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PoliGAF 2013 |OT3| 1,000 Years of Darkness and Nuclear Fallout

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It's not like he wrote the book either, of course. Someone else wrote it and he looked it over, maybe reading the whole thing and maybe making some changes, and approved it. You can't really expect someone to catch plagiarism in a book ghostwritten on their behalf.

For me this is entirely about how awfully he's responded to this. His reaction to being an accessory to plagiarism has been to dishonestly attempt to protect himself politically instead of acknowledging that wrong was done and either apologizing or fingering the responsible person or both.

And that's something which is a major problem for a politician. Covering up wrongdoing in order to protect him or herself politically reflects directly on a politician's credibility. It's even worse in this case because of how trivial the wrongdoing was and how clumsy his attempted defense was. This wasn't a rational coverup. This is a bigger story because of his coverup than it would otherwise be, and he was never going to be able to keep a lid on this given all these instances of plagiarism coming out. That his first instinct in the face of a slightly inconvenient truth is to start bullshitting is a problem for me, not that I was a fan to begin with. It's not like this is the first time either. See his comments on the Civil Rights Act - he loves posing as a courageous libertarian but, as noxious as his principles are, he's not actually willing to admit to holding them in front of a non-sympathetic audience.

I can agree with this.

Yeah, because apologizing and blaming the ghost writer worked so incredibly well for his father.

I dont think Gotchaye is advocating that. Thats simply just the likely truth of the situation. The politically smart move is to accept all blame since the buck stops with him, blah blah, and move on. Quickest way to kill a story and look the best. You dont look good if you blame others or start making excuses.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh and since you guys were on the subject of houses and Dodd-Frank and all that, can someone explain to me Freedie/Fannie's role in crash? Or at least why Republicans are directing all the blame at them? I know they bought up toxic assets, but I thought all the major banks did that as well. And that's all I know...


Oh and since you guys were on the subject of houses and Dodd-Frank and all that, can someone explain to me Freedie/Fannie's role in crash? Or at least why Republicans are directing all the blame at them? I know they bought up toxic assets, but I thought all the major banks did that as well. And that's all I know...
It all comes from one dissenting voice int the FCIC, a guy from AEI (which is the think tank that is largely responsible for GWB amazingly successful economic plan), you can read about it here if you're really bored, it's all bullshit.
Oh and since you guys were on the subject of houses and Dodd-Frank and all that, can someone explain to me Freedie/Fannie's role in crash? Or at least why Republicans are directing all the blame at them? I know they bought up toxic assets, but I thought all the major banks did that as well. And that's all I know...

It's wrong, they had no role in the crash other than being a victim like many others. Just like the CRA did not, either.

The GOP blames them because gov't bad. They ignore all the evidence that the problem in the sub-prime market came almost exclusively from the private lenders.



edit: whoa wtf you beat me, chichkov! You will pay for this transgression!

edit: Well fine then, I'll contribute something else: http://www.newyorkfed.org/research/staff_reports/sr318.html


It's faster, still doesn't work. Horay.
Yep. As of right now, still not getting my eligibility results (HTTP 400/blank page depending on browser), 33 days later.

This is a fucking disaster. If this can't get fixed by the end of the year they're really going to have to consider delaying the individual mandate.

edit: Things aren't looking so hot for Net Neutrality if this article is an indication... It's happening



Generation X (Reagan years) is more Republican than the baby boomers (hippies/Vietnam).

Actually looking at political affiliation based on when we came of age tends to suggest this isn't entirely true. The Repub "lean" for GenX occupies a fairly small chunk of us, and is never quite as strong as the Boomers lean, while the Democratic lean for GenXers is pretty strong for Xers born in the mid-seventies and on:
On Monday, he once again defended the line.

"What we said was you could keep [your plan] if it hasn't changed since the law was passed," Obama said, as quoted by CBS News. "If the insurance company changes it ... they've got to change it to a higher standard."

That's simply not true. The plan was sold from day one as not interfering with existing coverage ("if you like your coverage you can keep your coverage"). There was no asterisk, at least not during public comments.


