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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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The problem for Clinton is that Nevada is before SC, and if Sanders does good there it will affect SC result too.
If only we had any idea how things are going there. There were tons of polls leading up to the 08 Nevada Caucus and they were accurate. This time, we get one poll from a Republican pollster (who strangely decided not to poll the Republicans even though the Republican caucus is only a few days later hmmm).

LMAO look at the article the Free Beacon did on Rachel Maddow's coverage of their poll: http://freebeacon.com/politics/rachel-maddow-free-beacon-nevada-polll/

Unfortunately, some people are easily swayed by misinformation.

Yea. As I was telling NeoXChaos in PMs last night, that's the name I'm hearing from friends in the WH and senate.

The only opposite movement I sense from people I've spoken to was mirrored by David Frum this morning: that Obama might pick a fight with a liberal minority judge, to boost voter turnout. It's the cynical play and I don't believe it'll happen, but it's a possibility. Frum floats the idea of Holder, but the people I've spoken to mentioned Loretta Lynch or preferably a female Hispanic judge. Again, I don't believe that will happen
Yeah I think it's from a few days ago.

I'd be surprised if Hillary really blows ass there; it's like the one caucus state she won in 2008.
And apparently she ended up with less delegates than Obama there anyway. Caucuses and primaries are so arbitrary and weird.


Obama should appoint Hillary, allowing Sanders to become the nominee, for her own good, the good of the country and the good of the Democratic Party.
Yea. As I was telling NeoXChaos in PMs last night, that's the name I'm hearing from friends in the WH and senate.

The only opposite movement I sense from people I've spoken to was mirrored by David Frum this morning: that Obama might pick a fight with a liberal minority judge, to boost voter turnout. It's the cynical play and I don't believe it'll happen, but it's a possibility. Frum floats the idea of Holder, but the people I've spoken to mentioned Loretta Lynch or preferably a female Hispanic judge. Again, I don't believe that will happen

A black women would be perfect for this.


Yea. As I was telling NeoXChaos in PMs last night, that's the name I'm hearing from friends in the WH and senate.

The only opposite movement I sense from people I've spoken to was mirrored by David Frum this morning: that Obama might pick a fight with a liberal minority judge, to boost voter turnout. It's the cynical play and I don't believe it'll happen, but it's a possibility. Frum floats the idea of Holder, but the people I've spoken to mentioned Loretta Lynch or preferably a female Hispanic judge. Again, I don't believe that will happen

What I really want to know is the nature of the GOP's praise for Srinivasan during the 2013 confirmation hearings. If the praise is particularly effusive, I could see why Obama would want to send this guy out as the first nominee when most people are paying sharp attention. It would set the tone of the nominee debate for the rest of the year (or reinforce, for voters, the image of the GOP as incredibly asinine on this topic), and the GOP would look ridiculous for praising him passionately in 2013, only to suddenly turn hypocritical on him in 2016.
Dat premier source.
I got rekt




User 406

Obama should nominate Michelle brehs

Man, I do not get all the people who talk about "Michelle should run for this", "Michelle should be nominated for that". It's pretty damn clear to anyone paying attention that Michelle is Tired Of Our Shit. She's about to be done with this crap, and Obama will not be a Supreme Court justice because he would like to stay married to her.
Man, I do not get all the people who talk about "Michelle should run for this", "Michelle should be nominated for that". It's pretty damn clear to anyone paying attention that Michelle is Tired Of Our Shit. She's about to be done with this crap, and Obama will not be a Supreme Court justice because he would like to stay married to her.


It was a joke.

Actually they were pretty much dead on in NH and Iowa. Not skewed.

Their last two polls:

NH - Clinton (38) Sanders (57)
Iowa - Clinton (46) Sanders (47)


Isnt SC an open primary too!?

If he closes the gap to anything above 40% in SC he can call it a victory.
Obama should appoint Hillary, allowing Sanders to become the nominee, for her own good, the good of the country and the good of the Democratic Party.

Hillary kept the whitey tape hidden for 8 years just so she could blackmail Obama into nominated Chelsea to the Supreme Court now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Srinivasan seems p. meh. I'd almost rather Obama fight this one and leave it to chance than settle. But maybe that's worse. Dunno.

I used to know an "S. Srinivasan" who had ugly shoes so that's another strike against him.
If the GOP leaves it on the table to let the voters decide, you've then got basically every Democrat campaigning on the GOP potentially rolling back abortion rights, gay marriage, and the obstruction of never being able to get anything done. You'll have the president talking about it as well, campaigning with the nominee. I'd be very weary of doing this if I was McConnell.
Srinivasan seems p. meh. I'd almost rather Obama fight this one and leave it to chance than settle. But maybe that's worse. Dunno.

