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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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I called it.

You what will be really funny . . . if the GOP abandons trying to kill Obamacare because they finally realize that he is not going to budge and then they get him to reduce social security through chained CPI or something. Then cranky old Tea partiers don't get Obamacare killed but they get their own social security cut. An ultimate back-fire.

Klobuchar really wants that medical device tax repeal apparently. The tax is going to be repealed eventually anyway, so I don't exactly know why she's risking fucking up Reid's game-plan over it.
One word: Medtronic

All politics is local. She doesn't want to just repeal it, she wants to be seen as instrumental in repealing it.


does Louie Gohmert ever not look (or say anything) stupid?


I know I know...attack the ideas, not the person. But I swear every time I see this dude he does his best to make sure both the dumb ideas and his look are perfectly in sync. It's like he was bred in a Tea Party laboratory or something.
This man was a judge before he was elected, if that's not a scary thought. I don't know what is.


How do republicans still dominate old people votes with all this bullshit? Is it misdirection? Or is it just because of black people? Do they bother them that much?

Because those people are getting their information from different sources from you and I, and are told to be skeptical of information their receive from mainstream sources.


How do republicans still dominate old people votes with all this bullshit? Is it misdirection? Or is it just because of black people? Do they bother them that much?

because nothing they do affects old or close to retirement people, they already got theirs and the selfish generation just doesnt give a fuck about anyone else
How do republicans still dominate old people votes with all this bullshit? Is it misdirection? Or is it just because of black people? Do they bother them that much?

I don't know. It is bizzare. There are friends of my parents whom I used to respect that have just gone silly. One guy was a vice president of a utility company and has various utility buildings named after him tells me "You know, Obama was born in Kenya." I don't understand. I think some people sign up to a team and then they are loyal to that team even if it makes no logical sense. Like religion, basically.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
because nothing they do affects old or close to retirement people, they already got theirs and the selfish generation just doesnt give a fuck about anyone else

How close is close to retirement? They dominate everyone pretty much 50 and older and I don't consider 10 years to retirement as close to retirement.


I don't know. It is bizzare. There are friends of my parents whom I used to respect that have just gone silly. One guy was a vice president of a utility company and has various utility buildings named after him tells me "You know, Obama was born in Kenya." I don't understand. I think some people sign up to a team and then they are loyal to that team even if it makes no logical sense. Like religion, basically.

This is exactly it. Generally they just adopt their parents' "team" and go from there. That and racism/homophobia/abortion.
I don't know. It is bizzare. There are friends of my parents whom I used to respect that have just gone silly. One guy was a vice president of a utility company and has various utility buildings named after him tells me "You know, Obama was born in Kenya." I don't understand. I think some people sign up to a team and then they are loyal to that team even if it makes no logical sense. Like religion, basically.

ding ding!


How do republicans still dominate old people votes with all this bullshit? Is it misdirection? Or is it just because of black people? Do they bother them that much?

I don't know. It is bizzare. There are friends of my parents whom I used to respect that have just gone silly. One guy was a vice president of a utility company and has various utility buildings named after him tells me "You know, Obama was born in Kenya." I don't understand. I think some people sign up to a team and then they are loyal to that team even if it makes no logical sense. Like religion, basically.

Basically because:

1. Most seniors watch a lot of Fox News.
2. Most seniors trust other old white people.
3. Military.

The third one is a big one for seniors. A lot of them remember days in the military or seeing Republican leaders helping the military (Storm the barricades to open the monuments!)
My grandfather is the same way. He remembers mostly Republican leaders helping him and giving him orders. And he would never vote Democratic because of that.
Rather a disgusting tactic, but oh well.


will gain confidence one day
Isn't it just because seniors are nostalgic by nature? Also, they tend to be more religious, which aligns with the social conservative issues.


A few quotes from my local news Facebook post:

First off Obama thinks being president means vacations and Ruling people, that he has no rules , no constitution to follow and that his way of thinking is the only way it is going to be plus his wife is trying to tell everyone what to eat and how big of portions we can have, if these 2 don't get back to Indonesia and outta the White House , we will not make it another 3 yrs!!

