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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Mcconnel and Cruz are both petulant cry babies . . . hell, the entire GOP is. They're going to obstruct through the entire damn year . . . then what the hell do they do with a President Clinton or Sanders? Keep pouting like toddlers?
Republicans are scum if they don't let Obama appoint anyone. They have dominated the court for so many decades simply by getting lucky regarding retirements. They are going to look like spoiled brats if they refuse to even consider any appointment.

Obama still has a fucking year left in office. He's the President, how disrespectful is it to take this responsibility from him for partisan reasons.

This really feels unprecedented . . . Benji where are you? We need some historical context.


Is there any historical precedent they could use to explain stalling? I don't know how they argue that Obama shouldn't be allowed to perform the duties of his office.

If Mitch McConnell is any indication, the justification is that the American people should get a say in the nomination. As if electing Obama wasn't having a say...
Let me review the poll and nitpick something faulthy so I can construct a counter argument about how this is actually great for Bern.



Git it gurl.
McConnell is dumber than I thought:

This is so blatantly idiotic. There's no pretense of anything even close to the realm of a rational defense for this sort of behavior. Anyone who thinks about it for more than 2 seconds can understand how stupid it is, all you have to do is flip the script to Democrats or extend the hypothetical. If one year is OK, why not 2? Why not an entire term? Why not just say we won't nominate anyone ever until a Republican is president? Can we stop passing laws until the election so the "next Congress" can decide on the budget? This is terrible optics, it's the distillation of Obama is illegitimate thing.


it didn't dawn on me that Republicans would try wait until 2017 for another supreme court justice, i didn't think that would be a thing.


Unconfirmed Member
Obama better find a damn good Judge who can last a year's worth of scrutiny.


They're fucking idiots. All Obama has to do is nominate someone, wait for the Senate to go into recess, and do a recess appointment.


They lose no matter what.


This is so blatantly idiotic. There's no pretense of anything even close to the realm of a rational defense for this sort of behavior. Anyone who thinks about it for more than 2 seconds can understand how stupid it is, all you have to do is flip the script to Democrats or extend the hypothetical. If one year is OK, why not 2? Why not an entire term? Why not just say we won't nominate anyone ever until a Republican is president? Can we stop passing laws until the election so the "next Congress" can decide on the budget? This is terrible optics.
Because they're trying to avoid an internal mutiny, most likely.
They're fucking idiots. All Obama has to do is nominate someone, wait for the Senate to go into recess, and do a recess appointment.


They lose no matter what.

GOP can have 1 person each day come in, start the day even for 1 minute just to make sure it is not recess.


David Plouffe &#8207;@davidplouffe

I really don't think a referendum on the SCOTUS will work out how they think. Not while you have Obama making national addresses calling for a vote

They've gotten too comfortable ignoring lesser nominations the public doesn't care about


Unconfirmed Member
Is there any historical precedent they could use to explain stalling? I don't know how they argue that Obama shouldn't be allowed to perform the duties of his office.

Yeah, I don't think there's ever been a time when congress outright refused to appoint a justice solely based off hatred of the president nominating him.

There's been some highly debated appointees where congress tried to get the president to change the appointee, but that's very different from saying the sitting president is flat out not allowed to appoint anyone no matter what.
What is Plouffe's reasoning for that

Because, there is no way the GOP could spin this other than obstruction. They can waive away a lot of the other shit, but a Supreme appointment is not something that they can just pretend isn't a Constitutional requirement for them to fill.


It's a powerful club for the President to wield for a year. "Give my nominee a vote. The President nominates." Repeat it every press conference, every day until his term is over.


What is Plouffe's reasoning for that

Mobilizing the various wings of the Dem Party is easy when you actually have a super tangible benefit(an open Supreme Court). Keep in mind that previously, it was about maintaining the status quo(4 lib, 4 con, 1 mid). Now it's about swinging a court.
The Republicans should really just try to compromise with Obama and get someone who isn't too far to the left. It's their only real play here.

I wonder if cooler heads will prevail after this news is digested. I also wonder if McConnell's statement is just the starting position for them to compromise away from.


Seems like conservatives are coalescing around the "let the people decide" argument.

There are a lot of ways to counter this, starting with the people elected Obama for 4 years, not 3. Plenty of important cases coming up, etc.

For example, Republicans would have lost on blocking obama's clean energy agenda last week with 8 justices


The same way the shut down blew up in their faces.

Such a good point. However the shutdown was two years away (maybe a only a year, can't remember) from election. This is 9 months away and is going to be a daily thing. The shutdown lasted a month and then it was over. Voters didn't have constant reminders of republican incompetence/corruption.
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