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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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No Scrubs
Nobody is in a safe seat from primaries. That's the whole point of primaries.

Not every district will accept people as crazy as Trump as an option. Sure you can primary someone like Peter King with someone to his right, but he'd absolutely destroy them due to the demographics of his district. They expect him to break with the GOP on occasion. That's what I mean by safe seats.

Pre-Cantor you'd most likely be correct, mate. Post-Cantor, and when even the Turtle had to fight hard to stay around? Unlikely.

The turtle had to survive an entire state, these guys will only need to survive their own districts. Citizens United was custom made for this shit, big money in small districts makes all the difference.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It's gonna be Christie. They have a similar temperament and seem to get along. Plus they've totally got that deal going.

He's my choice 1b for Trump.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
On second thought, with Bridgegate, I don't see Christie being a viable VP choice. Any chance Trump would pick Romney? Kasich?
A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.
On second thought, with Bridgegate, I don't see Christie being a viable VP choice. Any chance Trump would pick Romney? Kasich?

Kasich's a good pick for me. Everyone wants Ohio and he wouldn't compete with Trump for the spotlight. Legit think Romney would tell him to fuck off.


A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.

He may get enough delegates by then that it doesn't matter.
You know, I'm starting to think Sanders is getting the not-Obama voters from '08. He's taking Hillary and Edwards previous voters.

Which kind of makes sense given the racial makeup of NH but not the politics. He didn't do as well in some places that Obama crushed last time and really well in places Obama got crushed.

You'd think Hillary voters would somewhat stay but it seemed a lot switched. It's time to wonder how much of NH's Hillary support was race based. I don't necessarily mean those voters are racist but I wonder if a lot of them believed they couldn't elect a black man because no way the US would vote in a black president.

NH is very anti-establishment...or rather just more outsider-ish in thinking a lot of the time. And if the only thing that propped Hillary in NH was race, I wonder if this bodes poorly for Bernie because NH picked Bernie to vote against Obama as they generally vote against the status quo (Hillary being exception in '08 and previously explained). Which would then mean as this primary moves on, hugging Obama will be great for Hillary and bad for Bernie.

Or maybe people are just generally annoyed with things and want someone unlike the rest. We'll see.

I still think Hillary will probably control the rest of the Primary but who knows. Media is so different now.
A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.

This was discussed a while back when Trump was first picking up steam. I think at this point it might be too late for that. Trump has momentum and not enough people are dropping out. By the time it becomes a 2-3 person race he might already have it locked up, or close enough to locked up that people see him as inevitable.
A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.

I think Rubio and Jeb are in until Super Tuesday, at which point Trump will have racked up enough states to make his lead hard to overcome.
Any chance Trump would pick Romney? Kasich?
There's nothing in the world that Don could offer to Romney that would make the man associate his image with him in such a lasting manner.

Or so i'd like to believe, because i kinda like mitt. About as good as republicans come, tbqh
I still think Hillary will probably control the rest of the Primary but who knows. Media is so different now.

That you even put that "probably" in there shows how much expectations have changed.
A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.

People like Fiorina and Christie don't matter. In the pre-Iowa polling on SC, those that currently dropped are like 6% total. Probably even lower in reality.

It only matters if there's just 3 candidates, Trump vs Cruz vs Jeb!/Kasich/Rubio. But by the time this does happen, it may be too late. Delegate math might screw them.


I don't imagine any of the other Republicans will drop out before S.C. Everyone else is doing well enough except for Gilmore and Carson who don't appear to operate according to logic.
It's pretty annoying that we haven't gotten a single South Carolina or Nevada poll in the last two weeks.

Again, why would we? Who is stupid enough to pay for such a poll.

A SC poll becomes outdates the moment Iowa ends and then becomes outdated again the moment NH ends because people drop out and results are in.

I know it would be fun for us to discuss new SC polls, but they'd give us no useful information until NH Primary is over. Now we'll see some polls.


Kasich's a good pick for me. Everyone wants Ohio and he wouldn't compete with Trump for the spotlight. Legit think Romney would tell him to fuck off.
I don't think Kasich cares much for Trump personally.

