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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

You know, I'd like to take this argument, that liberals in general hate the country for the bad things its done, and turn it around on conservatives.

There's plenty of things America has done that right-wingers absolutely hate.

- social security
- medicare
- minimum wage
- labor laws in general
- the creation of the welfare state
- the income tax
- the EPA

There's no shortage of things the Right despises that have been a part of the American fabric since at least the past 150 years. Why is it that they can't be criticized for "hating America"?

Goddamn, Jeb can't even beat Carson. It's early, but if that keeps up he'll be the worst frontrunner ever.

That's actually a pretty tall order, broham. Remember, the previous champion on that front lost to EVERY. SINGLE. NOMINEE before people finally threw up their hands and said "UGH, FINE MITT."


Yeah, remember that CPAC is not really a barometer of anything. I remember the GOP even telling people to ignore CPAC when Ron Paul would win it year after year.


For reference, this was the result of the 2011 CPAC straw poll:

Ron Raul: 30%, Mitt Romney: 23%, Gary Johnson 6%, Chris Christie 6%, Newt Gingrich: 5%, Tim Pawlenty 4%, Michele Bachmann 4%, Mitch Daniels 4%, Sarah Palin: 3%, Herman Cain 2%, Mike Huckabee 2%, Rick Santorum 2%, John Thune 2%, Jon Huntsman 1%, Haley Barbour 1%

In 2012:

Romney won 38 percent of the CPAC straw poll votes, with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum coming in second at 31 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) picked up 15 percent of the votes and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), who won the straw polls in 2010 and 2011, received only 12 percent of the vote.

Just for the hell of it, here is the historical results of the Iowa straw poll, which will come up in August. Bachmann won last time around.



So, the Libertarian candidate for CA Senate in 2010 still has her website up:


I'm not sure I understand some of her positions.

Inform the voters which candidates are publicly posting all contributions and expenditures

I don't get it.

The power to overturn existing problems lies in the hands of the voters. Know who you are voting for, what they believe and why they seek office. When voters begin to pay attention and turn the rascals out, change will happen.

This is an odd one, because she also calls for one term limits. So....everyone would get voted out to begin with.


So, the Libertarian candidate for CA Senate in 2010 still has her website up:


She shoulda signed the pledge.



I'm coming around to the idea that 2016 will be a retread of 2012, where Republicans will have to choose Jeb like they did Romney because they can't run anybody else. Walker says something foolish at every event, like saying Reagan's best foreign policy move was firing the air traffic controllers. Even the moderator came up to him afterwards and said he disappointed the donors in attendance with his lack of knowledge and preparation. He doesn't lack for confidence, which leads to a weak filter.

Wow, Mittens actually won the CPAC poll in 2012?

Well at that point in 2012 the primaries had already begun and it was clear to conservatives that Romney was going to get the nomination. They might as well line up behind the winner in solidarity.
Legit impressed that Perry is polling THAT low.

Like, it should be a hard rule that, if at any point you poll lower than Trump, you should quit then and there.


Legit impressed that Perry is polling THAT low.

Like, it should be a hard rule that, if at any point you poll lower than Trump, you should quit then and there.

I agree with this. It helps no one, except Hillary, to have the entire clown car on stage during the debates.


I'm coming around to the idea that 2016 will be a retread of 2012, where Republicans will have to choose Jeb like they did Romney because they can't run anybody else. Walker says something foolish at every event, like saying Reagan's best foreign policy move was firing the air traffic controllers. Even the moderator came up to him afterwards and said he disappointed the donors in attendance with his lack of knowledge and preparation. He doesn't lack for confidence, which leads to a weak filter.

Man, that guy is a little union-obsessed. Did a union run over his dog?

Reading some of these articles, he's starting to seem like the new Sarah Palin.

"Years later, documents released from the Soviet Union showed that that exactly was the case," he said. "The Soviet Union started treating [Reagan] more seriously once he did something like that. Ideas have to have consequences. And I think [President Barack Obama] has failed mainly because he's made threats and hasn't followed through on them."

PolitiFact investigated the claims, finding no evidence the documents ever existed. "It's utter nonsense," Jack Matlock, Reagan's ambassador to the Soviet Union, told PolitiFact. "There is no evidence of that whatever."

I guess it's still early and not everyone is going to be tuned into these stories, but he's doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd make a big turnaround.
Man, that guy is a little union-obsessed. Did a union run over his dog?

Reading some of these articles, he's starting to seem like the new Sarah Palin.

I guess it's still early and not everyone is going to be tuned into these stories, but he's doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd make a big turnaround.

Hold on...by this standard, given the things the right has said about Obama for the last six years (dictator, threatens opposition, rams through legislation, dismisses the legislative and judiciary branches)...wouldn't Obama be respected by Russia as a worthy opponent?


