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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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For people who are more knowledgeable than me on these matters: What impact will Scalia's death have in regards to Friedrichs vs. California? Is it likely to be a split 4-4 decision now?

Any vote that Scalia made is void if the decision has not been handed down. It's likely going to be a 4-4 decision that would let the lower court ruling stand.

A huge win for labor.


ARG South Carolina (February 12th-13th), 400 likely Democratic and Republican voters

Clinton 65%
Sanders 27%
74-19 Clinton with AA voters

Trump 35%
Kasich 15%
Rubio 14%
Cruz 12%
Bush 10%

OMG at those GOP positions. Kasich and Rubitron above the Canadian? This day is bonkers. Literally bonkers. BONKERS.



Look at their splits and it's clear something is amiss. Sanders has consistently done well with the 18-49 crowd but this poll has him losing that 57 to 36. I find that really hard to believe even in SC.

Not when you consider Hillary runs significantly ahead of Bernie among young AA.


how many 4-4 decisions go against conservatives before they think this might be a bad idea? there are some big cases this year, some of which went against conservatives in the lower courts

and yes, I realize they don't set precedent
Haha well I'm actually not employed (yet) but he'll be getting one too. Same with Jason Kander, Deborah Ross and Ann Kirkpatrick.

I got my donations all setup to. Hillary's getting $75 a month as is Strickland. $50 to my local Democratic party. More to some local races, depending on who we get to run.
Citizens United is done though. They can't really just bring stuff up because they want to.

They can't just flip it back around but there are test cases liberals can bring to restrain some of its impact. Just a year or two ago there was a Montana case that would have allowed for more state level limits on non-disclosed funds. With a liberal instead of Scalia that goes through.
Like I said in the other thread, if Obama nominates a reasonable candidate for the spot and the GOP plays this game, its gonna pay big dividends in downballot races. People already detest Congress and this will slam it home.
I got my donations all setup to. Hillary's getting $75 a month as is Strickland. $50 to my local Democratic party. More to some local races, depending on who we get to run.
I feel like Hillary, if the nominee will have plenty of money behind her so I'm not too concerned about that.

If the nominee is Sanders though? Hoo boy. I'll be throwing everything I've got at him, he'll need all the help he can get. I gave him a token $10 donation early on and bought a shirt (that counts, right?).
Look at their splits and it's clear something is amiss. Sanders has consistently done well with the 18-49 crowd but this poll has him losing that 57 to 36. I find that really hard to believe even in SC.
I think you need to consider that more than half of the primary electorate in SC is AA and she wins that group in this poll by wide margin.

That's not to say that one should take the poll at face value, but the point your making isn't necessarily a discrepancy. It's a very different electorate than NH or IA.
Not when you consider Hillary runs significantly ahead of Bernie among young AA.

Speaking of which, from that ARG poll; African American/Black(53%) White (46%)

Uhhhh, South Carolina's Black population only accounts for 28 percent of the entire population (as of 2013). So where did they get that split? They took it from the 2008 Democratic Primary, when Barrack Obama got more Black voters out than anyone thought possible.

I think you need to consider that more than half of the primary electorate in SC is AA and she wins that group in this poll by wide margin.

That's not to say that one should take the poll at face value, but the point your making isn't necessarily a discrepancy. It's a very different electorate than NH or IA.

That was true in 2008, but mainly because Obama was on the ticket.

EDIT: Apparently non-whites accounted for ~45% of the vote in the 2004 primary as well, how unusual.


Speaking of which, from that ARG poll; African American/Black(53%) White (46%)

Uhhhh, South Carolina's Black population only accounts for 28 percent of the entire population (as of 2013). So where did they get that split? They took it from the 2008 Democratic Primary, when Barrack Obama got more Black voters out than anyone thought possible.

That was true in 2008, but mainly because Obama was on the ticket.

that 53% is of the African American electorate that will make up the Democratic primary. It was 55% in 08.

User 406

Just found out about Scalia's death. My reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppqoILwgYZY

I'm playing this video all the way through, only so I can fully understand your reaction. That's the only reason. Really.


Kasich above Cruz in the deep south?

OMG at those GOP positions. Kasich and Rubitron above the Canadian? This day is bonkers. Literally bonkers. BONKERS.

Moderate/establishment voters are going to Kasich as the literal only electable option.

that 53% is of the African American electorate that will make up the Democratic primary. It was 55% in 08.

I see that. I'm wondering why it is Black Voters show up in such large numbers in South Carolina compared to White Voters who outnumber them nearly 3:1 in the general population.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Graham is absolutely insane to say something like that before anybody is nominated. This could be the tipping point in a presidential election. What is he thinking?
I see that. I'm wondering why it is Black Voters show up in such large numbers in South Carolina compared to White Voters who outnumber them nearly 3:1 in the general population.

Because black voters are overwhelmingly Democrats. The white vote is voting in the other party's primary.


Compilation of all the GOP Presidential Candidates reactions:

Ben Carson

It is imperative that the Senate not allow President Obama to diminish his legacy by trying to nominate an individual who would carry on his wishes to subvert the will of the People. Given the dire condition our democracy currently finds itself under Obama’s ideological agenda, I call on the Senate to stop any attempts to fill this crucial seat until We The People elect a strong Constitutionalist this November.

Marco Rubio

Today, our nation has suffered a deep loss. Justice Scalia was one of the most consequential Americans in our history and a brilliant legal mind who served with only one objective: to interpret and defend the Constitution as written. One of the greatest honors in my life was to attend oral arguments during Town of Greece v. Galloway and see Justice Scalia eloquently defend religious freedom. I will hold that memory forever. The next president must nominate a justice who will continue Justice Scalia’s unwavering belief in the founding principles that we hold dear. Jeanette and I mourn the loss of Justice Scalia, and our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Maureen and his family.

Ted Cruz

Justice Scalia was an American hero. We owe it to him, & the Nation, for the Senate to ensure that the next President names his replacement.

Donald Trump
The totally unexpected loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a massive setback for the Conservative movement and our COUNTRY!

Jeb Bush

Today we lost a great man whose principled service left our nation vastly better off. This afternoon at Mass, Columba and I prayed for Justice Scalia, who was devout in faith and has been brought home to God in heaven. Our prayers are also with his wife, Maureen, his children and his 28 grandchildren.

Justice Scalia was a brilliant defender of the rule of law — his logic and wit were unparalleled, and his decisions were models of clarity and good sense. I often said he was my favorite justice, because he took the Constitution, and the responsibility of judges to interpret it correctly, with the utmost seriousness. Now it is up to all of us to fight for the principles Justice Scalia espoused and carry fourth his legacy.

John Kasich
An essential, principled force for conservative thought and is a model for others to follow. His dedication to the Constitution and love for and service to our country will be deeply missed.”
I see that. I'm wondering why it is Black Voters show up in such large numbers in South Carolina compared to White Voters who outnumber them nearly 3:1 in the general population.

Because you're talking about a partisan primary. AAs are far more likely to be a Democrat, especially in the south, than whites. The whites vote for the GOP, hence the reason the GOP carries the state every election.
So Bush and Kasich hedged their bets and are the only two who did not call for the next president to nominate a judge. I guess Trump didn't either but I know the answer to that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Thanks Kyosaiga for the compilation. Most of them are buying into this, 'no nomination until next year'. The dems have to be so ecstatic.
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