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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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No Scrubs
Nah, I mean his Wisconson backers. They see him as some amazing folk hero of the people BECAUSE he told took down Unions. They love him because instead of focusing on jobs he took down one of the bases of the middle class

Oh that? It's probably something like what's going on with Ron and Rand Paul. Neither should get the love they do and yet...all because of one position they hold.

Christie can and will. Party fatigue will set in. Hilary has a tremendous advantage but she's gonna still need to earn it and present herself as something other than another 4 years of Obama.

He won't play well outside of my neck of the woods. He's just too abrasive and he'll look even more like a dick against a woman.
Hilary has a tremendous advantage but she's gonna still need to earn it and present herself as something other than another 4 years of Obama.

That's why I think a left wing primary challenger will be healthy for her. It'll make her set her policies out in stone, and push her farther to the left (hopefully). It'll hopefully help her present herself as having fresh ideas in the general election.

With her latest charm offensive to try to mend her and Bill's relationship with the black community I think it's all but certain she's gonna run.
Hillary needs to earn her nomination. I completely agree. Lets not repeat the Obama's 1st debate performance against Romney and Martha Coakley's pitiful campaign.
Hillary needs to earn her nomination. I completely agree. Lets not repeat the Obama's 1st debate performance against Romney and Martha Coakley's pitiful campaign.

Hillary's already run a disastrous campaign, I think she learned a thing or two from 2008.

Like I said, I still think she needs someone like Bernie Sanders or Howard Dean to run, not necessarily to win the nomination but to make Hillary earn the nomination.
Also I hope the short attention spans of the American people doesn't fail us this time in regards to healthcare.gov.

The next budget battle should hopefully push the website failures out of people's minds and focus back on how much the GOP suck.

Don't fail us this time Reid, the nuclear option was awesome now go for the throat and get rid of the sequester.
Hillary's already run a disastrous campaign, I think she learned a thing or two from 2008.

Like I said, I still think she needs someone like Bernie Sanders or Howard Dean to run, not necessarily to win the nomination but to make Hillary earn the nomination.
She's doesn't need an ideological pure opponent. I just want to hear ideas and concrete policy proposals
Hillary's already run a disastrous campaign, I think she learned a thing or two from 2008.

Like I said, I still think she needs someone like Bernie Sanders or Howard Dean to run, not necessarily to win the nomination but to make Hillary earn the nomination.

Er, you must've not been listening to Howard Dean much. He's turned into a concern troll who's lobbying for various health care companies. If you want progressive Governor's to run, O'Malley or Deval are your men.
Er, you must've not been listening to Howard Dean much. He's turned into a concern troll who's lobbying for various health care companies. If you want progressive Governor's to run, O'Malley or Deval are your men.
Better than both: Shumlin. Though I'd rather him stay in Vermont.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
California GOP creates fake Obamacare website:

California Republicans are desperate and shameless. In the past two weeks, GOP Assembly members have sent mailings out on what appears to be the state's dime to their constituents about health insurance. Only, they don't direct those people to CoveredCA.com to sign up. Instead, they send them to their own astroturf version with the url CoveringHealthCareCA.com.
On their version, there are links to negative articles and twisted messages intended to sour people on signing up for health insurance before they ever land at the official health exchange site.

If you click on the "Don't have health insurance" tab on the front page, you're taken to a page that puts all the focus on the penalty and none on the benefits. In fact, they have a "penalty calculator" on that page, rather than a premium calculator.

These people are seriously horrible. As bad as this is by itself, it's even worse when you realize that the people who are being directed to this fake site are on the Republicans own mailing list. Meaning, this is their own voters!
California GOP creates fake Obamacare website:

These people are seriously horrible. As bad as this is by itself, it's even worse when you realize that the people who are being directed to this fake site are on the Republicans own mailing list. Meaning, this is their own voters!
Good thing this was in Cali, so the stink will probably be contained. Hopefully redder and purple states don't get any ideas. But I'm not too worried about that, because usually it's the Blue states where the GOP tries to pull hail mary passes like these.


Prepare yourselves for... Sharia law.

Fox & Friends Finds Proof That ‘Sharia Law Is Changing Everything’ in America

Buried among a slew of short news update on Monday morning’s edition of Fox & Friends was this disturbing revelation from reporter Heather Nauert: “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

Nauert was reporting on a YMCA swim class in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota that will cater to the religious beliefs of Somali-American girls. “The minority becoming the majority at one community pool,” she said. before issuing the warning that “similar classes are now starting at towns across the Midwest.”

According to The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, “During the hourlong swim practice, all other swimmers are cleared out of the pool. The men’s locker room is locked. Female life guards are brought in.”

While the Fox segment did highlight those aspects of the story, the show did not touch on the success the program has had at building up the girls’ confidence. “We’ve moved kids from being afraid of the water to really being able to tread water,” Mary Britts, executive director for the downtown YMCA told the Star-Tribune.

