I'm only 28 and listening to Bernie supporters makes me feel like an old man.
I may forever be young at heart, but Bernie's policies are ageless:
- Top to bottom justice reform, to end the seemingly endless, sometimes deadly, mistreatment of African Americans and other minorities
- Automatically register everyone over the age of 18 to vote
- Overturn Citizens-United and enact a Constitutional Amendment to limit money's corrupting influence in politics
- Fully fund VA physical and mental healthcare; if we can't afford to adequately treat our injured war veterans, we shouldn't be sending them to war!
- Pay equity for women
- Using military force as a last resort, and where absolutely necessary, primarily, as part of an international coalition, i.e. we should not be in the business of regime change, especially when the consequences (in Iraq) have proved so disastrous (for all but the military industrial complex). Also, allowing countries in a region to take the lead, and not sacrifice our fellow Americans, never mind the astronomical financial cost, when it quite possibly, shouldn't be our fight in the first place
- End crony-capitalist policies that unduly enrich corporations, at the expense of the American people, such as allowing some giant corporations to pay $0 in corporation tax and giving Big Oil & Gas billions in tax breaks, at a time when they were making record profits ($40 billion vs $1+ trillion)
- A minimum of three months family leave for new mothers
- Moving to a living wage of $15, by 2020
- Policies to safeguard our wonderful planet, for all future generations, such as those to aggressively tackle Global Warming
- Over a five year period, invest a trillion dollars, to put thirteen million Americans back to work, to rebuild and repair our crumbling infrastructure
- Providing universal, single payer healthcare, through MedicAid expansion
- Make public colleges and universities tuition free
- Provide a path to citizenship for the millions of largely hardworking undocumented workers
- Reinstate Glass-Steagall type legislation, that would prevent banks, with investment arms, from using depositor money (FDIC insured?) for speculation
- Close the gun show loophole and re-instate the ban on assault rifles (AR-15 etc)
To pay for all these widely popular policies, in addition to ending crony-capitalism, Bernie proposed a tax on Wall St. speculation and I believe taxing Capital Gains etc at the same rates as regular (for work) income. He has also mentioned increasing the top rate of tax, which I don't agree with (as, when you include State taxes, you might already be paying close to 50% in tax, which seems high enough to me).
Lets say, for arguments sake, that the recent Hillary vs Bernie supporters snapshot I posted, is not, unrepresentative of Bernie's final level of support, thus allowing him to enact all his policies, would that not be an America we could all be proud of? Even if you don't agree with all his policies, do you wholeheartedly agree with most?
And, my guess is 99% of GAFers would end up paying little or no extra tax (EviLore will likely take a hit, but I think he'll be o.k.

; the page views of PoliGAF alone, for the 2016 Presidential cycle, will likely be a nice earner,
if we get the potentially epic Sanders vs Trump showdown).
On a personal note, when I was a workaholic, and was earning good coin (as a Software Engineer), although I payed attention to the Chancellors (in UK) tax changes, I was never gagging for a tax cut, perhaps at the expense of someone else, but if the economy was booming, then great. I achieved my dreams (that Lotus Elise 111s Mk1, in racing green, was the nuts) from dedication, hard work and career advancement, and I never thought to vote Conservative, to make my dreams come easier.