It's just Anonymous. Nothing to really report except the sudden surge in V masks.


I think thousands of people worldwide protesting against austerity and corruption is pretty notable. That's a picture of london right now^, where the march seems to have the most traction.
He repeated that statement many times without any qualifier and outside of that context. Purposefully or not, people were mislead.

He did a few times:

“When I say ‘If you have your plan and you like it,… or you have a doctor and you like your doctor, that you don't have to change plans,’” the president said after we asked him about this, “what I'm saying is the government is not going to make you change plans under health reform.”


In an article stating what will happen. The media knew about this years ago.



I think thousands of people worldwide protesting against austerity and corruption is pretty notable. That's a picture of london right now^, where the march seems to have the most traction.

It's also about censorship, which I doubt will have any effect whatsoever.


No Scrubs
After Plagiarism Charges, Paul Announces Office Restructuring

WASHINGTON — Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who in recent weeks has had to explain a series of plagiarism charges, said in an interview Tuesday that he was being held to an unfair standard, but that there would be an office “restructuring” to prevent future occurrences.

Sitting in a conference room in his Senate office complex, Mr. Paul, drawn and clearly shaken by the plagiarism charges, offered a mix of contrition and defiance. He said that he was not certain whether it would affect his prospects should he decide to run for president in 2016 — he said he would happily return to his Kentucky doctor’s practice — and he asserted that was being unfairly targeted.

Acknowledging that his office had “made mistakes,” he said he was putting a new system in place to ensure that all of his materials are properly footnoted and cited.

“What we are going to do from here forward, if it will make people leave me the hell alone, is we’re going to do them like college papers,” he said. “We’re going to try to put out footnotes. We’re going to have them available. If people want to request the footnoted version, we’re going to have it available.”

So basically the solution to his plagiarism problem is to give himself a way to cover his own ass and not actually fix the problem.

I know a lot of people didn't think this was a big deal, but if this is how he solves problems then it's a big issue. His solution to this small issue isn't a solution, it's just a way to give his team time to cover their asses.

On another note, is it really so hard to type "so-and-so said" at the end of a paragraph? That's ALL he needs to do going forward. That's it. Instead he comes up with a way to keep doing what he's doing, but now he's got a way to cover his own ass.

EDIT: Also if the published version of the articles don't feature these footnotes he says can be available, then it's still plagiarism.
Didja vote, people? I voted. Mostly for some school bonds.

And I carried on my tradition of voting for Lizard Man for some local board position.



He did a few times:


In an article stating what will happen. The media knew about this years ago.
How is the government regulating your plan out of existence not the government forcing you to change plans?

He only got into this level of detail when pushed, and he goes on to put the blame mostly on employer decision making when many of the plans are being canceled as a direct consequence of provisions of the health-care law. I support the ACA, but I don't really blame republicans for jumping on this. It looks like he kept his statements as vague and information lite as possible in order to slip one by the millions of people this effects.


No Scrubs
Your ballot has been rejected as too vague. You need to name a specific Lizard Person.

He should have written in Gorlock: God-King of the Lizard Men. That's a guy who knows how to take care of business. Do you remember how he handled the corralium mine revolts of the year 1579? Or the 23rd Civil War of 1678?
Hillary Clinton continues to be the overall frontrunner for 2016, leading all of her potential Republican opponents by at least 5 points. Chris Christie comes the closest at 44/39, followed by Jeb Bush at 48/39, and Rand Paul at 49/37. Clinton's average lead of 9 points in these head to heads is up from an average lead of 4 points on our July poll, perhaps another outgrowth of the shutdown. Clinton leads Ted Cruz 50/33- that 17 point margin would be the most a Democrat has won by since Barry Goldwater was on the ballot.
How is the government regulating your plan out of existence not the government forcing you to change plans?

He only got into this level of detail when pushed, and he goes on to put the blame mostly on employer decision making when many of the plans are being canceled as a direct consequence of provisions of the health-care law. I support the ACA, but I don't really blame republicans for jumping on this. It looks like he kept his statements as vague and information lite as possible in order to slip one by the millions of people this effects.