I used to know an "S. Srinivasan" who had ugly shoes so that's another strike against him.

Yeah, I'm not really digging his resume.

But here's the thing: with the Republicans straight up saying that they'll oppose ANYBODY, Obama's got a lot more leeway than he might otherwise. Normally, the Republicans could poo-poo his candidate on grounds of their positions and history, but now? Not so much. Might as well go for broke.


Obama should nominate Michelle brehs

Bo Obama for Supreme Court Justice. A steady, steely eyed navigator who rarely telegraphs his opinions.

Sri, really is perfect for the role IMO. He sounds pretty moderate which not only plays very well politically, but helps to trend the court towards the role of neutral arbiter, which is what we should all be hoping it becomes.
Srinivasan seems p. meh. I'd almost rather Obama fight this one and leave it to chance than settle. But maybe that's worse. Dunno.

I used to know an "S. Srinivasan" who had ugly shoes so that's another strike against him.

Is Srinivasan considered a moderate? Would he be considered left of Kennedy, but right of the other four liberal judges?
I still think Bernie will vote against Obama's nominee.
I found it interesting that when I looked this morning, I saw Hillary say we should let Obama decide while I saw nothing from Bernie on it. I'm not sure what it means but this could be a moment for Bernie to show he has Obama's back when that's been called into question as of late.
Rubio says that Bill Clinton should be blamed for 9/11 for not murdering 300 people:


"I'm just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden - he's a very smart guy, I've spent a lot of time thinking about him - and I nearly got him once," said Clinton, who'd departed the White House earlier that year. "I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn't do it."


Rubio's already a demon.
Clinton leads AA in that poll 73/26. That's where Bernie needs to continue making up ground.

What indicates a problem for him is that 0% of Black voters in that poll indicated they "were not too strong" about their choice of candidate and only 5% said they were "somewhat strong".

Those numbers are already higher to what Clinton herself did in 2008 (19%). Unless he fucks up with a gaffe (he is prone to it when discussing racial issues), I can't see that number not improving.

God bless Independents <3.


He's not putting 9/11 on Clinton, he's putting it on Clinton's decision. What kind of nonsense is this answer? What a weasel.
I found it interesting that when I looked this morning, I saw Hillary say we should let Obama decide while I saw nothing from Bernie on it. I'm not sure what it means but this could be a moment for Bernie to show he has Obama's back when that's been called into question as of late.

To correct the record, Bernie has since said this shouldn't be an issue and the President and Senate should fulfill their duties.



Trump's usage of 9/11 this campaign has been basically god-tier.

Trump’s assertion was bizarre for a Republican -- or, for that matter, anyone running for president. While the conventional wisdom may hold that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was mistaken, or even disastrous, it’s rare to hear any politician insist that George W. Bush willingly mislead the American people into war. “Bush lied, people died,” is a sentiment rejected by even the most ardent opponents of the Iraq War, a fringe belief usually embraced by cranks on the far-right and far-left. On Saturday, Donald Trump brought that conspiracy theory to a presidential debate.

I honestly didn't know it was a conspiracy theory.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bush and Kasich can't hold on forever. What other establishment candidate is left?

I'm not saying Rubio wins the long establishment game by being a genius, I'm saying he wins it by sucking the least. Team Rubio: "We suck less!"

It's gonna be Trump vs. Rubio before all the dust settles. They'll be the last two standing

When Carson leaves I'm fairly positive he supports Trump, which should shift a few his way. Jeb ain't going anywhere for awhile (and besides, his measly 5% does nothing), and I think Cruz and Rubio are in until the end.

What happens to Cruz?

This. He goes nowhere.

Rubio says that Bill Clinton should be blamed for 9/11 for not murdering 300 people:



Rubio's already a demon.

This is on the same level as Fox News' "Bush Recovery?" Total unadulterated trash. Makes absolutely zero sense. This is the same as the "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument.
When Trump continued and said "I lost a lot of friends" and the audience kept booing it just made the audience look really bad. Trump knows exactly how things look on TV as opposed to onstage where the other candidates are blinded by the lights & cameras.

It's insane seeing how intertwined the media and the political establishment really is. Not one media outlet dared to mention the audience booing in a negative way or question why it was so biased.
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