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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh shit now she's talking explicitly about Republican coded language about "takers" and "leechers" and how its racial. Goddamn I didn't think we'd actually get a candidate who was willing or able to talk that openly



That makes zero sense.

looks like a lot of trump supporters visited bencarson.com on their way off the train


Lol he's going all in with this tough guy image since yesterday, Took off the glasses, standing up straight, talking loud and with force. It's so transparent.
And he has the charisma of a rock. GWB almost made me forget about how awful he was during the time he was speaking


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

That makes zero sense.

Angry base continues to rage. Well done, establishment GOP. All the voters who left Trump went straight for Carson. That's why I'm convinced Trump gets all Carson's voters when he drops out. Plus, Rubio had a good debate and his numbers drop? Good job, SC republicans.

Also, I'm confused--why is this saying Trump at 31% when the poll says 38%?


More at the link. Article goes in depth about different possible strategies.
The Obama administration did not wait long before working on options to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The process began Saturday night with conference calls among the president's legal team, followed by meetings Sunday to begin drawing up a list of possible names
, according to two people who have been involved in the past two Obama Supreme Court nominations and remain close to the administration.

The White House already has a small list of people for whom deep background research was done when they were finalists for the last two openings on the court or other top jobs, like attorney general.

Even though he is on the West Coast for a summit with Southeast Asian leaders, Obama has been in touch with his senior team to plot his Supreme Court nomination process, and White House officials have communicated with Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill, the White House said Monday.

But while the White House officials have done extensive planning for possibly having to fill a third Supreme Court seat, those plans envisioned candidates to fill the seat of a retiring liberal justice, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"This is totally different because there haven't been a lot of preparations for filling one of the conservative seats,"
one former Obama administration official said.

The White House Counsel's office manages the process, with teams of lawyers and aides working on separate tasks including dossiers of general research on each potential candidate, vetting information and more specific legal research. The White House communications team looks at what specific public outreach strategies would be pursued for each candidate.

In the first few days of the process there's a broad list of names, but that quickly gets reduced to a smaller list of about eight names. By the end of the week, you can expect the White House team to focus on three or four candidates and prepare lengthy research documents on all, one official said.

Top officials then meet with the President to discuss the possible candidates and get his input on the final candidates. He would plan to meet with all the finalists, likely up to three.

Another article about the vetting process.

Traditionally, vetting takes weeks if not months, depending on how many candidates are being checked. But Obama isn’t expected to wait more than a couple of weeks to announce his pick.

The White House was jolted into action after learning of Scalia’s death, officials said, summoning administration lawyers over Presidents Day weekend to begin searching for a suitable replacement. Obama, traveling in California, has been working with top advisers on his list while aides feel out senators about their willingness to hold a vote.
In the Obama White House, the investigation has been divided in the past into a “substantive vet” of work-related history, performed by White House and Justice Department lawyers, and the “personal vet,” handled by outside attorneys, current and former administration officials said. Memos on each area of inquiry then get melded into a single report for the president and top aides.

Obama, like the four most recent presidents before him, tends to interview his final candidates himself. George W. Bush interviewed five candidates to replace Sandra Day O’Connor before settling on Samuel Alito, according to the Congressional Research Service.


Unfortunately for Clinton, a lot of the media coverage on this speech will be about her coughing fit rather than the actual issues outlined in it.
Angry base continues to rage. Well done, establishment GOP. All the voters who left Trump went straight for Carson. That's why I'm convinced Trump gets all Carson's voters when he drops out. Plus, Rubio had a good debate and his numbers drop? Good job, SC republicans.

Also, I'm confused--why is this saying Trump at 31% when the poll says 38%?

They sampled more before debate than after?
She's openly discussing white privilege and white people silencing black people who try to speak up on their issues. I love that this is actually in open conversation this year.


That was a great speech from Clinton. This is how you speak on racism as it relates to this country.

Even her struggling to keep speaking through her coughing fit seemed to work in her favor. The crowd went crazy in support.


She's openly discussing white privilege and white people silencing black people who try to speak up on their issues. I love that this is actually in open conversation this year.
Can you imagine a President Clinton during Ferguson or any major cop shooting against an unarmed black person?


This is interesting about the vetting process:

But while the White House officials have done extensive planning for possibly having to fill a third Supreme Court seat, those plans envisioned candidates to fill the seat of a retiring liberal justice, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

"This is totally different because there haven't been a lot of preparations for filling one of the conservative seats," one former Obama administration official said.

At first, I felt like they should've been ready for that, but then remembered Scalia wasn't that old.


No Scrubs
This is interesting about the vetting process:

At first, I felt like they should've been ready for that, but then remembered Scalia wasn't that old.

Plus RBG is a cancer survivor. The left has been afraid for her for most of Obama's tenure in office. Everyone thought Scalia would live forever since his heart seemed to run on pure salt.


This is interesting about the vetting process:

At first, I felt like they should've been ready for that, but then remembered Scalia wasn't that old.
Agree. This should've been one of those earliest things for his legal team to anticipate. Like maybe a binder or a file of different scenarios with different nominee suggestions for each scenario.

"Surprise conservative justice death while the GOP holds the Senate? That's File C."


So I've stayed off of 538 for a week and just checked the forecasts. They have Bernie getting a 51% chance of winning Nevada. Shit's going to be Iowa close.


Oh my god, I didn't know this about Jane Kelly (someone who was previously unanimously confirmed):


In 2004, Kelly was attacked while jogging in a park in Cedar Rapids, and was brutally beaten and left barely conscious; her assailant was never identified.[5]

So I've stayed off of 538 for a week and just checked the forecasts. They have Bernie getting a 51% chance of winning Nevada. Shit's going to be Iowa close.

It's based on one (kinda shitty) poll and iirc correctly, it's unlikely we're getting any more from Nevada.


Agree. This should've been one of those earliest things for his legal team to anticipate. Like maybe a binder or a file of different scenarios with different nominee suggestions for each scenario.

"Surprise conservative justice death while the GOP holds the Senate? That's File C."

Apparently Obama, like all of us in the thread, just assumed Scalia was immortal.
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