Proof that Sharia law is “changing everything?” Or one community’s attempt to help some young girls attend swim class?

They are trying to invade our swim classes!


No Scrubs
The YMCA is a private business right? One of the right wing's major arguments is that private business should be able to do whatever it wants…
No! They should only be allowed to discriminate! We can't let them accept people!

Just like how DOMA is a compromise between marriage equality and banning it. Well, it still bans it, but whatever.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is the guy that tried to get a lower minimum wage for kids with part-time jobs. Nothing should shock you, the entire party wants to take us back to the times before Teddy Roosevelt was president and corporations could pay workers with company dollars that can only be used in the company town in the company store.

Is he the same tool that wanted to demolish the workers mural in the one of the government buildings or something? Or was that Corbett?


The YMCA is a private business right? One of the right wing's major arguments is that private business should be able to do whatever it wants…

It's a 501(c)(3) entity. (I imagine Minnesota lets them incorporate despite not operating for profit.)


"Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) will continue his push to loosen the state's child labor laws in the new year, arguing that 12-year-old children should not be restricted from working and learning life skills."

I can't believe I'm reading this shit in 2013.
I'm pretty sure the commerce clause gives the Congress unlimited powers in economic matters, including regulating private business.


No Scrubs
Is he the same tool that wanted to the workers mural in the one of the government buildings or something? Or was that Corbett?

I honestly couldn't remember, this guy is fairly famous for constantly fighting to get the legal working age in Maine lowered to 12 in addition to the lower minimum wage for anyone under the age of 20. The bill that did that also got rid of the limits on the number of hours a student could work. Luckily it did not pass.

So I wasn't kidding when I made my "take the US back to before Teddy Roosevelt was president" remark and that makes me cry inside.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Goddamn it, Obama:

“The general contractor and rapid response team has served us well; enabling us to execute with private sector speed and focus currently and for the long term.”
In the report itself, HHS repeated the claim.

“While there is more work to be done, the team is operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness, and will continue their work to improve and enhance the website in the weeks and months ahead.”


He still doesn't know how to play the game.
YMCA is private, and they often house a variety of special classes. When I was homeschooled we would sometimes rent an hour at the pool, with other homeschool families, for swimming classes.
Our local township gymnasium has an entire wednesday women-only day. Absolutely no one cares.
Goddamn it, Obama:


He still doesn't know how to play the game.

Given how bad government has worked in this area, I have no problem with this outside of the clunky phrasing. The baffling thing here boils down to a simple idea: if government isn't efficient, why not work to make it efficient. This isn't an area that is subject to congressional obstruction, it's an issue of management and bureaucracy. In the website's case, they knew it wasn't working months ago yet no alarms went off.

Government does a lot of things well, most of which it doesn't get credit for. Which makes failures like this more frustrating, and more visible. I don't want to hear a president sounding like some powerless spectator as he laments how poorly government has handled IT for decades. Get better at it, and stop wasting money.

Edit: also can you imagine how hands on Clinton would have been with something like this? He's no IT guy obviously, but I'd imagine he would be deeply invested in receiving progress reports and general information updates on something this big and "geeky." I get the impression Obama didn't have any involvement or knowledge of the site's problems until the last minute. From the never ending loyalty in bad/ineffective people to poor oversight, I really get a crony corporation vibe from this administration.

President Barack Obama has at least one segment of America behind his health care law: the legalized prostitutes at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch.

The girls who work at the Bunny Ranch tell KRNV-TV that it was nearly impossible for them to get health insurance before because of their profession.

“Having this profession, we aren’t exactly offered group health insurance,” Taylor Lee said. “It’s hard because I do have a pre-existing condition so I really support Obamacare. I’m excited.”

Caressa Kisses said that insurance providers equated them to illegal prostitutes who have sexually transmitted diseases.

“We’re independent contractors. We have to get our own insurance but this is truly a blessing,” Kisses told KRNV. “I hope they work the kinks out and that affordable health care happens for all because it is really needed.”

Brothel owner Dennis Hof, though, does not back Obamacare. He’s worried he might have to provide health care coverage to his employees at his brothels and strip club.

“What am I going to do? I’m either going to have to spend a lot of money on health insurance because the rates are going up or I’m going to have to face severe penalties, so I’m really perplexed about all of this,” Hof told KRNV.


Given how bad government has worked in this area, I have no problem with this outside of the clunky phrasing. The baffling thing here boils down to a simple idea: if government isn't efficient, why not work to make it efficient. This isn't an area that is subject to congressional obstruction, it's an issue of management and bureaucracy. In the website's case, they knew it wasn't working months ago yet no alarms went off.

Government does a lot of things well, most of which it doesn't get credit for. Which makes failures like this more frustrating, and more visible. I don't want to hear a president sounding like some powerless spectator as he laments how poorly government has handled IT for decades. Get better at it, and stop wasting money.