The republicans and democrats are all at fault neither side will budge. The scenario is you have two kids (democrats and republicans) they are playing with a toy (Obama care) one kid doesn't want the toy nor for anyone else to be playing with it (republicans) and the other kid doesn't wanna give the toy up to make peace (democrats) neither child can agree on a compromise an both sides refuse to budge at all even if it means shutting down play time all together. What the children need to do is realize their selfishness is hurting everyone else that's not even involved in their argument and the day care could be shut down forever because of it learn to get along stop being selfish and comprise over their toy so we can all have peace!

Or burn the toy to the ground then noone has anything to argue over. OR look at how expensive the toy is, and decide whether or not 300 years of debt is worth it. Nope. Good analogy though but it's wrong. Republicans asked that the democrats only remove the congressional exemption on OBAMACARE and they wouldn't. I pay for myself. I can't afford to pay for everyone else. They can fend for themselves

Tax money is still flowing to Washington. The only reason we would default on borrowed money Interest payments is if the treasury department decides not to pay it. The money will be there to pay the loans. Moody's even has a report about it. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/business/2013-10/09/c_132781975.htm

It's the fastest way to a balanced budget. The government is forced to only spend what it takes in. Isn't it better for us now to go through the hard times and make sacrifices rather than force it on our children?

Jesus Christ.

Joe Molotov

God dammit, I fell into the classic trap of trying to argue politics with your family. Usually I can get by with just rolling my eyes or sighing when they start raging about whatever recent indignity Obama has personally subjected them to, but they drew me offside today with the one-two punch of "Obama had more guards at the WWII Memorial than Benghazi!" and "Obama shut down the Amber Alert website, but not Michelle's exercise site!"

Me: "The Amber Alert site was only down for a few hours and it didn't effect whether Amber Alerts went out."

Them: "Well, they're still just picking and choosing what to shut down."

Me: "If Republicans want the government open so bad, all they gotta do is reopen it."

Them: "The House sent over three bills, and Harry Reid rejected them!"

Me: "Partial bills that wouldn't reopen the entire government. All they have to do is send over a clean bill to reopen the entire government, and it would be reopened."

Them: "Well, they're all to blame really! We need to just vote them all out of there!"

Me: "Yeah great, that's what the Tea Party did in 2010, and it's all the new people that are the ones that are pushing to shut the government down."

Them: "Well, that's what they were elected to do! People voted for them so they would defund Obamacare, and that's what they're doing!"

Me: "Obamacare is already funded, the shutdown has no effect on it. It's up and running, you can go on the website right now and sign up for it. They only thing they can do now is threaten to shutdown the government until Obama agrees to unfund it, which he's not going to do."

Them: "Obamacare was funded illegally, then."

Me: "What?? How was it funded illegally?"

Them: "Congress controls the purse strings, so if they don't fund something, it can't get funded, so Obamacare is illegal."

Me: "Yeahhhh....hey that pie looks pretty good, I'm gonna get a slice, anyone else want one?"
Speaking of FB debates

Been arguin with a libertarian for a month or so about everything from the ACA, medicaid, benghazi, Obama, tea party, etc.

So he brings up fraud with food stamps. I bring up the study that shows it has a fraud rate of about 2.5% which is about 6% lower than social security and medicare. The actual proof from the Dept of Agriculture. His response? 'WELL I KNOW PEOPLE WHO SELL THEIR FOOD FOR DRUGS!' Asked over and over for actual evidence but he went right back to anecdotal shit. Dude was homeless and on foodstamps but wants tocut them for others.


Why do you guys do this to yourselves? Just leave the crazies to their crazy. You can't convert them. They don't want to be.
God dammit, I into the classic trap of trying to argue politics with your family. Usually I can get by with just rolling my eyes or sighing when they start raging about whatever recent indignity Obama has personally subjected them to, but they drew me offside today with the one-two punch of "Obama had more guards at the WWII Memorial than Benghazi!" and "Obama shut down the Amber Alert website, but not Michelle's exercise site!"

