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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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I need more info on this Dish/Fox News fight, sounds entertaining
My father complained (he votes dem and never watches fox) and got 3 months of cinemax and 30 bucks in credit. I love it. Dish by the way is awesome with their Hopper app. I can bandwagon on my parents TV on any computer/app with full DVR access and all the channels. I didn't have cable in my last apartment but unlimited internet pared with an OTA antenna worked wonders.

I can still hate watch on my grandparents xfinity app.
Obama's approval in Gallup is close to breaking even, 47-49.

Will it bump into positive numbers before Christmas? Or suddenly come crashing down to like 42 or something. The latter is far more likely.
Obama's approval in Gallup is close to breaking even, 47-49.

Will it bump into positive numbers before Christmas? Or suddenly come crashing down to like 42 or something. The latter is far more likely.

It is crazy that it is so low.

Stock market at record highs, unemployment down, Russia/Iran/Venezuela being bitch-slapped down hard, percent of uninsured dropping, gasoline cheap, deficit cut in half, etc. What more do people want?

Fox News really has to reach these days to find something to whine about.


It is crazy that it is so low.

Stock market at record highs, unemployment down, Russia/Iran/Venezuela being bitch-slapped down hard, percent of uninsured dropping, gasoline cheap, deficit cut in half, etc. What more do people want?

Fox News really has to reach these days to find something to whine about.

A white, Christian man in the oval office


Ugh I was out at a trucking facility today doing some research and the guy who runs it is friends with my co-worker:

"So how's business looking?"

"Busy as hell, economy's doing good. No thanks to the guy in the White House"

Should have asked him who else he thought did it, and if he said congress you should have laughed and said something about a magic econony fairy.
2015 will be interesting. There's a chance we could see legit growth that people feel, including wage growth. Mixed with more people having healthcare, it could be a potent and powerful impact on the economy. Or we could see more of the growth we've seen recently: something that people don't feel.

Regardless...thank god Mitt Romney isn't president right now, to take credit for this shit and set liberalism back for decades.


Obama's approval in Gallup is close to breaking even, 47-49.

Will it bump into positive numbers before Christmas? Or suddenly come crashing down to like 42 or something. The latter is far more likely.

I think we'll see 49-50 by 2015. Not to the point where Obama can actively campaign for Hillary, but also not to the point where he's a liability to Hillary's campaign. And he'll probably go out much more popular than W, save for another economic meltdown/other October Surprise.

I think we'll see 49-50 by 2015. Not to the point where Obama can actively campaign for Hillary, but also not to the point where he's a liability to Hillary's campaign. And he'll probably go out much more popular than W, save for another economic meltdown/other October Surprise.

If Obama's approval rating is break-even and especially if it's above 50 I would hope he'd be actively stumping for HRC. Bill would be an even better campaign surrogate but if the current administration is relatively popular, why not flaunt it? HRC needs to come up with her own ideas and agenda while still giving credit to the Obama administration for turning around the recession, taking the first step towards universal healthcare, ending the wars, reducing the deficit etc.

Not sure if the executive order would have been a silver bullet that would have saved Udall, but it couldn't have hurt. And it would only come at the expense of probably Hagan and Begich who lost anyway.


I think Obama would campaign for Hillary (and be a net positive) even if his approval ratings were down several points from where they currently are.

For comparison, at this point in Bush 43's Presidency, his Gallup numbers were 35% Approve, 61% Disapprove. He would never again go above 40% approval, instead dipping into the 20s by the time we hit 2008. Those numbers are clear "stay away from my campaign" indicators. A polarized 47% Approve, 49% Disapprove is not a decisive position, but would still make a sitting President a viable asset for rallying base voters in a General Election.


At this level of approval, with our current trajectory (decent gas prices and job creation numbers), Hillary would be able to make a "we're going in the right direction" point pretty easily to voters in the middle. She'd be smart to contrast such a situation with what we experienced during the Bush administration, especially if Jebby's the nominee.


Unless they can message properly, Obama's numbers are gonna tank when he has to start vetoing every lousy bill that comes his way.


New CBS poll:


Oral argument in King is scheduled for March 4.

Don't forget to update your calendars.

So excited to see someone salivating over the prospect of chaos in the healthcare system that causes real people real harm. You're a true #patriot.


New CBS poll:


So excited to see someone salivating over the prospect of chaos in the healthcare system that causes real people real harm. You're a true #patriot.

Expected and unsurprising @ that poll Because Obama did it, the GOP is raising hell. If "Appealing to the Latino community by using fake tanner" Romney did it, they'd be sucking his dick for days.


Expected and unsurprising @ that poll Because Obama did it, the GOP is raising hell. If "Appealing to the Latino community by using fake tanner" Romney did it, they'd be sucking his dick for days.

And independents are like, sure. It's a nice play by Obama that has little-to-know downside, even in Florida.
I think around SOTU the president's approval is usually his best. I'm pretty sure Obama's will go past 50 by the time he gives his speech.


Unconfirmed Member
So the GOP is gonna force the CBO to believe their tax cut pixie dust stuff

Crap, I was afraid of this. Don't know how important it is, but it is certainly annoying.

Thank god for this new congress.

