Are you even paying attention? How many times was Hillary (and Obama) attacked in the last debate? They started saying Sanders' name but it was kiddy glove stuff.
I went and searched the transcript for the 6th debate. There's one mention of her from Christie, but he doesn't attack anything, he just says "and she'd continue Obama's policies" which is bad.
There's an attack from Bush on Clinton's weak foreign policy stance here:
BUSH: No. And worse worse yet, to be honest with you, Hillary Clinton would be a national security disaster. Think about it. She wants to continue down the path of Iran, Benghazi, the Russian reset, Dodd-Frank, all the things that have that have gone wrong in this country, she would be a national security mess. And that is wrong.
Rubio then agrees with him.
Slightly later, Cruz attacks her on campaign finance.
So you know the New York Times and I dont have exactly have the warmest of relationships. Now in terms of their really stunning hit piece, what they mentioned is when I was running for senate unlike Hillary Clinton, I dont have masses of money in the bank, hundreds of millions of dollars.
Carson has something weird and incomprehensible about Clinton and guns.
Christie says she'll raise taxes.
And Im the only one up on this stage who back in April put forward a detailed entitlement reform plan that will save over $1 trillion, save Social Security, save Medicare, and avoid this avoid what Hillary Rodham Clinton will do to you.
Because what she will do is come in and she will raise Social Security taxes. Bernie Sanders has already said it. And she is just one or two more poll drops down from even moving further left than shes moved already to get to the left of Bernie on this.
he also says this about Sanders, though, so it's not an attack only Clinton got.
The final Clinton jibe is this, from Cruz:
I want to speak to all of those maddened by political correctness, where Hillary Clinton apologizes for saying all lives matter. This will end. It will end on January 2017.
So, to sum, Clinton got the following attacks: weak foreign policy, taking money from lobbyists, liberal on guns, would raise taxes, overly PC. Sanders also got attacked for raising taxes. That's a moot between them. Sanders is better than Clinton on guns, so that attack is less effective. Ditto for taking money from lobbyists. So at most, in terms of 'evil attacks that Reps have made against Clinton they haven't yet against Sanders' you have weak on foreign policy and overly PC. But Sanders definitely has been quite viciously attacked on foreign policy - by Clinton!
Also, Trump, the Republiacn frontrunner, didn't attack Clinton once in the whole of the sixth debate. Rubio only agreed with something Bush said. Cruz said "she's PC" and attacked her campaign finance. If you think this is a sustained attack, man are you setting some low expectations. The most vicious attacker of Clinton was Christie, a total non-entity!
So we're basically just left with overly PC in terms of attack-differences between Sanders and Clinton. That's fuck all.