God dammit, I fell into the classic trap of trying to argue politics with your family. Usually I can get by with just rolling my eyes or sighing when they start raging about whatever recent indignity Obama has personally subjected them to, but they drew me offside today with the one-two punch of "Obama had more guards at the WWII Memorial than Benghazi!" and "Obama shut down the Amber Alert website, but not Michelle's exercise site!"
Me: "The Amber Alert site was only down for a few hours and it didn't effect whether Amber Alerts went out."
Them: "Well, they're still just picking and choosing what to shut down."
Me: "If Republicans want the government open so bad, all they gotta do is reopen it."
Them: "The House sent over three bills, and Harry Reid rejected them!"
Me: "Partial bills that wouldn't reopen the entire government. All they have to do is send over a clean bill to reopen the entire government, and it would be reopened."
Them: "Well, they're all to blame really! We need to just vote them all out of there!"
Me: "Yeah great, that's what the Tea Party did in 2010, and it's all the new people that are the ones that are pushing to shut the government down."
Them: "Well, that's what they were elected to do! People voted for them so they would defund Obamacare, and that's what they're doing!"
Me: "Obamacare is already funded, the shutdown has no effect on it. It's up and running, you can go on the website right now and sign up for it. They only thing they can do now is threaten to shutdown the government until Obama agrees to unfund it, which he's not going to do."
Them: "Obamacare was funded illegally, then."
Me: "What?? How was it funded illegally?"
Them: "Congress controls the purse strings, so if they don't fund something, it can't get funded, so Obamacare is illegal."
Me: "Yeahhhh....hey that pie looks pretty good, I'm gonna get a slice, anyone else want one?"