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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I have it on good authority that the FBI has discovered the "whitey" tape in Hillary's emails and that it was actually Hillary herself depicted in the tape. Ambassador Stevens stumbled across a copy of this recording and was about ready to deliver it to Breibart when Hillary ordered the "terrorist attack" on the compound in Benghazi. You can expect this to be on the front page by Christmas. Pretty much ending her campaign.

Perfect username!
poligaf posts from the past that make me laugh, #2
jointly held by thezerofire and poodlestrike:



What's the main cause for Carson's decline I wonder. Is it because Trump has stepped his fascist game up, or was talk of pyramid grain silos and hammer time too much for even the GOP base.


A friend of mine just told me she was pregnant and I was like <_< so how are you spending thanksgiving. Smh. I had no idea what to say.
A friend of mine just told me she was pregnant and I was like <_< so how are you spending thanksgiving. Smh. I had no idea what to say.
you're supposed to gush and pretend like you care, figgy. "Oh my gooooood!!! What are you gonna name her or him!!" These are the rules that society imposes on us.


Carson is declining because Republicans are freaking out over Paris and he was talking about China intervening in Syria.

Shit, I would've shorted him but he was never high enough to justify it to begin with.


Sidhe / PikPok
What's the main cause for Carson's decline I wonder. Is it because Trump has stepped his fascist game up, or was talk of pyramid grain silos and hammer time too much for even the GOP base.

Probably a combination of Trump getting more brazen while Carson simultaneously trotted out a couple of weeks worth of dubious or factually incorrect statements and claims which he continually doubled down on while claiming each time to being the target of a gotcha liberal media conspiracy when challenged.

Carson's credibility has to have eroded in the face of that weeks of back to back spotlight scrutiny, while Trump is clearly "telling it like it is".

Looking at the aggregate polls, it seems like at least some Carson supporters are converting over to Trump at least even if earlier "second choice" polling didn't support that.
Donald Trump: Fascist AND huge asshole.

Donald Trump has added a new item to his growing list of presidential campaign firsts: mocking a person’s physical handicap.

During a defense of his widely debunked claim that thousands of people in parts of New Jersey with large Arab populations celebrated the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001, Trump performed a derisive impression of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski — who suffers from a chronic condition that has limited the movement of his arms — at a rally in South Carolina on Tuesday night.

Trump went on, “Now the poor guy — you ought to see the guy: ‘Uhh I don’t know what I said. I don’t remember.’ He’s going, ‘I don’t remember. Maybe that’s what I said.’” As he spoke, Trump launched into an impression which involved gyrating his arms wildly and imitating the unusual angle at which Kovaleski’s hand sometimes rests.

“We think it's outrageous that he would ridicule the appearance of one of our reporters,” said a spokeswoman for the Times.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He didn't exactly say that, but what he actually said was nonetheless profoundly stupid, no matter how favorable or unfavorable you look at it. He said that he would take an 'imbecile' like Carson over Noam Chomsky, because Carson at least acknowledges that "Jihadis are the enemy". He has made a point multiple times in the past that is a tragedy that liberals leave the discussion of jihadism to right-wing lunatics. So the most favorable interpretation here would be that he said it in that sentiment. Nonetheless, it's a profoundly stupid thing to say, and it's obviously fueled by a frustration over Chomsky.

Similarly, his comment about Cruz's preference for Christians was—while based on factual claims—naive and missing the larger picture. While it is true that Muslim immigration/refugees come with a risk of importing some Islamists/Jihadists in the process, the opportunities here for spreading liberal values seem much higher to me than this risks. Especially since, as far as I know, Syrian Muslims tend to be more on the liberal spectrum, and thus are—to use Harris' own words—"the most important people in the world to support" and people that should get "immediate US citizenship, if they want to".

But even if we would have to deal with refugees from conservative Muslim majority countries, there is still more opportunity than risk. The best way to deal with the subset of conservative Muslim refugees that are Islamists/Jihadists is to instill them with doubt, and the best way to do that is to confront them and integrate them into a Western society. Not under a paradigm of uncritical multiculturalism, but under a policy that seeks to convey Western liberal values through mandatory education and fair integration.

