).​

And when those people get out of jail they will be essentially barred from those, or any other kind of job.

America, the land of the free, where everyone is giving an equal chance to succeed (except if you are poor, a woman, an ex-convict, or a minority)

And thanks to Uncle Joe taking away Pell Grants for convicted felons it's not like they could get a higher education either.
Not necessarily. It could mean that something has happened to sharply reduce economic output or population size. The circumstance of too much money relative to goods and services can come about either by increasing the supply of money or by decreasing the supply of goods (or some combination of both). Both variables move. Sudden or sharp supply reductions are historically the primary cause of hyperinflation. See Zimbabwe:

Zimbabwe’s economic crisis and subsequent hyperinflation were preceded by several years of economic decline and mounting public debt. Weakening began in 1999, coinciding with periods of drought that adversely affected the agriculturally dependent nation. External debt as a share of GDP increased to 119 percent in 2008 from 11 percent in 1980. Land reallocation in 2000 and 2001, which redistributed large agricultural tracts, depressed commercial farming output. Output fell 50 percent between 2000 and 2009, led by a decline in the country’s major foreign-exchange cash crop, tobacco, which slid 64 percent in 2008 from 2000 levels (Chart 3). Commercial production of maize, the national staple, dropped 76 percent during the same time (FAOSTAT Database 2011). ...

The dire economic conditions prompted a wave of emigration to neighboring countries, contributing to a population and labor force decline beginning in 2003 (Chart 4). Zimbabwe emigration totaled 761,226, about 6 percent of the population in 2005. This number increased to 1.25 million in 2010, representing 9.9 percent of the population (World Bank 2008 and 2011).​


I see so it can be either investment or austerity. It depends on the situation. There needs to be a means to either increase demand or decreasing something is supplying too much. In Zimbabwe’s case the output was increasing demand and it kept shrinking to the point where sectors of the economy started under-performing as well, so it started becoming a mix of things.


And thanks to Uncle Joe taking away Pell Grants for convicted felons it's not like they could get a higher education either.

They can't even get student loans. Which, honestly, is probably a good thing since if you can't get a job why give people the hope of going to college, forcing them into massive debt, and then finding out afterwards that they have basically no chance of landing a regular job?

So, you see! Our system does make sense!
They can't even get student loans. Which, honestly, is probably a good thing since if you can't get a job why give people the hope of going to college, forcing them into massive debt, and then finding out afterwards that they have basically no chance of landing a regular job?

So, you see! Our system does make sense!

Oh well. Maybe one day we'll get a Congress progressive enough to undo all of the tough on crime shit passed in the 90s..

Probably not though.

Fun fact: Did you know Uncle Joe also wrote the single largest expansion of the death penalty in US history?


Oh well. Maybe one day we'll get a Congress progressive enough to undo all of the tough on crime shit passed in the 90s..

Probably not though.

Well, Holder, Rand Paul and Mike Lee, among others, are proposing measures to do away with or significantly change mandatory minimums, which is a decent first step.

Its absurd that that Florida representative was able to get a misdemeanor because he was using cocaine. If he was using crack, he would have been completely fucked. Hopefully all drug charges become misdemeanors
Does California still have their three strikes law? Good god that was one of the most horrible things passed in the crazy tough on crime phase in the 90s.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Merry Thanksgiving everyone!

Related political question: Wal-Mart is offering a $100 32" LCD T.V. Should I take it?
I really doubt Michelle wants anything to do with politics
Especially not with a kid in high school. She doesn't strike me as interested in politics, and will have as much if not more power as former FLOTUS than as a junior senator.

Tammy Duckworth is going to be the next junior senator from Illinois.
Especially not with a kid in high school. She doesn't strike me as interested in politics, and will have as much if not more power as former FLOTUS than as a junior senator.

Tammy Duckworth is going to be the next junior senator from Illinois.

Don't you think we'll get a triumphant return of Joe Walsh? (Where does the GOP find such winners?)
Moar bad news for Obamacare - health costs have been going down since it was enacted:


Very odd article. He admits we don't know how much of the decline is due to ACA or the economic downturn, and mentions a similar drop in the 90s - which coincidentally occurred during a down point for the US economy. The recession may have stabalized in 2010 but overall the US family income hasn't recovered fully, and only really began to stabilize this year. In short, people are still struggling and spending on healthcare has lowered.

We'll know for sure once the economy starts booming again, whenever that will happen.
I got a traffic ticket for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign when nobody was around – looks like Kay Hagan is gonna lose next year.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Very odd article. He admits we don't know how much of the decline is due to ACA or the economic downturn

What? He provides an estimation for each.

, and mentions a similar drop in the 90s - which coincidentally occurred during a down point for the US economy.

Again, what? He states that costs started going up again after 2000, and the economy was booming after 93.

Didn't Bush enact some legislation fucking up HMOs or something?
What? He provides an estimation for each.

Again, what? He states that costs started going up again after 2000, and the economy was booming after 93.

Didn't Bush enact some legislation fucking up HMOs or something?

Healthcare costs lowered during the recession of the early nineties, then slowly rose through the later nineties (leading up to 2000) when the economy was booming. Which is what he mentions as a caveat to the current good news about healthcare costs.
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