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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So in reading the reports, the older Cuban-Americans are furious and want no change while the younger Cubans are optimistic and are open to it. Sounds familiar.


So Cuomo banned fracking in NYS

It doesn't effect me directly being on Long Island but this makes me happy. I volunteered for a group pushing for the ban for a while well I was upstate in college. Much of the effort was directed at rural areas and met with generally positive results from what I experienced. Having direct evidence of the hard it dose from other states was really helpful.
So Cuomo banned fracking in NYS

Meh. I'm not so sure that is a good idea. He must have done a lot of polling on that though.

I'd rather they do more to kill off coal, incentivize renewables, and heavily regulate fracking (watch the waste-water like a hawk, strictly monitor methane leaks, monitor air pollution, etc.)


I am loving how fast Rubio is tanking his chances at 2016. Killed his chances by siding for immigration on 2012, and now tanking his chances fire all his guns against this action by Obama.

Honestly, I bet most people born post 1970 have no fuck all reason why we're so harsh against Cuba.
"You can't point to a single example in human history...where Marco Rubio talking has lead to something smart being said."

Politicians have said some dumb shit before, but...are you fucking kidding me?

Not a single example?

You wouldn't even have to go back 10 years, let alone HUMAN history?


What the fuck?


Meh. I'm not so sure that is a good idea. He must have done a lot of polling on that though.

I'd rather they do more to kill off coal, incentivize renewables, and heavily regulate fracking (watch the waste-water like a hawk, strictly monitor methane leaks, monitor air pollution, etc.)

New York has very little coal-based power: http://www.eia.gov/state/?sid=ny

They really only need to incentivize renewables from a policy standpoint, which probably will happen anyways.


You know, when Obama brings this up at the state of the union Biden needs to light up a cuban cigar and take a few puffs. Just to fucking troll even harder.

I, for one, welcome our new President Tollbama.
I want him to do an Oprah-like "look under your chaaiiiirrrrs!" so that we can see Democrats hysterically giddy and Republicans acting pissy when they all pull out boxes of Cuban cigars. If I were writing this as a comedy, that's where I go with it. Joe puffing smoke circles and grinning could be the cherry on top. xD
So much for Ted Quiet Cruz

gorvolsky @igorvolsky · 6m 6 minutes ago
LOL Ted Cruz: Castro regime was "gasping for air" just minutes from falling and then Obama throws it this lifeline!!

igorvolsky @igorvolsky · 5m 5 minutes ago


"If history be our guide, the Castros will exploit that power to undermine America and oppress the Cuban people," he said. "First Russia, then Iran, now Cuba – this is one more very, very bad deal brokered by the Obama Administration.”

During a Fox News appearance Wednesday afternoon, host Neil Cavuto asked Cruz if it bothered him "that you're on the opposite side of the pope on this one?"

"I certainly respect the pope and his sphere of influence," Cruz said. "But I'll say this: When it comes to foreign policy and the national security interests of the United States, the president should be focused on exactly that -- on protecting our national security interests. And this doesn't do that."



Unconfirmed Member
I love Republicans using Russia and Iran as examples of Obama's "weak" foreign policy.

Russia's economy is in spiraling free fall with the ruble collapsing thanks to a major American energy boom over the last couple of years combined with falling global oil demand and sanctions imposed because of their actions in Ukraine.
Iran has backed far off of their more antagonistic rhetoric and is deep in ongoing talks to dismantle its nuclear program and improve relations that is expected to produce a deal in the next few months.

Man, they really showed that limp-wristed Obama what for!
I love Republicans using Russia and Iran as examples of Obama's "weak" foreign policy.

Russia's economy is in spiraling free fall with the ruble collapsing thanks to a major American energy boom over the last couple of years combined with falling global oil demand and sanctions imposed because of their actions in Ukraine.
Iran has backed far off of their more antagonistic rhetoric and is deep in ongoing talks to dismantle its nuclear program and improve relations that is expected to produce a deal in the next few months.

Man, they really showed that limp-wristed Obama what for!
Yeah if only Obama was more like Putin and our economy was crashing thanks to oil.

That's what made Bush such a great leader right


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I love Republicans using Russia and Iran as examples of Obama's "weak" foreign policy.

Russia's economy is in spiraling free fall with the ruble collapsing thanks to a major American energy boom over the last couple of years combined with falling global oil demand and sanctions imposed because of their actions in Ukraine.
Iran has backed far off of their more antagonistic rhetoric and is deep in ongoing talks to dismantle its nuclear program and improve relations that is expected to produce a deal in the next few months.

Man, they really showed that limp-wristed Obama what for!

Silly liberal. The fact that Putin fucked everything up doesn't make him a failure. After all, look at how tough he is! Wrestling bears and such. Can Obama do that? I think not.


Unconfirmed Member
Barack and Michelle talk about their own experiences with racism.

As protests against racial profiling sweep the country in the wake of recent police killings of unarmed black men, President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama recounted some of their own experiences with discrimination in an interview excerpt released on Thursday.

"I think people forget that we've lived in the White House for six years," the first lady told People magazine. "Before that, Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs."

The president said he's even been mistaken for a valet driver outside a restaurant. "There's no black male my age, who's a professional, who hasn't come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn't hand them their car keys," he said.

Another time, the first lady recalled, Mr. Obama "was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee."

