A Human Becoming
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I think Hillary's only significant loss was losing the woman vote here by 11 points. Besides that she still has everything going for her.
I think the problem was not that Rubio was using the same line for a policy issue. People don't criticize Trump for using "China and Mexico" constantly because it's important to his campaign. Rubio dispelling notions, particularly about how competent or not Obama is, is completely unrelated to his policies. It's literally a line he should use once in a speech as a hook and then never again.
I think Hillary's only significant loss was losing the woman vote here by 11 points. Besides that she still has everything going for her.
I think Hillary's only significant loss was losing the woman vote here by 11 points. Besides that she still has everything going for her.
Honestly the worst example of that imo was when he pivoted from a comment on profiling Muslims to income inequality.There was a little drama going on in CNN that spell some truth, when Sanders mention minorities in his stump speeches he mostly mentions criminal reform but nothing really about racism in a broader sense.
Which I think is a correct critic of Sanders´ failure with minorities issues, sadly.
The Onion said:Listen up, assholes, cause Im only saying this once: Ive worked way too goddamn hard to let you morons blow this thing for me, said Clinton
I think Clinton got that support in 08 because Obama was black and blue collar whites are......Getting clobbered with blue collar workers isn't an especially good look for her either given that they were central to her 08 coalition. Her present support now looks more like Obama in 08.
Has he been asleep before the caucus?I love this guy in the SC focus group that just decided to vote for Trump. "Because he's a winner."
I love this guy in the SC focus group that just decided to vote for Trump. "Because he's a winner."
Getting clobbered with blue collar workers isn't an especially good look for her either given that they were central to her 08 coalition. Her present support now looks more like Obama in 08.
Going with a longshot candidate doesn't mean they don't understand the political process.You don't need to be a high information voter to feel like you're quality of life is worse than your parents. People like to deride Trump and Bernie supporters for not "getting it" and while it may be true that their supporters don't fully understand the political process, you can't tell them what they feel is wrong. This economy has been great for the top 20% of earners but for the average person, their wages have not gone up while healthcare, education and housing has gone up. More establishment politics does you no good when you've gone through both the Bush and Obama years and not see yourself getting ahead. While Trump and Bernie might not win this election cycle, this feeling isn't going away.
The demographics game is really interesting this time around.
Obama had men, young and black voters. Sanders has two of those demographics, while not being as far behind as Obama was with hispanics (Clinton was really dominating with them in 08).
But, the more clear divides, as I have been saying, are with older vs younger voters.
The demographics game is really interesting this time around.
Obama had men, young and black voters. Sanders has two of those demographics, while not being as far behind as Obama was with hispanics (Clinton was really dominating with them in 08).
But, the more clear divides, as I have been saying, are with older vs younger voters.
How does Bernie do with young black voters?
There's a pretty clear racial divide as well, Bernie's only competitive with Hispanics 18-24.
Why not Trump?
Same reason Adele isn't going to walk into my bedroom tonight. Too good to be true. Just don't buy it.
Campaign assumption still seems to be that minorities don't know him, but once they do they'll be for him.
Sanders has made some Super Tuesday ad buys in Minnesota, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma; basically, the states with the lowest minority populations besides Vermont.
Sanders has made some Super Tuesday ad buys in Minnesota, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma; basically, the states with the lowest minority populations besides Vermont.
I'd rather have JLaw if we're taking orders, she seems like she'd be more fun.
Doesn't do anything for me. I like big women.
Sanders has made some Super Tuesday ad buys in Minnesota, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma; basically, the states with the lowest minority populations besides Vermont.
Now that NH is over the remaining Democratic primary electorate is just under half minority voters.
He should spend HARD in Texas. Open primary, he may be able to be competitive with hispanics and well, it seems the Clinton stronghold in 08 can really transform now into Sanders strongholds.
Him winning Texas would be wow for him.
Going with a longshot candidate doesn't mean they don't understand the political process.
