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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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This libertarian streak that's vomiting out of the likes of reddit really unnerves me. We're facing real problems in the U.S. (education, underemployment, environment, energy, etc.), yet they choose to focus only on what I can best term as first world issues. Important yes, but fundamentally less important than the stuff I listed above.
It is also concerning because should it remain a growing tend, the younger voting bloc may not be so reliably liberal anymore in a few years (especially taking into account the fact that youth voter turnout usually sucks major ass.)


Dan Rather weights in on the faux Benghazigate story.

Dan Rather: Lara Logan Got Fooled, But My Botched Story Was True (VIDEO)

He thinks he shouldn't be fired. There is a double standard here when it comes to Bush II vs Obama, clearly. She made a false report. She got caught. She should be fired. Dan Rather, on the other hand, should not have been forced to step down.

In other news, crazy Conservative Texan Congressman is being challenged by a psycho, insane Texas tea partier.
It is also concerning because should it remain a growing tend, the younger voting bloc may not be so reliably liberal anymore in a few years (especially taking into account the fact that youth voter turnout usually sucks major ass.)

Disagree. The libertarian "trend" only really seems to be a thing among the voting bloc that would have just voted vanilla republican in the past anyway.

That is, just about all of them are privileged white males. Same shit, different label.
Damnnn, looks like obama and the danish PM were getting a little too lovey dovey at the funeral and michelle had to intervene, lol. Someone post the pics, im on my phone..


Would need a video though.

She's fineeee:


Dan Rather weights in on the faux Benghazigate story.

Dan Rather: Lara Logan Got Fooled, But My Botched Story Was True (VIDEO)

He thinks he shouldn't be fired. There is a double standard here when it comes to Bush II vs Obama, clearly. She made a false report. She got caught. She should be fired. Dan Rather, on the other hand, should not have been forced to step down.

In other news, crazy Conservative Texan Congressman is being challenged by a psycho, insane Texas tea partier.
Dan Rather: "I mean, come on. She's so pretty."



Would need a video though.

She's fineeee:
Hahaha Michelle looks pissed.
NSA protestors are the victims of an effective propaganda movement by a libertarian fringe seeking to advance a radical anti-government agenda that will allow them to further dismantle our society and concentrate wealth and opportunity at the top.

Oh please. Better a libertarian than someone with your authoritarian views.
Christie is very disciplined in the NJ debates I've watched, but he has never truly been poked by someone on stage. How will he deal with Cruz or Paul blasting his record? Or the inevitable leaks that Drudge will get his hands on?

True but he also had really awful opponents. Like the state was throwing him softballs.

Gonna be fun to watch the train wreck. Dude can barely handle the teachers union and college students as it is.


Kerry is testifying before congress about the Iran deal....a congresswoman brings up Obama shaking hands with Raul Castro. Explain yourself Kerry!
The political damage absorbed by President Obama and his signature legislative achievement appears to have subsided, a poll released Tuesday found.

According to the latest Pew Research Center/USA Today poll, Obama's approval rating has finally ended what's been a five-month dip, although his standing is still considerably lower than where it was at the start of the year. The poll showed 45 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, compared with 49 percent who disapprove.

While that's lower than the 55 percent approval rating Obama boasted in a Pew poll a year ago, it's essentially the same as where it stood before the Affordable Care Act's flawed rollout took a huge political toll.

In September, before both the government shutdown and the launch of Obamacare, Pew found that 44 percent approved of Obama while 49 percent disapproved.

Tuesday's poll showed ratings for the Affordable Care Act also returning to pre-rollout levels, though the law still remains unpopular. Forty-one percent said they approve of the law, while 55 percent said they disapprove — virtually identical to Pew's poll in September, when 42 percent approved and 53 percent disapproved.

Basically, nothing has changed over the past 10 weeks.





House and Senate negotiators plan to roll out an agreement tonight to fund the government past Jan. 15, avoid another government shutdown and end the cycle of budget crises that have dominated Washington for much of the past three years.
Senate Budget Committee chairman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) were finalizing details and hoping to schedule a press conference to unveil the deal, which would partially repeal sharp agency spending cuts known as the sequester in fiscal 2014 and 2015.

Those savings would be replaced by roughly $65 billion in other policies, including fee increases for airline travelers, cuts to federal-worker and military pensions and higher payments for federal insurance of private pensions, according to people familiar with the talks.

Just defore 5 p.m., Ryan told reporters "don't leave" the Capitol
Ryan and Murray were rushing to file legislation before midnight so the House can vote as soon as Thursday and leave town for the year by the weekend. The Senate, which is scheduled to leave town next week, would vote thereafter.

conference coming today, soon I imagine.




I am kind of pissed at how sharply Obama has tanked with 18-29 year olds.

Best of luck with your new found appreciation for the GOP, kids. (lol)


What was the context and Kerry's response?

Kerry's response to that part was the U.S. policy hasn't changed towards Cuba and it was only a handshake. Context of the question was typical hearing shenanigans in which the "question" is a 3 minute airing of grievances with few actual questions. I don't remember it all.