Sam Harris is a goddamned idiot. He's even resorted to using the dumbass right-wing talking point that Obama's not been saying enough bad things about ISIS so that totally means he supports them.
He didn't exactly say that, but what he actually said was nonetheless profoundly stupid, no matter how favorable or unfavorable you look at it. He said that he would take an 'imbecile' like Carson over Noam Chomsky, because Carson at least acknowledges that "Jihadis are the enemy". He has made a point multiple times in the past that is a tragedy that liberals leave the discussion of jihadism to right-wing lunatics. So the most favorable interpretation here would be that he said it in that sentiment. Nonetheless, it's a profoundly stupid thing to say, and it's obviously fueled by a frustration over Chomsky.

Similarly, his comment about Cruz's preference for Christians was—while based on factual claims—naive and missing the larger picture. While it is true that Muslim immigration/refugees come with a risk of importing some Islamists/Jihadists in the process, the opportunities here for spreading liberal values seem much higher to me than this risks. Especially since, as far as I know, Syrian Muslims tend to be more on the liberal spectrum, and thus are—to use Harris' own words—"the most important people in the world to support" and people that should get "immediate US citizenship, if they want to".

But even if we would have to deal with refugees from conservative Muslim majority countries, there is still more opportunity than risk. The best way to deal with the subset of conservative Muslim refugees that are Islamists/Jihadists is to instill them with doubt, and the best way to do that is to confront them and integrate them into a Western society. Not under a paradigm of uncritical multiculturalism, but under a policy that seeks to convey Western liberal values through mandatory education and fair integration.
Anyone that takes Carson over Chomsky doesn't even deserve to be on the serious table. Sam Harris is a neuro scientist. Dawkins is an evolutionary scientist. Why the fuck they open their mouths about socio-politics and foreign policy is beyond me.

Your post about integration, doubt and "western liberal values" is completely wrong.




I like how according to these comments, Muslims in all cities in New Jersey were celebrating 9/11.

Republican primary voters have gotten good at pathological lying by watching Carson too much.
I like how according to these comments, Muslims in all cities in New Jersey were celebrating 9/11.

Republican primary voters have gotten good at pathological lying by watching Carson too much.

Chris Christie cowardly refusing to defend his voters out of some delusional idea that he's going to be president would be epic if it might not lead to a Mosque shooting.


Also, because blind links are bad, it's an animated Bernie doing a Killer Mike verse from Close Your Eyes (And Count to Fuck).

Oh, and by the way, Beijing4Bernie is like a thing, I went to a couple of their meeting because, well, mostly because they're doing it in a bar next to my place, and jesus christ, even though I feel the bern in my bones I want to strangle every single person there.

A friend of mine just told me she was pregnant and I was like <_< so how are you spending thanksgiving. Smh. I had no idea what to say.
You should look her in the eye and say "listen, if there's anything I can do, and I mean ANYTHING" while holding a coat hanger.

No True Scotsman.
Not really. There's been a push away from the "charismatic male leader" in socialist circles for quite a while and quite a bit of disagreement about Castro back in the day.

Most socialists would agree that any supposedly socialist state lacking complete democratic control of the economy (barring some mild market allowance for non-essentials) is a fundamentally non-socialist and certainly non-Marxist government. Most socialist parties are Trotsky-ite, and that split happened way back when Stalin purged the Soviet Union and made the supposedly transitional state control of the economy permanent.
What's the main cause for Carson's decline I wonder. Is it because Trump has stepped his fascist game up, or was talk of pyramid grain silos and hammer time too much for even the GOP base.
Others have pretty much covered it but I reckon it's Carson's completely amateurish approach to everything. He gives the weirdest, dumbest answers possible. Like, I am a neurosurgeon so that shows you that I can learn new things. Like dude, no ones got time for that shit. This is not a fucking desk job. It's possibly the most unrefined, clueless. amateurish candidate I've ever seen in my life. At least Sarah Palin knew better not to give answers like that. Iowa press can be annoying for people like him.

Someone mentioned in one of the Carson threads that he's probably not a genius, but an Inspector Clouseau like idiot who just starts making a mess in the operating theater by fumbling shit around and accidentally separating the twins. I am inclined to believe more and more that's true.


Cruz is at 21% among likely voters in the Reuters poll. I bet he's the next flavor of the month(s) instead of Rubio.

His stock been rising for a while. The time to buy would've been like, last month.

New Reuters poll

Trump - 37%
Cruz - 11%
Rubio - 10%
Carson - 9%
Bush - 6%


Carson is definitely over.

I came.

Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and Bush combined is less than Trump.