Even during their time in the White House, Mrs. Obama said, they haven't been wholly insulated from subtler forms of prejudice.

"I tell this story - I mean, even as the first lady - during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf," Mrs. Obama said. "Because she didn't see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn't anything new."

In the interview, which will be released in full on Friday, the president emphasized the progress the country has made in healing its racial wounds, despite any occasional brushes with discrimination he and his family have had.

"The small irritations or indignities that we experience are nothing compared to what a previous generation experienced," he said. "It's one thing for me to be mistaken for a waiter at a gala. It's another thing for my son to be mistaken for a robber and to be handcuffed, or worse, if he happens to be walking down the street and is dressed the way teenagers dress."

The president has previously leaned on the lessons of history to preach a glass-half-full perspective on current racial tensions.

"We have made progress," the president told BET Networks last week in an interview. "And so it's important to recognize that as painful as these instances are, we can't equate what's happening now with what was happening 50 years ago. If you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better."

I have to notice the omission of security guards tailing him in department stores like he wrote in his book, which happens to also be have the shortest step toward real police harassment like is being protested right now, but it's still nice to see them talking about it at all.
I love Republicans using Russia and Iran as examples of Obama's "weak" foreign policy.

Russia's economy is in spiraling free fall with the ruble collapsing thanks to a major American energy boom over the last couple of years combined with falling global oil demand and sanctions imposed because of their actions in Ukraine.
Iran has backed far off of their more antagonistic rhetoric and is deep in ongoing talks to dismantle its nuclear program and improve relations that is expected to produce a deal in the next few months.

Man, they really showed that limp-wristed Obama what for!

Remember that "Obama's playing Checkers, Putin's playing Chess" crack Fox made?

Turns out, Obama plays chess pretty well too.

East Lake

The latest story that had me wondering about Dems ability to counteract GOP narratives was the one about them turning to Eric Schmidt to perform an autopsy on their midterm elections. A guy who likely has no vision for society but can see with the most depth how ads and data can be retooled to turn out the most people. The data will tell them to run from Obamacare (or whatever) and they'll run from it, not having realized that it's only polling negatively because of their ineptitude against scorched earth, billionaire GOP ad campaigns.

And the Dems will get routed again in the midterms and wonder why they lost when did they everything they could to run from their own policies and couldn't compete with conservative fear mongers.
Surprised nobody brought this up over the past day or so;


VT was on pace to be the first state in the US to offer Universal Health Care, and it was the centerpiece of the Shumlin administration. His opponent in the mid-terms Scott Milne attacked him relentlessly for it but he denied it would be too expensive over and over again. To announce it won't happen a month after the mid-terms, and when the legislature still has to confirm the winner of the Gubernatorial election (since Shumlin only won by 1.1 pts and needed to crack 50%, is making a lot of people around here question if they will actually select him.


Surprised nobody brought this up over the past day or so;


VT was on pace to be the first state in the US to offer Universal Health Care, and it was the centerpiece of the Shumlin administration. His opponent in the mid-terms Scott Milne attacked him relentlessly for it but he denied it would be too expensive over and over again. To announce it won't happen a month after the mid-terms, and when the legislature still has to confirm the winner of the Gubernatorial election (since Shumlin only won by 1.1 pts and needed to crack 50%, is making a lot of people around here question if they will actually select him.

Would never work for a state as small as VT to go it alone. Wouldn't be able to negotiate reimbursement rates with providers low enough to be affordable, especially in a post Obamacare world where the playing field is much more level.


Surprised nobody brought this up over the past day or so;


VT was on pace to be the first state in the US to offer Universal Health Care, and it was the centerpiece of the Shumlin administration. His opponent in the mid-terms Scott Milne attacked him relentlessly for it but he denied it would be too expensive over and over again. To announce it won't happen a month after the mid-terms, and when the legislature still has to confirm the winner of the Gubernatorial election (since Shumlin only won by 1.1 pts and needed to crack 50%, is making a lot of people around here question if they will actually select him.

Vermont doesn't really have the tax base for a single-payer system, so while it's disappointing, I'm not exactly surprised. The politics of the state are right, but everything else about it is wrong.

That being said, I'd be more than surprised if Shumlin wasn't reelected. He won the popular vote, and he'd be at the mercy of the legislature (Ds have a supermajority in both legislatures).
It would be nice.

Headlines contrasting unemployment/uninsured lows with "Republicans in Congress are being dickheads again" should help.

Also gas prices aren't expected to rise until at least 2016, so having a whole year with <$2.50 a gallon gas will be good for his approval rating.


Walker on Neil Cavuto today saying the new congress needs to repeal the ACA immediately. I'd love for them to start off doing that so they get shot down immediately out of the gate.


Ayn Rand Reviews Children Movies (by the delightfully awesome Mallory Ortberg) -

“Old Yeller”
A farm animal ceases to be useful and is disposed of humanely. A valuable lesson for children. —Four stars.

“Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory”
An excellent movie. The obviously unfit individuals are winnowed out through a series of entrepreneurial tests and, in the end, an enterprising young boy receives a factory. I believe more movies should be made about enterprising young boys who are given factories. —Three and a half stars. (Half a star off for the grandparents, who are sponging off the labor of Charlie and his mother. If Grandpa Joe can dance, Grandpa Joe can work.)

More at the link.
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