Well, when I can get people into that position, I declare victory and end.It's literally impossible to convince most people like this to change their views because you can create the most logically sound, fact based, arguments entirely backed up by citations from reputable sources; and they'll just dismiss all of with "well that's just not what I believe."
Politics is a second religion to these people. The Constitution is their second bible and the Republican Party is their clergy, there to interpret the sacred texts and intentions of our Holy Founding Fathers for them.
I really think that many political disputes could be ended rather quickly if people could just agree upon the facts. But a lot of people just don't like reality and create their own facts. And that is a fundamental problem.
I'm coming to the conclusion that things were easier in politics when we had the three TV networks that all put out news broadcasts that were all basically middle-of-the-road and the same. But now we have have a highly fractured mediaverse and a lot of people are listening to pure unadulterated bullshit. There is bullshit on both sides but the far-right has really gone into fantasyland with massive piles of bullshit so huge that they are barely connected with reality. They really think they are winning with this shutdown . . . hey, just ignore those polls showing the GOP at record lows!