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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Professional Schmuck
Trump is actually leading with evangelicals, or at least was a month ago.

As for your other statement, who are these moderate conservatives going to get behind? Kasich? Rubio?

Because Christie, Carson, and Fiorina are the nextbto go, and I don't see those voters flocking to anyone in particular.

Kasich. Christie and Jeb! voters will go to him. Carson voters split between Trump and Plan B, Fiorina voters hate themselves and don't vote.

Which would lead to Huckmentum!



If all the moderate republicans bail, who's supposed to win the nomination? You think Republicans like Kasich? Lol

I can squint and see it. But I'm a liberal, so I can't be trusted.
If all the moderate republicans bail, who's supposed to win the nomination? You think Republicans like Kasich? Lol

Well they could go for Hillary right?

Seriously though, it's a good question. Reagan Democrats betrayed Mondale, maybe Clinton Republicans could secure the Democrats the white house.

Assuming Clinton won of course. Otherwise Bloomberg could very well scoop them up.
Well they could go for Hillary right?

Seriously though, it's a good question. Reagan Democrats betrayed Mondale, maybe Clinton Republicans could secure the Democrats the white house.

Assuming Clinton won of course. Otherwise Bloomberg could very well scoop them up.

'Clinton Republicans' is never going to happen. Stahp.
'Clinton Republicans' is never going to happen. Stahp.

All Clinton supporters are closeted Republicans.



Professional Schmuck
This MSNBC desk is really really good. Brian Williams, Maddow, Andrea Mitchell, Chuck God, Chris Matthews. I'd add Steve Schmidt because he always helps sober up the room but overall this is great analysis.

Mitchell's point about the rejection of American Capitalism status-quo from both wings is the most astute (and obvious) thing has said on tv in years. People aren't just rejecting their parties, they're rejecting this fucked up mess. She's on it.
There haven't been 20 years of hate machine aimed at Bernie, and Bernie/Trump supporters are the lowest of low info voters.

Either that or they just want to see the world burn.

So... some people want to see the world turn. Why not take a chance with the other side?

After all both parties are supposedly so similar. When the extremists take over, time to work with old enemies. Even the UK teamed up with France against Germany.
So... some people want to see the world turn. Why not take a chance with the other side?

After all both parties are supposedly so similar. When the extremists take over, time to work with old enemies. Even the UK teamed up with France against Germany.

LOL...nah, won't happen. I'm sorry, it's just not possible. Kind of like single-payer and free college, amirite?


I just checked the results, holy shit @ Rubio being 5th place. I wish Hillary was a little closer, but the results for the republican side could not have gone better. Bush is even beating him! (I've been busy for the past 4~ish hours)

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The percentage of voters by age for each party ballot based on exit polls is what you would expect:

18-29 R15% D19%
30-44 R17% D22%
45-64 R49% D42%
65+ R19% D17%
I don't know the MSNBC commentators names but one of the guys just said Sanders has run the best campaign of any candidate running this year. I'm not sure I entirely agree but I do think sanders nailed his messaging better than anyone (save maybe trump).


I just checked the results, holy shit @ Rubio being 5th place. I wish Hillary was a little closer, but the results for the republican side could not have gone better. Bush is even beating him! (I've been busy for the past 4~ish hours)

Bush should be in third place. He can still catch up though.
God damn some democrats are such whiny bastards. Bububu bloombeeeeeerg. Yeah, it's why you get whatever you're lacking as your vp, same way obama got biden and hillary would most likely get castro.

Anyway, after this it's safe to say that bernie's chances of taking the nom doubled and now sit at a comfy 2% again.

Now onwards to see how the media push will impact SC and NV.
They both have relatively simple messages to sell. Trump's is a xenophobic nationalist one that casts all your problems whatever they may be on the influx of immigrants and America losing to the rest of the world. Sanders' asserts the root of all your problems are millionaires, billionaires and/or banks, with a minor tangent of America losing to the rest of the world.
I don't know the MSNBC commentators names but one of the guys just said Sanders has run the best campaign of any candidate running this year. I'm not sure I entirely agree but I do think sanders nailed his messaging better than anyone (save maybe trump).

That was Chris Hayes. He has the 8pm show there.
God damn some democrats are such whiny bastards. Bububu bloombeeeeeerg. Yeah, it's why you get whatever you're lacking as your vp, same way obama got biden and hillary would most likely get castro.

Anyway, after this it's safe to say that bernie's chances of taking the nom doubled and now sit at a comfy 2% again.

Now onwards to see how the media push will impact SC and NV.

You don't seem to get it do you?

Bloomberg only runs if it's Trump/Sanders or Cruz/Sanders.

And Sanders will not tack to the center. His campaign manager said as much.
I don't know the MSNBC commentators names but one of the guys just said Sanders has run the best campaign of any candidate running this year. I'm not sure I entirely agree but I do think sanders nailed his messaging better than anyone (save maybe trump).

Make up your minds, guys - either he's a one note candidate or he's on-message.


They both have relatively simple messages to sell. Trump's is a xenophobic nationalist one that casts all your problems whatever they may be on the influx of immigrants and America losing to the rest of the world. Sanders' asserts the root of all your problems are millionaires, billionaires and/or banks, with a minor tangent of America losing to the rest of the world.

They all have relatively simple messages. Are you saying that's why Bernie and Trump won in particular?


There's no rule saying you can't be both. Bernie's issue with debates is that he can't get off message for more than 13 seconds.

Is that an actual "problem" or do you guys just not like it. Chris Mathews isn't the greatest political commentator, but he just praised Sanders for doing just that.
They all have relatively simple messages. Are you saying that's why Bernie and Trump won in particular?
No. They're better at selling those messages too. The messages are easier to digest. And also easier to rally behind.

Clinton's third term Obama message is relatively bland. Jeb!'s entire thing seems to be "I'm a steady hand, I know how to govern." But really they aren't great salespeople.


No Scrubs
Is that an actual "problem" or do you guys just not like it. Chris Mathews isn't the greatest political commentator, but he just praised Sabders for doing just that.

Well, it's a big part of why he's not doing better with minority voters. He'll pay their issues lip service for a little bit, but 90% of his solutions are economic and that's what he focuses on almost exclusively. It's also part of why he looks so bad when talking foreign policy in debates, he hardly talks about it outside debates so he gets no practice. If he wants to go further he's going to need to diversify his talking points.

Sounds like a feature, not a bug. I do agree he needs to hit race issues right quick soon, though.

It's a bug in that he pays issues that aren't in his primary message with lip service and nothing else. He seriously needs to be able to talk about not only racial issues, but foreign policy more coherently and fast.

He's like a RPG character that put all his stat points into two stats, if he wants to go the distance he'll need to re-balance.
Rubio is still 1.5k votes behind 4th place with 80% reporting and hasn't shown any signs of moving closer than 1k all night. I don't see him breaking out of 5th place. Other than Jeb/Cruz flipping, the standings for the Republicans have been firm since the polls closed.


Well look at Rubio.

I think the problem was not that Rubio was using the same line for a policy issue. People don't criticize Trump for using "China and Mexico" constantly because it's important to his campaign. Rubio dispelling notions, particularly about how competent or not Obama is, is completely unrelated to his policies. It's literally a line he should use once in a speech as a hook and then never again.
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