Cruz is like Herman Cain without any of the charm.
Yeah, what was with Dana Bash thinking Obama making a positive speech is going to doom the House GOP vote? gtfo
Are you prepared to be responsible for America defaulting? was a great line.Piers is actually be a strong interviewer. Damn.
Flagler here. Actually kinda swing but leans R. But my district is super red.Thankfully in the liberal haven of Broward County.
He's much smarter than Herman Cain. I think he is starting to typecast himself though.
Yeah, what was with Dana Bash thinking Obama making a positive speech is going to doom the House GOP vote? gtfo
lol that guy named crapo is so crapo
$24 billion dollars wasted brought to you by the GOP.
$24 billion.
At least it didn't go to any poor people.
Since you seem to use this phrase a lot, I'll be That Guy(tm) and let you know it's "toe the line". As in, "line up shoulder to shoulder, and present a united front."
The silver lining is that now budget negotiations are actually going to happen and the current CR expiring lines up with the next round of sequester cuts that hit the military fairly hard.So any thoughts on what the silver lining is the GOP? Bringing the country to the brink has obviously cost the party and the country considerable damage, but has it come with the (small) benefit of finally revealing the true colours of the tea party wing to the American people? These people are now on record for wanting to both shut down the government and default on its obligations.
In other words - is this the moment the establishment / moderate wings of the party swing the pendulum back, after three years of a steady move to the right?
The silver lining is that now budget negotiations are actually going to happen and the current CR expiring lines up with the next round of sequester cuts that hit the military fairly hard.
Oh wait, silver lining for Republicans? I'll have to get back to you on that.
That should be the very first thing done.Imagine if Obama demanded $24b in spending added to the budget to help make up the shortfall to the economy.
I've been hearing this a lot. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.So I was able to complete my parents' application on tonight. Thing is, I needed to use IE. Site worked fine but didn't let me complete with Firefox
Booker wins.
So any thoughts on what the silver lining is the GOP? Bringing the country to the brink has obviously cost the party and the country considerable damage, but has it come with the (small) benefit of finally revealing the true colours of the tea party wing to the American people? These people are now on record for wanting to both shut down the government and default on its obligations.
In other words - is this the moment the establishment / moderate wings of the party swing the pendulum back, after three years of a steady move to the right?
Hooray for Democrats actually going out and voting off-cycle!Booker wins, per AP.
Booker wins, per AP.
Which would also be the case if they were able to extract serious concessions out of this stunt. There's no changing that.The radical right, the primary voter, is further radicalized.
If Hillary doesn't run (Or gets Obama'ed again) he is our next president.Booker wins, per AP.
Booker wins, per AP.
Cruz, that Phil Helmuth look-a-like, smug piece of trash
Bahahahaha!!If Hillary doesn't run (Or gets Obama'ed again) he is our next president.
Booker wins, per AP.
If Hillary doesn't run (Or gets Obama'ed again) he is our next president.
He's the second choice for the democratic establishment, Has financial backing. And republicans aren't going to win 2016. Seems like a safe bet to me.Bahahahaha!!
I like jokes.
If Hillary doesn't run (Or gets Obama'ed again) he is our next president.
I've been hearing this a lot. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.
Not a whole lot, but I'm guessing the problems won't last much longer anyway.How many people would know to try this though?
$24 billion dollars wasted brought to you by the GOP.
$24 billion.
So any thoughts on what the silver lining is the GOP? Bringing the country to the brink has obviously cost the party and the country considerable damage, but has it come with the (small) benefit of finally revealing the true colours of the tea party wing to the American people? These people are now on record for wanting to both shut down the government and default on its obligations.
In other words - is this the moment the establishment / moderate wings of the party swing the pendulum back, after three years of a steady move to the right?
NEW YORK - Journalists Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras will be working with Glenn Greenwald on a new media venture funded by billionaire eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Scahill, a dogged investigative journalist who focuses on national security, and Poitras, a filmmaker who has extensively covered surveillance issues, had already been in discussions with Greenwald about starting a venture together when Omidyar approached with a similar vision for a new media outlet, sources said.
Cruz, that Phil Helmuth look-a-like, smug piece of trash
Oooh, but what about Hilldawg/ Booker?
How is NJ so reliably Democratic despite having a Republican Gov?
I'd rather we have Hilldawg/Warren.
And as much as I hate saying it, that's the smart and necessary move.There's a 100% chance Hilary picks a white male as a running mate.
I'd rather we have Hilldawg/Warren.