Does anyone else remember this Donald Trump? The guy who, for much of 2006-2008, couldn't stop attacking Bush as the worst President of all-time, said to abandon and forget about Iraq, called Hillary a great friend who would make a good President, and praised Democrats? I think Republicans are just afraid to point out how he was a moderate until 5 years ago because he'll launch into a vicious PR campaign against them.

2007 article
He said Sen. Hillary Clinton will probably be the Democratic nominee for president and that she is "ready" to be president. He called her a friend and "very talented, very smart."
He had a solution for the war: "Declare victory and leave." The U.S. is getting bogged down in a civil war, he said.
If the race came down to Clinton vs. Giuliani, Trump said he would be torn, but "I'd make a decision, because I believe in that. I don't believe in supporting two people."


Walker this year is the same as Perry from 2012. Trojan horse that the conservative base wants, but in the end he's just an idiot and flames out spectacularly.

There has not been a single instance where he opened his mouth in the last two weeks where anyone could take him seriously.

At this rate he may lose PDs support


will gain confidence one day
Walker this year is the same as Perry from 2012. Trojan horse that the conservative base wants, but in the end he's just an idiot and flames out spectacularly.

There has not been a single instance where he opened his mouth in the last two weeks where anyone could take him seriously.

At this rate he may lose PDs support

His consistency really is amazing.


Hold on...by this standard, given the things the right has said about Obama for the last six years (dictator, threatens opposition, rams through legislation, dismisses the legislative and judiciary branches)...wouldn't Obama be respected by Russia as a worthy opponent?

The 'tyrant at home, pussyfoot abroad' argument has never made a lick of sense to anyone not already invested in a ridiculous caricature of Obama.
Walker this year is the same as Perry from 2012. Trojan horse that the conservative base wants, but in the end he's just an idiot and flames out spectacularly.

There has not been a single instance where he opened his mouth in the last two weeks where anyone could take him seriously.

At this rate he may lose PDs support
I wouldn't write off Scott Walker yet...he still has 18 months to go. But if he really thinks managing a war against ISIS is the same as cutting school teachers' pensions, lord help us all.


No Scrubs
I wouldn't write off Scott Walker yet...he still has 18 months to go. But if he really thinks managing a war against ISIS is the same as cutting school teachers' pensions, lord help us all.

He hasn't been able to go one public appearance without saying something mindbogglingly dumb in the last couple of weeks. It's only going to get worse as the primary starts up and he receives more media attention.


I wouldn't write off Scott Walker yet...he still has 18 months to go. But if he really thinks managing a war against ISIS is the same as cutting school teachers' pensions, lord help us all.

He hasn't been able to go one public appearance without saying something mindbogglingly dumb in the last couple of weeks. It's only going to get worse as the primary starts up and he receives more media attention.

yup... the guy has no credentials in the state beyond appealing to CPAC voters, which by are large are good at picking losers. His state has below average growth, is mired in debt, he wants to gut the public college system and he is a mental midget. He's not a serious candidate.


will gain confidence one day
It feels like Walker only gets the buzz that he does because (and this is actually an obvious point) all of his competitors are so weak. You get 2-3 good candidates in there and Walker would be relegated to also-ran status immediately.

Bush might actually have been an obvious go-to candidate if he didn't happen to be a Bush.


It feels like Walker only gets the buzz that he does because (and this is actually an obvious point) all of his competitors are so weak. You get 2-3 good candidates in there and Walker would be relegated to also-ran status immediately.

Bush might actually have been an obvious go-to candidate if he didn't happen to be a Bush.

Even with that, he will still be the go to candidate, but yes if there was anyone besides Bush as a realistic candidate Walker would be in the pile.

The most interesting thing to watch during the primaries is if Bush can avoid the hard right push Romney had to do
Does this guy even understand how an overall grade is supposed to work? Either he's a dipshit who has no idea how grades work or that's one hell of a curve.

I mean, it's Mark Halperin we're talking about here, so the bolded is probably an extremely safe bet.


I mean, it's Mark Halperin we're talking about here, so the bolded is probably an extremely safe bet.

I recall him saying one of Obama's debates was his "best ever performance" (maybe the 2nd one against Romney) and giving him a B- or C+ or something to that effect. If Obama got a B- Romney got a C+.

Edit, looked it up and he gave Obama a B- in the first debate where he got crushed and a B- in the 2nd debate as well.


Walker this year is the same as Perry from 2012. Trojan horse that the conservative base wants, but in the end he's just an idiot and flames out spectacularly.

There has not been a single instance where he opened his mouth in the last two weeks where anyone could take him seriously.

