Considering that US intelligence services will have to spend many years trying to figure out which country has which of her emails, yes she did at least make a mistake.
Activist doesn't refer to the results. I'm referring to their interpretation of the Constitution.
Bernie, probably...Aaron, have you decided who you're caucusing for?
Obama couldn't even enact many of his trillion dollar campaign promises with Democratic majorities in Congress tho......
@AlbaMonica Rev. Sharpton jokes about whether he's going to endorse her, says she knows already. HRC says: "My lips are sealed."
They all have all of her emails because they're all being released to the public. Remember?
Can you summarize because Thorpe's analysis is not very good (it does highlight some really egregious errors on sander's side) and super pessimistic.
Is there really any chance of Hillary Clinton withdrawing from the race? It seems unlikely. But a former defence chief to President Obama says she ought to suspend the campaign due to concerns. And considering what we have seen in the past few days regarding her emails classification, you have to openly question how she can be trusted with any sensitive material at all until this matter is laid to rest.
Yet still got elected
So once again what was your point?
Ok so... do you just want him elected or do you want his policies enacted??Yet still got elected
So once again what was your point?
Anyhow my point has never been elect Bernie Sanders and 100% of the vague things on his website will become true. What I've always said is elect Bernie Sanders and have the conversations about these issues. Shift the national focus and marginalize elected officials who have decided it's their job to strong arm the system every time they or their donors don't get their way.
You realize you're linking to a right wing site that gives Chuck Norris op ed space, right?
....this article has people who are defending Obama's spending proposals. Even if it didn't, it was written at a point in time where everyone knew the core of Obama's campaign economics team and what his top handful of priorities would be going into office. The issue is not that Some Guy has criticized Sanders, it's that Sanders has what is essentially a climate-denier support rate among economists and no realistic advisors.Obama’s Multi-Trillion Dollar Campaign Promises Unrealistic, Tax Expert Says
If Clinton can't handle the "unprecedented" attacks from the Sanders campaign she should just give up right now.
Noticing this more and more from people on the left...
"Activist judges" only means judges you don't agree with.
I try not to point it out anymore given how often it's happening these days.
The idea of a general election where neither candidate supports single payer and both support the death penalty is a little deflating.
The idea of a general election where neither candidate supports single payer and both support the death penalty is a little deflating.
It means much more than that. But granted, from my perspective they are the same![]()
I mean, that's only been every election in American history.
So? Shouldn't that bother anyone who supports single payer and ending the death penalty?
So? Shouldn't that bother anyone who supports single payer and ending the death penalty?
Well. That Onion article hit my Twitter timeline. Satire Site Posts Article, Twitter Real Mad It Was Positive About Not Their Candidate Of Choice.
Dave Wasserman ‏@Redistrict 6m6 minutes ago
If Trump wins SC by 10%+, he's probably winning all 7 CDs & all 50 delegates. How does Cruz spin a shutout in a heavily evangelical state?
Geoffrey Skelley ‏@geoffreyvs 15m15 minutes ago Charlottesville, VA
Trump might have a support ceiling BUT he has broad support geographically, unlike other Rs. Crowded field hugely benefits him.
If those are the issues that you vote on, maybe.
Yeah but those things benefit republicans hurdurI find Citizens United to be an "activist" court. I find corporate personhood to be "activist". This works both ways.
Predictit seems to think there's an 84% chance that Obama will get a nominee confirmed.
Tempting, but it might not cash out for another year.
Google the intercept Univision the onionWait, seriously?
Google the intercept Univision the onion
Obama: "I'm stepping down, Joe's in charge for the last year. We had an agreement and I am going to honor it."
Biden: (To Obama) "Hold my beer" (To the press) "My first act as president is to appoint Barack Obama to the vacant seat."
Obama: (laughs)
If Clinton can't handle the "unprecedented" attacks from the Sanders campaign she should just give up right now.
Google the intercept Univision the onion
It means much more than that. But granted, from my perspective they are the same![]()
I should familiarize myself with right wing sites so this stops happening.You realize you're linking to a right wing site that gives Chuck Norris op ed space, right?
Is "The Intercept" reddit-based millenial investigative journalism?
Well. That Onion article hit my Twitter timeline. Satire Site Posts Article, Twitter Real Mad It Was Positive About Not Their Candidate Of Choice.
Ok so... do you just want him elected or do you want his policies enacted??
When has this ever worked? FDR knew that after you become President momentum gets lost and the ability to get things accomplished is diminished. That was the entire rationale behind is first 100 days program. If the plan is elect Sanders, have a conversation, then do things, you'll get about as much accomplished as Obama in 2011.
They're not at all unprecedented. They've been used for over 20 years by the right wing.
In other endorsement related news: Georgia state senator switches endorsement from Clinton to Sanders
"After months of looking at Bernie's record and studying his positions on healthcare, Wall Street, predatory lending and the minimum wage, I came to the conclusion that Bernie's position on the issues that affect my constituents in Georgia the most conform most closely to my positions,"
"As people have a chance to listen to him, to have a chance to understand that he’s speaking to the issues that are the most critical," Fort said, according to the Georgia newspaper.
Pessimism has absolutely nothing to do with accuracy.
When estimating, you go with the worst case scenario in uncharted waters.
Otherwise, you're just doing the GOP tax cut math.
Estimates still need to be based on valid premises though. Thorpe's doesn't provide a lot of documentation for his estimates, but his citations seem to indicate that he bases those estimates on Vermont's attempt to implement single payer. Vermont's experience simply cannot be extrapolated to a nationwide implementation of Canadian style singe payer in the United States.
Part of the vagueness in estimating Sanders' plan is that you can't even reliably track what the incomes for it are. For instance, when politifact tried to sum everything up they couldn't because the treatment of deductibles and co-pays isn't specified. Requiring critics of your plan to accurately estimate savings when the plan is intentionally vague on key points is pretty unfair.
When are the primaries over? I can't imagine the Republicans confirming anyone while there's still the threat of a primary challenge.Thom Tillis, of all people, is also walking back the idea that the Senate won't even look at an Obama Supreme Court nominee. Its starting to look like this weekend was the Republicans opening bargaining position and now they've looking for someone that can be quietly approved.
Thom Tillis, of all people, is also walking back the idea that the Senate won't even look at an Obama Supreme Court nominee. Its starting to look like this weekend was the Republicans opening bargaining position and now they've looking for someone that can be quietly approved.
He said Republicans' concern is that Obama would nominate someone who is "ideologically aligned” with him, and "that's out of step with the American people.”
"If he puts forth someone that we think is in the mold of President Obama’s vision for America, then we’ll use every device available to block that nomination,” Tillis continued.