The confidence fairy finally doing good work after Obama personally killed the confidence fairy when it became clear he was going to become president, causing the September 2008 crash.
Crap, I was afraid of this. Don't know how important it is, but it is certainly annoying.

It's fairly important to the GOP foot soldiers. The GOP foot soldiers can use it as another tool in their kit to get people to believe their opinions. "The CBO agrees that tax cuts for the rich can stimulate the economy. They are a nonpartisan source! Take that democrats."

As if they needed any more. They are winning the information war. Obama's doing good, yet his approval numbers are still below 50%. There really is nothing more that he can do. The GOP is putting the focus on the NYPD right now. Probably tying in Obama to being a bad president because he hates the police or something. Anecdotally, it seems to be working. No one cares about the economy now that it's doing well. We must now focus on Obama's next fault. Whereas with Bush, I always saw an active defense force for him. Not the same with Obama. This is because Democrats don't approach politics from the "System Wars" perspective that Republicans do. It's not about policy, it's not about people, it's about their side winning.

I'm just glad Obama no longer gives two fucks.
Pres Romney didn't even need to be elected to fufill his promises.

Also, am i the only one who sees the subtext in this article about de Blasio being "political support only matters if its white?"

But de Blasio’s unpopularity with the historically white-dominated NYPD parallels his increasing struggles with white New Yorkers, who now disapprove of him by a nearly two-to-one margin in public polling. When confronted with similar polling numbers over the last year, de Blasio allies have repeatedly said that the mayor retains the strong backing of non-white New Yorkers and the Democratic base – and claimed the mayor’s private polling showed a much more modest racial disparity.

He has the support of the majority of the city who aren't white, but let's focus on white people because those opinions matter more


Ugh I was out at a trucking facility today doing some research and the guy who runs it is friends with my co-worker:

"So how's business looking?"

"Busy as hell, economy's doing good. No thanks to the guy in the White House"

Reminds me of my old warehousing days when truck drivers came by to deliver their loads,

"What are you listening to?"


"Oh, you're an Obama supporter then?"

"He's not the perfect leader, but I like him."

"Nah, anyone could lead better than him; Donald Duck could lead better than him."


has calmed down a bit.
What Sunday show do you guys watch? I'm not liking Todd on mtp, which was my go-to Sunday program. Maybe looking to switch up.


aka andydumi
Think how sick this really is. Even putting aside that it's fucked up in every sense, let's just go with his logic here.

Let's say that the law passed and in order to get an abortion you needed to "prove" you were raped. How does that work?

+ Do you need to show Doctors that you have shown signs of injury as a result of rape? Do you need a Doctor's note? How do you prove that injury was from rape and not an unusually rough night of sex? And not every rape results in physical injury (but all result in emotional injury).

+ Do you need to show the rapist was convicted of the crime? By the time a rapist went through the courts it'd be too late to get an abortion. How fucked is that?

What is WRONG with these people?

I think the "definition" of "legitimate rape" is one where the woman files a report for rape, gets a rape kit/exam done, and cooperates with the police and medical staff in any investigation that ensues. At least that's what I glean from the way they are supporting/defending this bill. Still ridiculous, but at least there's some logic behind it.
The economic sentiment polling tells us more than a volatile daily gallup reading. I think his numbers could improve somewhat over the next month or two.

He has had better numbers in rasmussen for a while now. At 48% today.


This is semantics, and nothing more
I think the "definition" of "legitimate rape" is one where the woman files a report for rape, gets a rape kit/exam done, and cooperates with the police and medical staff in any investigation that ensues. At least that's what I glean from the way they are supporting/defending this bill. Still ridiculous, but at least there's some logic behind it.

It really won't matter how a woman would have to "prove" she was raped under this bill, since, if enacted, the new requirement would be promptly enjoined by a federal court. The bill is a waste of time. If it's meant to be a purely symbolic gesture, they'd be better off just passing a bill that bans abortion completely.

Changing topics, in other SCOTUS news:

1. The Court will consider whether to grant cert in the latest round of same-sex marriage cases at its January 9 conference, according to SCOTUSblog. They may yet squeeze them in this term.

2. Here's an interesting case I only just learned about: In Williams-Yulee v. Florida Bar, the Court will have to answer the question of whether a rule of judicial conduct that prohibits candidates for judicial office from personally soliciting campaign funds violates the First Amendment. I haven't read the arguments on both sides yet, but I'm inclined to say that it does. In general, I'd like to see more judicial skepticism about the rationale underlying rules of ethics imposed by state bars and similar groups--too often, such rules seem to be more about suppressing competition than ensuring ethical conduct by the regulated professionals.
I was joking about the daily numbers.

But PD said his numbers were crashing with minorities. Bad news for Hillary

In all seriousness seeing as how the Dem nominee just needs to match Kerry's performance to win (he did about the same as Obama with black voters, a little better with white voters but much worse with Hispanics, only winning 55-45 or something) these numbers are very encouraging.


What Sunday show do you guys watch? I'm not liking Todd on mtp, which was my go-to Sunday program. Maybe looking to switch up.

Are there any good Sunday shows? I just listened to the BBC Worldwide podcast, and NPR (The Morning Edition and All Things Considered). I listened to Maddows for a long period, but I realized I should listen to a less bias source (even if I still love her to death).
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