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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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This speech better end before OutFront with Erin Burnett starts.

These Bush's are so slimy, I wonder if they were doing the robocalls against Trump in the name of Cruz.
On a scale from -10 to 0, how effective will Cruz's "Trump's judges will write out the second amendment." attack be?

It's such a stupid vector of attack. Cruz would be smarter to attack Trump's pro-choice past than going with the gun angle. Cruz needs to win a larger share of the evangelical vote or he's done.
On a scale from -10 to 0, how effective will Cruz's "Trump's judges will write out the second amendment." attack be?
I think him stealing IA from Ben Carson blunts his attacks. There's something distinctly off putting about Cruz that his robo-calls have only enhanced and that makes Trump calling him a liar work.

East Lake

In regards to Kissinger. Bottom line is we live in the fucking real world not a world of fiction where you can label people as "evil" or "good". Hell the majority of us ourselves aren't completely "good" and we don't have to deal with extremely grey areas of foreign policy.
Kissinger is definitely far from the grey camp. It's not wrong to take his advice, on the other hand for a thread so laser focused on optics and not the real world the failure of Hillary to even deflect that question should raise a few eyebrows. Whatever military adventures she has for her next terms also will not be justified with real world pragmatism, but with fantasies. She's not that sharp even if it doesn't hurt her in the general. Much like Bill "we are all mixed race" Clinton committing unforced errors. Not surprised that didn't show up in the thread, can you imagine if Bernie said that!
eBay posted it earlier. Bubba also accidentally criticized Obama. He's a potential campaign trail liability now, as he was 8 years ago.

But then, he's not running for President again.
I think him stealing IA from Ben Carson blunts his attacks. There's something distinctly off putting about Cruz that his robo-calls have only enhanced and that makes Trump calling him a liar work.

My mom's a ted cruz fan and said that his campaign did what any campaign would have done given the statement from Carson's camp that was "misinterpreted" at the time.

I asked, "If Cruz's campaign did what any campaign would have done, why is he the only one that did it?"

Still waiting on a response two hours later.


Rubs me the wrong way that Bush is able to go up like that and endorse his brother. After everything he did as president, really?
Rubs me the wrong way that Bush is able to go up like that and endorse his brother. After everything he did as president, really?

Republicans seem to be very forgetful. They act like he was a great president now and they are trying to place the blame for the recession of 08 on Obama.


Republicans seem to be very forgetful. They act like he was a great president now and they are trying to place the blame for the recession of 08 on Obama.

True but even the people were cheering for him. I don't know, it just seems incredibly bizarre. If I was in a trouble area in the Middle East and saw Bush just chilling on the stage like that, I would be fuming.
Whatever military adventures she has for her next terms also will not be justified with real world pragmatism, but with fantasies. She's not that sharp even if it doesn't hurt her in the general. Much like Bill "we are all mixed race" Clinton committing unforced errors. Not surprised that didn't show up in the thread, can you imagine if Bernie said that!

Yes, Clinton's comment is much worse than proposing a criminal justice reform plan that is literally unenforceable. I have no idea why you think have a relationship with Kissinger equates to no pragmatism. Aside from Bush Sr, Nixon and Kissinger were probably the most pragmatic realists in US foreign policy since before 1900. The problem was always the morality in their actions, not that they weren't effective.
"I thank God it was GWB and not Al Gore in office on 9/11" has to be one of the most batshit lines ever uttered in a presidential debate. Can Republicans name a single good action GWB took in reaction to 9/11?
I actually agree with this, if only because I don't think Republicans would rally around a Democratic president in a time of national crisis.
As someone who lived in West Virginia for 15 years, I can assure you the "Joe Manchin coal country democrats" have not been democrats for about a decade. Joe Manchin slides through on name recognition, but the pro-union, socially conservative blue dogs are just republicans now. There are 55 counties in West Virginia and every single one of them went for Romney in 2012. Obama lost some counties by an 85-15 margin and lost every county except one by at least 10 points. That said, it is abundantly clear that Obama has pushed through important climate policy while dealing with the absolute rejection of this region. West Virginia recently managed to push through right-to-work laws in WV as well, which shows you how much clout these joe manchin dems have even within their own state legislature. That demographic of the democratic party is completely useless today because most of them decided their rights as workers are less important than gay people getting married and thusly jumped ship.
I'm originally from West Virginia. It's saddening to see Facebook posts of people shitting on unions (when they're not Liking antique pictures of coal miners). West Virginia would be a serfdom if not for unions. Somehow they think sticking up for coal mine owners is the same thing as supporting miners. A WV Democrat was always pretty much a Dixiecrat, anyway.

East Lake

Yes, Clinton's comment is much worse than proposing a criminal justice reform plan that is literally unenforceable.
That's an interesting comparison but I don't know what it has to do with what I posted.

I have no idea why you think have a relationship with Kissinger equates to no pragmatism. Aside from Bush Sr, Nixon and Kissinger were probably the most pragmatic realists in US foreign policy since before 1900. The problem was always the morality in their actions, not that they weren't effective.
That's nice but again I don't know what it has to do with my post. If you read closely I didn't say that Hillary wasn't pragmatic.
Let's be honest here. Kissenger just says the things that a large chunk of diplomatic folks say in private conversations all the time. Yes, it absolutely horrible lots of Jews likely died in the USSR because Stalin was not a great guy. On the other hand, it wasn't worth nuclear war to try to stop it.
Can't even get away from it in Rocket League.


Countdown for the next game was going before he could finish though :(


I'd say Albright is Clinton's mentor. Of course, there are reasons to dislike her too.
Warren Christopher is too dead to mentor anyone.

And Condi and Colin Powell are contemporaries.

They probably all get together and drink margaritas on Sunday Funday.

Fuck. I would love to go to that.
African Americans are starting to feel the bern a bit:

Among those voters, 63 percent said they back Clinton compared to 23 percent for Sanders.

Fourteen percent of black Democratic voters said they were undecided.

Sanders has managed to close the gap on Clinton, according to the poll. In November, Clinton led Sanders 86-11 among African-American voters.
From losing them by 75 points to 40 points.

My guess is younger voters are feeling the bern but older voters aren't. Is this post scalia?

Yes. Poll was conducted Sunday and Monday.
So I would guess, you end up with a map not dissimilar from '12:

Where Gingrich's purple becomes Trump, and the Rmoney orange goes to someone like Rubio.
Clinton needs to win Nevada and a dominant win in SC to keep the momentum into Super Tuesday. I would say it'll change the media mindset going in but they're going to be shouting dead heat until it's over no matter what.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The demise of Rubio was greatly exaggerated. Can't count someone out who has complete media access like that.

Imagine if Bush comes in last...wow.

Yeah, I agree. Media is still completely in the tank for him. They are already spinning the comeback narratives and he hasn't even done anything.

That said....it's hard to believe Bush can't beat him in this state.

I can't believe Trump is still doing so well even after shitting all over George Bush.

PPP kinda sux, but I don't think Trump's fans give a shit about George Bush. If Bush is popular with 70% of voters, Trump has the 30% that hate him.
Clinton needs to win Nevada and a dominant win in SC to keep the momentum into Super Tuesday. I would say it'll change the media mindset going in but they're going to be shouting dead heat until it's over no matter what.

I feel like Clinton winning NV and getting SC by a huge (20+) margin shifts the narrative to a question if Sanders can win outside of his best states. That makes Super Tuesday do or die for him.
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