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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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I'd say Albright is Clinton's mentor. Of course, there are reasons to dislike her too.
Warren Christopher is too dead to mentor anyone.

And Condi and Colin Powell are contemporaries.

They probably all get together and drink margaritas on Sunday Funday.
New post-debate SC poll, commissioned by the SC state House GOP caucus:


Trump 33
Rubio 14
Cruz 14
Bush 13
Kasich 10
Carson 6

Those are pretty awful numbers for Cruz. At least Rubio can point to the establishment vote getting split with Bush and Kasich. Cruz is at 14% in a state 2/3s of which is evangelical and might not get a single delegate if these numbers hold up.
It is not all realpolitik with Kissinger. Much is also just straight up conspiracy to commit murder, like sabotaging the Paris peace talks. How does one justify that? http://www.commondreams.org/views/2014/08/12/george-will-confirms-nixons-vietnam-treason

Look. You're wrong.

Kissinger predicted that Johnson was going to offer a cease-fire in order to stop the war and make the Democrats look like they had successfully handled the Communist crisis in Southeast-Asia. That was his only role in that. He didn't leak any secret information, he just predicted it because the signs were very obvious to anyone who was paying attention. Nixon told Anna Chennault to relay the message that Republicans would do the capitalists one better, with the implication that the South could retake the North and that no division would be necessary. Yes, this is illegal and treasonous, but Kissinger is not the evildoer in this respect because he was neither the message-sender nor the message-carrier. Whether or not he would have agreed with it is sort of irrelevant because the fact is that he was not a part of it in a significant way, since Harlow had also provided the information to Nixon. If you're going to say that Kissinger sabotaged the peace talks, you need to provide some hard evidence that he actually told Nixon to do something like that, and not just provide a good guess.

In fact, Kissinger was guaranteed a position in both Humphrey's government and Nixon's government because he was respected by both presidential campaigns, so there is no ulterior motive to "ruin" the Democrats' chances and thus guarantee himself a cabinet position, because he essentially already had the job.

Sabotaging the peace talks didn't necessarily make Vietnam any more dangerous, either. Cease-fires happen all the time and they either result in decades-long instability like what had just happened in Korea and Germany, or they quickly fall apart like what John Kerry's and Hillary Clinton's cease-fires have done in Israel. Of course, no one has any idea which of those two would have happened because it's impossible to predict the future. But in any case if you know anything about Germany or Korea, I'm sure you can see why adding another permanently divided nation to the world would have seemed undesirable to a historically savvy Kissinger.
A mentor who is also a holocaust baiter.

Given that Kissinger's family fled the Germany to escape the holocaust and he fought against the Nazis in WWII, its safe to say that his relationship with that era is slightly more complicated that you're making it sound. Kissinger was always about advancing American interests first and when dealing with Israel that meant minimizing the importance of the holocaust. Given that this still defines our relationship, its a reasonable strategic choice, if not a moral one.


And that means she has to agree with everything he says and does because....

She clearly respects the man for his political aptitude, but that itself is the problem, he's an extreme Machiavellian politician.

Henry Kissinger said:
“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

You have to swallow quite a bit to be willing to be buddies with this guy. But more importantly if she respects such politics, that means she doesn't view it (entirely) as a moral albatross. Foreign policy is a game of picking the least shitty option, but Henry opted to invent options which didn't appear to most men; unfortunately these options resulted in hundreds of thousands of innocents losing their lives.
Bush 43 speaking now. Goddamn this man has 10x the charisma of Jeb! It's not even close.

Holy crap.

Comparing Bush now to the 2004 elections is pretty amazing. I legit thought he had some kind of neurological problem then. Turns out being President, is just really, really, really exhausting.
SC is winner takes all by district though, from memory. So the numbers don't translate proportionally into delegates.

The state winner gets a bonus too. Depending on vote distribution Trump could win the vast majority of delegates without cracking 40%.


just heard a live clip; it is damn true. He could win a 3rd term if it was possible

If a third term was possible he'd get slaughtered by Obama.

What were Trump's numbers before the debate? 33% seems high, it's hard to believe he didn't lose more than that going after Bush and praising PP.
Given that Kissinger's family fled the Germany to escape the holocaust and he fought against the Nazis in WWII, its safe to say that his relationship with that era is slightly more complicated that you're making it sound. Kissinger was always about advancing American interests first and when dealing with Israel that meant minimizing the importance of the holocaust. Given that this still defines our relationship, its a reasonable strategic choice, if not a moral one.

Henry Kissinger said:
"The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy. And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."
He speaks for himself loudly and clearly here.

The state winner gets a bonus too. Depending on vote distribution Trump could win the vast majority of delegates without cracking 40%.
Yeah, so Trump right now seems pretty much set to receive at least the statewide delegates. While the others may not get any depending upon how their support is spread or concentrated.


In regards to Kissinger. Bottom line is we live in the fucking real world not a world of fiction where you can label people as "evil" or "good". Hell the majority of us ourselves aren't completely "good" and we don't have to deal with extremely grey areas of foreign policy.
Jeb! Bush without the glasses look sorta look like Jim Webb. I just turned on the TV and I was thinking to myself "huh, I guess Jim Webb became full on traitor now".
In regards to Kissinger. Bottom line is we live in the fucking real world not a world of fiction where you can label people as "evil" or "good". Hell the majority of us ourselves aren't completely "good" and we don't have to deal with extremely grey areas of foreign policy.
Moral grey exists but if we are going to use the term evil we shouldn't be afraid of labeling Kissinger as evil. His mark on the world is such that it isn't a stretch; Kissinger has some disgusting views on the worth of a human life.

I'm not going to argue the Kissinger thing. He's a piece of shit in my view. I just don't happen to think she shares his mind on those issues.
By her calculation his views are no barrier to the conversation.
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