1. At the time when he originally said that, the plans would be grandfathered in if not significantly changed later (this is still true, some plans are grandfathered in).

2. It's not illegal to offer those plans. They just won't qualify you from exemption from the mandate penalty. The insurance company can still offer that plan, it just makes no real sense for them to do so since it isn't in compliance with the ACA standards.

But I agree, the statement was vague and misleading. He should have said the gov't won't force you to lose your plan or coverage but it's up to the insurance company to do that.

Also, at the time, the public option was available and thus he believed everyone was just going to pick that, anyway, so this line wouldn't be an issue.
So . . . . I heard Ted Cruz's father for the first time.

Holy smokes, have you heard this guy? Evolution-denying, gay-bashing . . . just wow.
Josh Lederman ‏@joshledermanAP 4m
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Illinois House votes to make state 15th in nation, largest in heartland to allow gay marriage

15 states to allow gay marriage, eh? SCOTUS going to have a hard time once this hits 20...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You Millenials voted for Obama by a margin of 28 percent, which will make it a lot easier for me to accept the benefits you will be paying for. We warned you that liberalism was a scam designed to take the fruits of your labor and transfer it to us, the older, established generation. Oh, and also to the couch-dwelling, Democrat-voting losers who live off of food stamps and order junk from QVC with their Obamaphones.
You didn’t listen to us. Maybe you’ll listen to pain.

I have been told that being hard on you Millennials will turn you against conservatism, that I should offer you a positive, hopeful message that avoids the touchy problem of your manifest stupidity.

No. There’s no sugar-coating it - your votes for Democrats have ensured that you are the first generation in American history that will fail to exceed what their parents attained. Embracing liberalism was a stupid thing to do, done for the stupidest of reasons, and I will now let you subsidize my affluent lifestyle without a shred of guilt.
I’m a 48 year old trial lawyer living on the coast in California - I should have “Hope and Change” tattooed on my glutes. I’d have an excuse to be lib-curious, but you Millennials? Why do you support an ideology that pillages you to pay-off Democrat constituencies? Your time in the indoctrination factories of academia trained you in a form of “critical thinking” that is neither. Somehow, you came to embrace the bizarre notion that conservatives are psychotic Jesus freaks who want to Footloosisze America into a land of mandatory Sunday school and no dancing.

But liberals, in contrast, are nice. Obama is cool. You chose petty fascism with a smile. Not a lot of thought went into it. Facts, evidence - these were mere distractions from the feelings-based validation that came from rejecting us wicked conservatives.
What did you get? The chance to be forced to buy health insurance you don’t want at inflated rates so my rates can be lower. You get to pay more out of your monthly barista take - liberalism ensured that the tanked job market foreclosed a real career - so that I get to pay less out of my lawyer checks. Thanks, suckers.



Christie is too close for comfort.


Can't people see this guy for who he really is?

But he's so moderate *swoon*

Because not subscribing to the Tea Party doctrine makes you a moderate Republican these days, and the media (and a large chunk of liberals for some reason) love the idea of moderate Republicans.


What the hell did I just read?


Obviously, that particular write-up is terrible (how is that a CNN editorial rather than a Politico forum post?), but I do agree that a lot of the Millennial generation has gotten sucked into supporting policies that only make their/our situation worse, which in turn reinforces the mindset that led to those policies in the first place.

hey desperate youth
oh bloodthirsty babes
your guns are pointed the wrong way
the wrong way

What policies?
Obviously, that particular write-up is terrible (how is that a CNN editorial rather than a Politico forum post?), but I do agree that a lot of the Millennial generation has gotten sucked into supporting policies that only make their/our situation worse, which in turn reinforces the mindset that led to those policies in the first place.

hey desperate youth
oh bloodthirsty babes
your guns are pointed the wrong way
the wrong way
Oh shit, that song has been trying to get me to vote Republican this whole time?!
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