So I've touched on it slightly before, but it's something that often leaves me curious.
On the whole, what role do people here actually see the US playing in the world?
What degree of interaction and intervention do they expect or think is necessary? Is it time to force other Western allies to take more active roles?
To what extent is it okay for the US to exert its hard and soft power?
Would people want to roll back on trade interactions? Reverse trade agreements? Implement tariffs?
Would they be indifferent to China and Russia expanding their spheres of influence, not only in their immediate vicinity?
Does the US have the obligation or authority to prevent atrocity? When? At what cost?
On the whole, what role do people here actually see the US playing in the world?
What degree of interaction and intervention do they expect or think is necessary? Is it time to force other Western allies to take more active roles?
To what extent is it okay for the US to exert its hard and soft power?
Would people want to roll back on trade interactions? Reverse trade agreements? Implement tariffs?
Would they be indifferent to China and Russia expanding their spheres of influence, not only in their immediate vicinity?
Does the US have the obligation or authority to prevent atrocity? When? At what cost?