I just don't understand how they think Obama does all of this. He's got daily national security briefings, a war in Afghanistan, negotiations with the GOP over the shutdown, and a million other things . . . and yet people think Obama is picking how many guards to put at monuments?

A big meme has been "Obama locked up the WW2 monument but allowed a bunch of illegals to have a protest at the national mall!" First of all, Obama probably has NOTHING to do with any of this. Monuments, like the Lincoln memorial, have been vandalized recently and there is some reason to protect them. A big open space like the national mall is open for First Amendment protest things . . . like Glenn Beck who is there this weekend with his own event along with Freedomworks so it is clear they are not just allowing people do things on an ideological basis.

It basically comes down to the fact that if you hate Obama, you'll believe any BS propaganda that puts him in a bad light. Heck, there are STILL millions of birthers.
I just don't understand how they think Obama does all of this. He's got daily national security briefings, a war in Afghanistan, negotiations with the GOP over the shutdown, and a million other things . . . and yet people think Obama is picking how many guards to put at monuments?

A big meme has been "Obama locked up the WW2 monument but allowed a bunch of illegals to have a protest at the national mall!" First of all, Obama probably has NOTHING to do with any of this. Monuments, like the Lincoln memorial, have been vandalized recently and there is some reason to protect them. A big open space like the national mall is open for First Amendment protest things . . . like Glenn Beck who is there this weekend with his own event along with Freedomworks so it is clear they are not just allowing people do things on an ideological basis.

It basically comes down to the fact that if you hate Obama, you'll believe any BS propaganda that puts him in a bad light. Heck, there are STILL millions of birthers.

you just answered your own question!


Why do you guys do this to yourselves? Just leave the crazies to their crazy. You can't convert them. They don't want to be.

Every time I see this shit on facespace, I tell myself this. It's all very disheartening how the Right has convinced middle white America that all of their problems are because of the poor.

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen to the brain of one of these people if, say, Fox News legitimately and instantly began supporting Obama?


Every time I see this shit on facespace, I tell myself this. It's all very disheartening how the Right has convinced middle white America that all of their problems are because of the poor.

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen to the brain of one of these people if, say, Fox News legitimately instantly began supporting Obama?

They'd be the good little lemmings they are and nod their head and agree.



New Conspiracy Alert: Reverse Birtherism
So I talked to my tea party loving father today and he revealed to me the new conspiracy that he and other right-wingers are now spreading. He is willing to concede that Obama was born in Hawaii, as faking that birth certificate isn't possible, but this group of tea partiers now think Obama only managed to get into Columbia and Harvard because he claimed he was from Kenya. As proof, my dad said that Obama's grades were too poor to be accepted to either of those universities unless he was some from third world nation, and that the biography about Obama that mentioned him being from Kenya also resulted due to this claim in college. Additionally my dad said that Obama's classmates at Columbia have said they never saw Obama in class, so somehow Obama had gotten an exception from Columbia that he didn't need to go to class because the classes were too hard for him.

My response: yeah-okay.gif

God dammit, I into the classic trap of trying to argue politics with your family. Usually I can get by with just rolling my eyes or sighing when they start raging about whatever recent indignity Obama has personally subjected them to, but they drew me offside today with the one-two punch of "Obama had more guards at the WWII Memorial than Benghazi!" and "Obama shut down the Amber Alert website, but not Michelle's exercise site!"

Me: "The Amber Alert site was only down for a few hours and it didn't effect whether Amber Alerts went out."

Them: "Well, they're still just picking and choosing what to shut down."

Me: "If Republicans want the government open so bad, all they gotta do is reopen it."

Them: "The House sent over three bills, and Harry Reid rejected them!"

Me: "Partial bills that wouldn't reopen the entire government. All they have to do is send over a clean bill to reopen the entire government, and it would be reopened."

Them: "Well, they're all to blame really! We need to just vote them all out of there!"

Me: "Yeah great, that's what the Tea Party did in 2010, and it's all the new people that are the ones that are pushing to shut the government down."

Them: "Well, that's what they were elected to do! People voted for them so they would defund Obamacare, and that's what they're doing!"