Have you ever considered that maybe they feel as though Bernie is the bets bet to get America on the right path even if they don't believe he'll get everything he wants to get done done? That having someone who makes people enthusiastic and actually puts major focus on voter turnout could not only get more people to vote in non presidential election and give hope to aspiring politicians to join the process, while also possibly putting together a plan to increase awareness among the American public with the power he would hold as president?
At least in the circles i'm in online they're no more non politics savvy than the Hilary supporters.
(generally, I know some people who aren't for both candidates, like republicans who believe Hilary is the anti-christ so they want to vote for Bernie)
It'd be really funny if Bernie took Hillary's old states and Hillary took Obama's.
Less than 40% of Texas Democrats identify as liberal and it's majority minority. I guess anything can happen, but as it stands now he doesn't stand a snowball's chance there. I don't really think he'd win the white vote there, let alone the minority vote.He should spend HARD in Texas. Open primary, he may be able to be competitive with hispanics and well, it seems the Clinton strongholds in 08 can really transform now into Sanders strongholds.
Him winning Texas would be wow for him.
Great point. People would do to remember that there is only one Democratic candidate running in this election right now.He shows no interest in supporting the Democratic Party- even as he is trying to use its platform as a means to advance his revolution.
Yeah, Cruz is solidifying his 3rd place. Rubio's still gonna end up fifth. Imagine if someone had said that last week lol.
Trump's support it too broad and solid across many sections of the Republican electorate. It even crosses over into the establishment lane and college educated people. If he can do damage in the south, he will absolutely devour the rest of the primaries. Hopefully others start going after Cruz, please JEB.
He needs to get out so he will start taking this seriously and go after his real challengers.Nah, Jeb needs to stay in so Trump doesn't lose his favorite punching bag.
Great point. People would do to remember that there is only one Democratic candidate running in this election right now.
He needs to get out so he will start taking this seriously and go after his real challengers.
This actually legit bothered me, he talked about rallying the democratic party to his cause and then chided 'the establishment'. I actually feel insulted because in a lot of ways when I think of the establishment I think of the people in the party who coalesced as a single group in attempt to further make government 'work' and tried to gather as many new voters as possible. Last I looked a majority of the democratic party still liked their current leaders but hated the path the country had been taking (Which is currently predominantly Republican because the youth and fair weather democratic voters dont vote in mid-terms). Are there problem eggs among them? You bet, but I also don't turn my back on the entire parties leaders just because of those few bad eggs if I still feel the party represents what I find best both for me and the country. I really think Hilary needs to go on the offensive related to Bernies comments about primarying Obama, he doesn't represent the party, he is merely using it as a platform for his message because of the two party system demands it.
We need more people in the senate and Congress, not further idealist in the white house, to me Bernie does way, way more good for this country as a senator then he could ever be as a president because of that. If he pisses off all those people in the leadership guess what he is going to get, one less socialist senator and likely an even further right house and senate.
You really don't think he's gonna pivot and get his fans to support downballot dems? He's said many times that he alone will not be enough.
But right now, he's up against Clinton and he's got to prove himself able to secure the nomination.
There's a reason why a lot of Repubucans want him to win.Hmm, that's a somewhat interesting point.
What does Sanders do to help down-ballot, were he to become the nominee?
Presumably he makes nice with the DNC. Does he stop calling them establishment?
Does he get a SuperPAC? Does he raise money for the DCCC and DSCC - and from whom? Wall St and other industries remain a no-go?
Does he campaign with down-ballot candidates? Does he stop calling them establishment? Do they even want him to campaign with them?
Does he condone negative campaigning?
There's a reason why a lot of Repubucans want him to win.
Then he needs to STOP the establishment bullshit. He needs to do just what Hilary is doing, put some of her campaign funds or encourage more people support democratic money to either keeping people elected or electing new people. But he won't do that, that money is for 'the establishment' or against what he wants to accomplish as far as campaign finance reform. By the time he wants to rally people to those other leaders it will be too late, he needs to do it NOW, in the primary, no more bullshit with establishment, that talk should never had occurred and the fact he is still talking about it in NH means to me he doesn't care as far as I am concerned.