I am kind of pissed at how sharply Obama has tanked with 18-29 year olds.

Best of luck with your new found appreciation for the GOP, kids. (lol)
Instead of being angry at the people fumbling shit, you're directing it at people showing disapproval in polls? O... kay.
Basically, nothing has changed over the past 10 weeks.






There is another quinnipac poll that isn't as positive.

BTW I can't take you seriously with your new avatar. You were like one of the elder states men of poligaf.
The fact that a news story is devoted to this is truly embarrassing.

Mandela would have liked it. He was a support of Castro. And Clinton shook Fidel's hand. No photo though
Budget agreement reached between Ryan and Murray

House and Senate budget negotiators will unveil a budget agreement Tuesday evening.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) both briefed their colleagues Tuesday on their plan to set spending levels for the next two years and reorganize budget cuts set to take hold in 2014.


The budget agreement, however modest, would represent a pause in the budget wars that have consumed Washington over the last few years. Under this agreement, appropriators would have new spending limits to craft appropriations bills. The government runs out of spending authority on Jan. 15.

Key players are beginning to signal that they are comfortable with the contours of the emerging deal. Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said she “can live with” the government spending $1.02 trillion in 2014.
Now for the tea party to sabotage the deal!
My god, media bias (or ignorance) is off the charts. From NBC on the budget agreement: "Though the tentative agreement falls far short of a 'grand bargain' that solves overarching fiscal issues through a combination of new taxes and entitlement reforms."

This implies--as a fact--that there are "fiscal issues" in need of solving. In a news story, not an opinion story.

And the budget deal is ridiculous. It's basically a fiscal armistice, but a fiscal armistice is bad for the country. Republicans have to be politically defeated for this country to move forward rationally. There is no alternative.
Deal is crap but the GOP wont let anything better through. And were not losing that much besides federal workers getting screwed again.


Disagree. The libertarian "trend" only really seems to be a thing among the voting bloc that would have just voted vanilla republican in the past anyway.

That is, just about all of them are privileged white males. Same shit, different label.
Yeah, I know a lot of college libertarians (they're everywhere in engineering), but almost all of them are white men who come from upper/middle class households.

Budget agreement reached between Ryan and Murray

Now for the tea party to sabotage the deal!

I'm waiting to see the details of the deal, but if Paul Ryan is ok with it, it's probably terrible. Maybe the Tea Party will once again save the country from Democrats' compromise.

My god, media bias (or ignorance) is off the charts. From NBC on the budget agreement: "Though the tentative agreement falls far short of a 'grand bargain' that solves overarching fiscal issues through a combination of new taxes and entitlement reforms."

This implies--as a fact--that there are "fiscal issues" in need of solving. In a news story, not an opinion story.

And the budget deal is ridiculous. It's basically a fiscal armistice, but a fiscal armistice is bad for the country. Republicans have to be politically defeated for this country to move forward rationally. There is no alternative.
This is basically my initial position, but Republicans are going to hold the House until at least 2016 almost certainly. And while I agree that fiscal armistice is bad for the country, the sequester and status quo is likely worse, so at some point some form of armistice will be needed. Unfortunately I have very little faith in Democrats' negotiating abilities, so I'm going to assume any deal will be shit.
I think the only good thing about this is it contributes more 'deficit reduction' which is good in the public eyes but delays worse deals for at while. Eventually the deficit will go down without more cuts and take that away from the GOP in future elections.
I think the only good thing about this is it contributes more 'deficit reduction' which is good in the public eyes but delays worse deals for at while. Eventually the deficit will go down without more cuts and take that away from the GOP in future elections.

I'm not sure this really makes a difference because the public erroneously believes the deficit is increasing.


6. The deal doesn't include any extension of unemployment insurance -- and no such extension is forthcoming. During the negotiations, Republicans proved hostile even to limited extensions in unemployment insurance. Right now, the House is expected to vote on Friday to pass the budget deal and delay the SGR's cuts to Medicare's doctor pay. They're expected to let unemployment benefits for 1.3 million long-term unemployed expire.


Yeah, I would say that is a pretty important victory if you are a Republican.

I'd say overall Democrats as usual got a horrible deal. And as already noted, the Tea Party hasn't even attempted to poison the well yet.

Democrats are apparently going to try and push again for UE extension but I think the House is wrapping it up for the year after this. I'm probably fucked, thankfully my state UE has some time left next year (but not much).

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

Yeah, I would say that is a pretty important victory if you are a Republican.

I'd say overall Democrats as usual got a horrible deal. And as already noted, the Tea Party hasn't even attempted to poison the well yet.

Democrats are apparently going to try and push again for UE extension but I think the House is wrapping it up for the year after this. I'm probably fucked, thankfully my state UE has some time left next year (but not much).

Also I thought the GOP came out looking like assholes after the shutdown. How the hell did the democrats end up with the shit deal?

The revenue raisers include higher federal worker contributions to the pensions and higher airline ticket fees. In an effort to secure conservative support, none of the revenues come from the tax code.

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