That poll is so amazing I might steal your post and make a thread.


Others have pretty much covered it but I reckon it's Carson's completely amateurish approach to everything. He gives the weirdest, dumbest answers possible. Like, I am a neurosurgeon so that shows you that I can learn new things. Like dude, no ones got time for that shit. This is not a fucking desk job. It's possibly the most unrefined, clueless. amateurish candidate I've ever seen in my life. At least Sarah Palin knew better not to give answers like that. Iowa press can be annoying for people like him.

Someone mentioned in one of the Carson threads that he's probably not a genius, but an Inspector Clouseau like idiot who just starts making a mess in the operating theater by fumbling shit around and accidentally separating the twins. I am inclined to believe more and more that's true.
I think he's more of a Dr. Cottard.

Marcel Proust said:
Mais pour Cottard au contraire, l'époque où on l'a vu assister aux débuts de Swann chez les Verdurin était déjà assez lointaine; or les honneurs, les titres officiels viennent avec les années; deuxièmement, on peut être illettré, faire des calembours stupides, et posséder un don particulier, qu'aucune culture générale ne remplace, comme le don du grand stratège ou du grand clinicien. Ce n'est pas seulement en effet comme un praticien obscur, devenu, à la longue, notoriété européenne, que ses confrères considéraient Cottard. Les plus intelligents d'entre les jeunes médecins déclarèrent,&#8212;au moins pendant quelques années, car les modes changent étant nées elles-mêmes du besoin de changement,&#8212;que si jamais ils tombaient malades, Cottard était le seul maître auquel ils confieraient leur peau. Sans doute ils préféraient le commerce de certains chefs plus lettrés, plus artistes, avec lesquels ils pouvaient parler de Nietzsche, de Wagner. Quand on faisait de la musique chez Madame Cottard, aux soirées où elle recevait, avec l'espoir qu'il devînt un jour doyen de la Faculté, les collègues et les élèves de son mari, celui-ci au lieu d'écouter, préférait jouer aux cartes dans un salon voisin. Mais on vantait la promptitude, la profondeur, la sûreté de son coup d'oeil, de son diagnostic. En troisième lieu, en ce qui concerne l'ensemble de façons que le Professeur Cottard montrait à un homme comme mon père, remarquons que la nature que nous faisons paraître dans la seconde partie de notre vie, n'est pas toujours, si elle l'est souvent, notre nature première développée ou flétrie, grossie ou atténuée; elle est quelquefois une nature inverse, un véritable vêtement retourné. Sauf chez les Verdurin qui s'étaient engoués de lui, l'air hésitant de Cottard, sa timidité, son amabilité excessives, lui avaient, dans sa jeunesse, valu de perpétuels brocards. Quel ami charitable lui conseilla l'air glacial? L'importance de sa situation lui rendit plus aisé de le prendre. Partout, sinon chez les Verdurin où il redevenait instinctivement lui-même, il se rendit froid, volontiers silencieux, péremptoire quand il fallait parler, n'oubliant pas de dire des choses désagréables. Il put faire l'essai de cette nouvelle attitude devant des clients qui ne l'ayant pas encore vu, n'étaient pas à même de faire des comparaisons, et eussent été bien étonnés d'apprendre qu'il n'était pas un homme d'une rudesse naturelle. C'est surtout à l'impassibilité qu'il s'efforçait, et même dans son service d'hôpital, quand il débitait quelques-uns de ces calembours qui faisaient rire tout le monde, du chef de clinique au plus récent externe, il le faisait toujours sans qu'un muscle bougeât dans sa figure d'ailleurs méconnaissable depuis qu'il avait rasé barbe et moustaches.

my pitiful translation of the bolded parts said:
[...] it's possible to be illiterate, make stupid puns and yet possess a special gift that no amount of being cultured can replace, among them the gift of being a great strategist or a great physician.

[...] The most intelligent among the young medical students asserted [...] that if they ever were to fall sick, Cottard would be the only instructor they'd entrust their lives to. They otherwise certainly preferred the company of certain much more well-read and artistic senior physicians with whom they could discuss Nietzsche or Wagner.

[...] The quickness, profundity and certainty of his eye and his diagnosis, however, was often praised.

[...] Cottard's hesitant manner, his timidity and his excessive amiability had netted him endless mockery in his youth.

I hope you get the picture. Maybe someone has an English translation and can post the entire paragraph.
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