Me: "Obamacare is already funded, the shutdown has no effect on it. It's up and running, you can go on the website right now and sign up for it. They only thing they can do now is threaten to shutdown the government until Obama agrees to unfund it, which he's not going to do."

Them: "Obamacare was funded illegally, then."

Me: "What?? How was it funded illegally?"

Them: "Congress controls the purse strings, so if they don't fund something, it can't get funded, so Obamacare is illegal."

Me: "Yeahhhh....hey that pie looks pretty good, I'm gonna get a slice, anyone else want one?"

Both these posts had me rollin'. Holy shit.

There's a part of me that would like to engage these people in dialogue, but past experience has shown that to be an exercise in futility. I just don't think that two people with opposing viewpoints can have a rational discussion on politics on the internet. There's something about the medium that just entrenches people into their corner. I would rather have a discussion face to face over a beer.
New house offer:

@robertcostaNRO: package (so far): 6-wk DL ext, Lankford bill on shutdowns, income verification for O'care applicants, Vitter amdt
New house offer:

@robertcostaNRO: package (so far): 6-wk DL ext, Lankford bill on shutdowns, income verification for O'care applicants, Vitter amdt

They're going to keep bullshitting until the last minute...

Which is why I'd prefer Reid to get a deal done in the senate fast; I hoped something could have passed today, but maybe monday or tuesday makes more sense. It's clear the House still doesn't "get" it, and Boehner is trying to run out the clock as much as possible. The senate needs to pass something, soon.


Both these posts had me rollin'. Holy shit.

There's a part of me that would like to engage these people in dialogue, but past experience has shown that to be an exercise in futility. I just don't think that two people with opposing viewpoints can have a rational discussion on politics on the internet. There's something about the medium that just entrenches people into their corner. I would rather have a discussion face to face over a beer.

It's literally impossible to convince most people like this to change their views because you can create the most logically sound, fact based, arguments entirely backed up by citations from reputable sources; and they'll just dismiss all of with "well that's just not what I believe."

Politics is a second religion to these people. The Constitution is their second bible and the Republican Party is their clergy, there to interpret the sacred texts and intentions of our Holy Founding Fathers for them.


If things end up going Senate>House instead of House>Senate, would that take longer? Forgive my ignorance.


It basically comes down to the fact that if you hate Obama, you'll believe any BS propaganda that puts him in a bad light. Heck, there are STILL millions of birthers.

... which is why when people say that the left were just as bad under Bush, I shake my head. The opposition may have not bee perfect but at least they hated on the real guy and the actual real things he did (e.g start a war under false pretenses). The opposition to Obama has gone into cartoon villain ridiculous territory.
New house offer:

@robertcostaNRO: package (so far): 6-wk DL ext, Lankford bill on shutdowns, income verification for O'care applicants, Vitter amdt

Sorry I'm out of the news loop today... what exactly is the Vitter amendment? I have a feeling it's a doozy.

Also, verifying income for Obamacare seems like it would be very difficult to do...
ding ding!

I've seen this to a very large degree amongst my conservative friends and family. Religion implores you to have "faith" in what you believe, thereby encouraging that the pursuit of evidence for a platform should come after that platform has been adopted. Whether I claim skepticism for the existence of an all-powerful deity, skepticism for the claim that Democrats rigged the 2012 elections, or skepticism over the idea that the Kennedys, Clintons, and so on have had numerous political opponents murdered, I am called gullible, and I am met with a demand to prove such claims wrong, when typically it would be on the claim maker to prove such things right.

All people suffer from confirmation bias to some degree, but it's much, much stronger amongst the religious right, because it is a mentality that is openly encouraged by their faith.

Hell, I used to peddle the "faith" bullshit in my younger days.


At this point, it's probably best to ignore anything coming from the House as simply fart in the wind.

Best to just focus on the Senate.


I'm not understanding the push for income verification. Wouldn't the implementation of this cost even more than the plan does now?


I'm not understanding the push for income verification. Wouldn't the implementation of this cost even more than the plan does now?

Republicans want to kill the ACA.
This will help do that.
The harder they can make it for people to get covered, then the quicker they can say that Obama failed the people.
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