A point that isn't discussed here is Trump losing steam the more people drop out of the race. I think he benefits from having a lot of people still in the race. Once it's cut down to 1-3 people, the heat is gonna turned the all the way up.
Cruz voters are far more likely to move to Trump (and vice versa) than Jeb!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You know, I'm starting to think Sanders is getting the not-Obama voters from '08. He's taking Hillary and Edwards previous voters.

Which kind of makes sense given the racial makeup of NH but not the politics. He didn't do as well in some places that Obama crushed last time and really well in places Obama got crushed.

You'd think Hillary voters would somewhat stay but it seemed a lot switched. It's time to wonder how much of NH's Hillary support was race based. I don't necessarily mean those voters are racist but I wonder if a lot of them believed they couldn't elect a black man because no way the US would vote in a black president.

NH is very anti-establishment...or rather just more outsider-ish in thinking a lot of the time. And if the only thing that propped Hillary in NH was race, I wonder if this bodes poorly for Bernie because NH picked Bernie to vote against Obama as they generally vote against the status quo (Hillary being exception in '08 and previously explained). Which would then mean as this primary moves on, hugging Obama will be great for Hillary and bad for Bernie.

Or maybe people are just generally annoyed with things and want someone unlike the rest. We'll see.

I still think Hillary will probably control the rest of the Primary but who knows. Media is so different now.

They're different coalitions and shouldn't be compared. Obama took young people, liberals, people with a college degree, wealthy Democrats, and racial minorities. Clinton took old people, moderates, people without a college degree, poorer Democrats, and whites.

Meanwhile, Sanders takes young people, liberals, people without a college degree, poorer Democrats, and whites. Clinton takes old people, moderates, people with a college degree, wealthy Democrats, and minorities. You'll spot this just doesn't match to either bloc from '08.

It's not as simple as an "Obama bloc" and a "Clinton bloc". There are myriad different interest groups in the Democrats and they don't always work together in the same ways. I think your argument here fails right from the get go because you don't seem to understand this.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Again, why would we? Who is stupid enough to pay for such a poll.

A SC poll becomes outdates the moment Iowa ends and then becomes outdated again the moment NH ends because people drop out and results are in.

I know it would be fun for us to discuss new SC polls, but they'd give us no useful information until NH Primary is over. Now we'll see some polls.

yeah, this is true enough. I'm expecting a big glut of SC polls and maybe even a new Nevada polls over the next week. Should be good! We've not had a high quality SC poll since December or a Nevada one since October.


Speaking of Obama..

Jay Carney: Obama wants Clinton to win
President Barack Obama will not endorse a candidate in the Democratic primary, but there is no doubt where he is leaning, according to former White House press secretary Jay Carney.

"I think the president has signaled while still remaining neutral that he supports Secretary Clinton's candidacy and would prefer to see her as the nominee," Carney said on CNN Wednesday following coverage of the president's speech to the Illinois state Senate in Springfield.

Obama will not "officially embrace her unless and until it's clear she is going to be the nominee," Carney said.

"I think he is maintaining that tradition of not intervening in a party primary," he added. "But I don't think there is any doubt that he wants Hillary to win the nomination and believes she would be the best candidate in the fall and the most effective as president in carrying forward what he has achieved."

In his speech, Obama blasted the level of political rhetoric in the United States in both parties, mentioning at one point that there is too much focus on political details like being a true Republican or being a "true progressive," a line of attack that Bernie Sanders has employed against Clinton.

Some were wondering if Obama or others would step-in. This is a sneaky way to nudge things.
That you even put that "probably" in there shows how much expectations have changed.

eh, I've always argued Bernie has a chance. I said long ago if he can win Iowa and NH it would be legit, and while he didn't win Iowa is was essentially a tie.

I never underestimate the power of the media to shape things. I mean, if this was 1980, no way Bernie could win (I mean in terms of media consumption, not politics). But in this new insta-media world, things can change on a dime. just ask Rubio.

The only thing I'm truly sure of is Hillary beating Jeb! and Carson (okay the carson one true for Bernie as well). Everyone else in the race can still win (except Gilmore and Carson) given the right circumstances.

But I think Bernie is still at best a 1 in 5 shot.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think I will vote for Bernie. I need lower taxes so I can buy a larger apartment from which to spit on plebs.
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