Edit: also can you imagine how hands on Clinton would have been with something like this? He's no IT guy obviously, but I'd imagine he would be deeply invested in receiving progress reports and general information updates on something this big and "geeky." I get the impression Obama didn't have any involvement or knowledge of the site's problems until the last minute. From the never ending loyalty in bad/ineffective people to poor oversight, I really get a crony corporation vibe from this administration.

I agree. I forget if it was an article on Politico or Wonkblog but it was basically about how Obamacare is a good opportunity for Dems to put their money where their mouth is in terms of the Federal government being capable of solving complex social problems. I think ACA will ultimately be a good thing but it is a true test of the whole philosophy. I was very disappointed at how poorly Obama and Sebelius oversaw the implementation, I hope beyond Obama's new "sales pitch" they really put a lot of thought into making this work.


The Autumn Wind
Allow me:

Mini-Bargain: Patty Murray, Paul Ryan Closer To Modest Budget Deal

God please no, this is gonna be awful.

It's gonna be a little less sequester in exchange for fucking entitlement cuts. The sequester cuts will be implemented once again in a year or two, but the entitlement cuts? Those will never go away.
But Democrats demand revenues in the mix and Republicans categorically reject new taxes. So to thread that needle, sources familiar with the negotiations say, Murray and Ryan are weighing revenues in the form of asset sales and government fees, rather than Democrats' preference for raising revenue by scaling back tax loopholes.
Allow me:


Yet another conservative political cartoon I can't understand. Are women who take birth control diseased sluts and whores? Does "many women" refer to the women he sleeps with? Isn't the law that all women get birth control coverage?

What I'm saying is it needs more labels.
Mini-Bargain: Patty Murray, Paul Ryan Closer To Modest Budget Deal

God please no, this is gonna be awful.

It's gonna be a little less sequester in exchange for fucking entitlement cuts. The sequester cuts will be implemented once again in a year or two, but the entitlement cuts? Those will never go away.
Jesus Christ did you even read the article? It doesn't say anything about entitlement cuts, it's about government fees and assets.

I'm fine with it. It's another half measure obviously, and I'm sure tea party folks will demand more but I think Ryan can assure them/shut them up. Normally I couldn't care less about cutting military spending but sequestration goes beyond that, and harms the economy. It needs to go, and I'm annoyed it has taken so long to be addressed. I just don't see any urgency from anyone on the economy. It's slowly being strangled.
Jesus Christ did you even read the article? It doesn't say anything about entitlement cuts, it's about government fees and assets.

I'm fine with it. It's another half measure obviously, and I'm sure tea party folks will demand more but I think Ryan can assure them/shut them up. Normally I couldn't care less about cutting military spending but sequestration goes beyond that, and harms the economy. It needs to go, and I'm annoyed it has taken so long to be addressed. I just don't see any urgency from anyone on the economy. It's slowly being strangled.

The Republicans have every incentive to make sure this remains the situation.There's no urgency because Republicans want this to remain unfixed. The worse economy does the more uninformed votes to get in future elections. They've already shown they care much more about winning elections and actually governing, so the economy isn't going to get any help from better governance anytime soon. Any sort of budget deal that gets made is going to be a bad deal in the first place.


Jesus Christ did you even read the article? It doesn't say anything about entitlement cuts, it's about government fees and assets.

I'm fine with it. It's another half measure obviously, and I'm sure tea party folks will demand more but I think Ryan can assure them/shut them up. Normally I couldn't care less about cutting military spending but sequestration goes beyond that, and harms the economy. It needs to go, and I'm annoyed it has taken so long to be addressed. I just don't see any urgency from anyone on the economy. It's slowly being strangled.
Fuck that noise, the deal talks about spending levels of around 1 trillion dollars, that's below Ryan's original budget, that's a fucking giant cave by the dems and what they get in return is privatization of public assets and fees (which are generally regressive)?
Yeah, no.


Jesus Christ did you even read the article? It doesn't say anything about entitlement cuts, it's about government fees and assets.

I'm fine with it. It's another half measure obviously, and I'm sure tea party folks will demand more but I think Ryan can assure them/shut them up. Normally I couldn't care less about cutting military spending but sequestration goes beyond that, and harms the economy. It needs to go, and I'm annoyed it has taken so long to be addressed. I just don't see any urgency from anyone on the economy. It's slowly being strangled.

this article doesn't, but certain Very Serious People within the democratic party have been signaling lately that they'd be willing to make them.

oh and the economy will continue being strangled, even when the sequester is lifted, because republicans have zero intention to do anything about unemployment.

well, what we have here is a classic example of selection bias. no wonder the results are skewed. those claiming to be subjected to discrimtation are more apt to a poll inquiring about discrimination. news at 11! that's like those surveys employers send out company wide to ascertain satisfcation and only the disgruntled employees respond, distorting any ability to actually determine who's disastified and why.....
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