At this rate he may lose PDs support
What's amazing then is how he became elected Governor of a reliably blue state.
Scott Walker is going to win the Republican nomination.

At the end of the day, common core and immigration will ruin Jeb.

I don't think that gaffe will have much impact with Republican voters.
Scott Walker is going to win the Republican nomination.

At the end of the day, common core and immigration will ruin Jeb.

I don't think that gaffe will have much impact with Republican voters.
It might not even be seen as a gaffe by primary voters. I think Walker should probably shut up for awhile and study, but ultimately he should survive this. Candidates like Bachman, Cain, etc weren't able to survive saying stupid stuff because they had nothing else to fall back on; they had no record of conservative success. Walker's record is a conservative dream, and he has embarrassed liberals (to the point of tears) three times in elections. If Bush is going to be defeated it'll have to be Walker. And considering Buah doubled down on a path to citizenship at CPAC, I'm going to assume he's fucked until he wins something.


It might not even be seen as a gaffe by primary voters. I think Walker should probably shut up for awhile and study, but ultimately he should survive this. Candidates like Bachman, Cain, etc weren't able to survive saying stupid stuff because they had nothing else to fall back on; they had no record of conservative success. Walker's record is a conservative dream, and he has embarrassed liberals (to the point of tears) three times in elections. If Bush is going to be defeated it'll have to be Walker. And considering Buah doubled down on a path to citizenship at CPAC, I'm going to assume he's fucked until he wins something.

what are his credentials? He took on unions and... economically ruined his state? Bonafide's right there. Conservatives don't get what they want in the GOP, and Scott Walker isn't going to get the nomination.

The fact that people pay attention to CPAC at all is whats really interesting to me.

This is akin to me reading through a conservative website saying that Elizabeth Warren will be the democratic nominee because the liberals like her


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You guys keep forgetting that Romney didn't really double down on crazy during the last election cycle and the GOP voters eventually realized he was their best shot. Yeah, he said some dumb stuff, but nothing anywhere near what Walker has already said.

They'll do the same for Jeb Bush.

Mike M

Nick N
Scott Walker is going to win the Republican nomination.

At the end of the day, common core and immigration will ruin Jeb.

I don't think that gaffe will have much impact with Republican voters.
The entire GOP platform has been "Repeal Obamacare" since the ACA was passed, but Romney still got the nomination despite it being based on the plan he implemented as Governor.

Fundraising and institutional support go a long way in overcoming previous policy positions, though I expect we will see a truncated repeat of the "Anyone But Romney" show played out over the shorter primary season before they begrudgingly select Bush and convince themselves they supported him all along.


The sucky thing for Jeb is that there's a not-unsubstantial portion of the base that seems to seriously hate his guts. It may only be 5-10% of the party (resulting in "just" a few million staying home on Election Day), but the GOP already has almost zero room for error in the general.

Well, that, and watching him speak is going to inevitably give voters odd flashbacks to his brother. It'll be unavoidable. The comparison will happen subconsciously, with or without help from the Democrats, and it'll be a weight on his numbers. Not much.. it'll be like adding ten-pound weights to your ankles and going for a jog.


What's amazing then is how he became elected Governor of a reliably blue state.

He's a fairly polarizing figure in the states (his favorables are like, always around +1/+2 before the last election) and he's had to be elected in low-turnout, Republican wave years. I don't think it's very impressive to be elected as a Republican in 2010 or 2014 in terms of actual electability in a general.


Scott Walker is going to win the Republican nomination.

At the end of the day, common core and immigration will ruin Jeb.

I don't think that gaffe will have much impact with Republican voters.
It's way, way too early to say that.

I think Jeb will just be sitting around while the rest of the GOPers act dumb and scream at each other like Romney did.


It's way, way too early to say that.

I think Jeb will just be sitting around while the rest of the GOPers act dumb and scream at each other like Romney did.

at the end of the day the conservatives will throw in the tile and accept Jeb as the nominee like last time and the time before and the time before that.


If Scott Walker can't even handle questions from Club For Growth without making an embarrassment of himself, I just don't see him going too far, even in the clown circus that is the current Republican party.

Jeb is this election's Romney. They'll back him up at the end.


Scott Walker is going to win the Republican nomination.

I'll join the chorus. Walker is this election's Perry, early frontrunner who can't open his mouth without saying something stupid. His support will erode away shortly.

Barring a shocking revelation or serious fuck-up, I can't see it being anything but Bush v Clinton this time 'round.


The way I see it, he left himself an out by talking about "new blood." If Bush looks like the frontrunner again, expect to see Romney start making some noise.

All the donors he needs went to Bush, which is why he isn't running. If Bush flames out badly, I could see Romney stepping up to the plate.
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