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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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If you want a president who actively and deliberately repels people who disagree with him you should vote for Cruz. Although he seems to have that effect on people who agree with him as well.
This is what makes him appealing to me I must admit.

Amen. Growing up as a liberal in a conservative area, I would have been screwed if people applied the purity test to friendships like folks appear to do now a days.
Unfortunately I can't ever put politics aside as shown in this thread repeatedly. The personal is the political.

Reading about Julian Castro, it doesn't seem like someone I would want in the vp spot. Seems like he's just sitting around doing nothing waiting to get it. He's good at making friends, but is too scared to make decisions or do anything memorable in case it makes him look bad.
Sounds more ideal for the top of the ticket doesn't he.

You don't have to be on the right. My father's a socialist who believes Vince Foster was killed by Hillary Clinton. The right-wing smear campaign had lasting damage.
Where's the smear? Aside from your dad's atrocious politics he clearly likes to be informed factually.

Yet. Another. Fake. Accent.

You're giving me flash backs to my 600 level American Foreign Policy class. Everything is fucked up, theories always are wrong, nobody knows what they're doing.

Half the time it seems foreign policy is more like Freudian psychoanalysis than experts applying their expertise
I told you, International Relations is the study of anarchy.

Wow, W was totally hitting on Pelosi in that documentary.
Pelosi was the best political documentarian. Journeys with George is brilliant, so are the Friends of God/Trials of Ted Haggard two-parter.

And Condi and Colin Powell are contemporaries.

They probably all get together and drink margaritas on Sunday Funday.
follow this you turkey


It's somewhat interesting the extent to which the unaffiliated can influence a party's candidate selection. I mean, Reid seems gung-ho about registering Democrats on the day of the NV caucuses, but there's really little guarantee that they'll be bothered to stay involved. In theory, the other side can mess with your open caucus or primary too.

People who identify as Independents by far compose the largest share of the electorate. Shutting out that group would be suicidal for either party.

Speaking of primaries, I'm still trying to figure out what to make of the fact that all of the Republican primaries and caucuses are experiencing higher turnout than those of the Democrats. That wasn't the case in 2008, as far as I can tell. Both Democratic candidates lead the Republicans in head to head polling with the exception of Clinton trailing Rubio, but the primary turnouts worry me.
People who identify as Independents by far compose the largest share of the electorate. Shutting out that group would be suicidal for either party.

Speaking of primaries, I'm still trying to figure out what to make of the fact that all of the Republican primaries and caucuses are experiencing higher turnout than those of the Democrats. That wasn't the case in 2008, as far as I can tell. Both Democratic candidates lead the Republicans in head to head polling with the exception of Clinton trailing Rubio, but the primary turnouts worry me.
The GE hasn't gotten a chance to vote against Trump yet.
Well, there are a bunch of closed caucuses and primaries as already noted earlier in the thread. I wouldn't really call those suicidal endeavors.

Also, the GOP turnout is probably up because it's more contested, while really the head to heads don't mean a lot.

Cook Political Report thinks that if Trump can win by about 10% he'll take all 50 delegates. Get excite.


Well, there are a bunch of closed caucuses and primaries as already noted earlier in the thread. I wouldn't really call those suicidal endeavors.

Also, the GOP turnout is probably up because it's more contested, while really the head to heads don't mean a lot.

Cook Political Report thinks that if Trump can win by about 10% he'll take all 50 delegates. Get excite.

Self-identified democrats only make up ~29 percent of the electorate. Self-identified Republicans only make up ~26 percent of the electorate. There needs to be some way for political parities to figure out how their candidates will do among all voters, not just a small subset.

I hope you are right about the reason for the increased Republican turnout.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If that happens, I think Cruz is done.

Well, honestly, I think Cruz is already done.

Cruz is going nowhere when he is still pulling in 2nd place finishes in the south. He is probably in until the end.





Cruz is going nowhere when he is still pulling in 2nd place finishes in the south. He is probably in until the end.

Yeah I don't think he is going to drop out, I just think he's a dead man walking in terms of plausible paths to the nomination.


This will only help Trump. Nate Silver should count this on his endorsement tracker.

Yes. Being directly criticized, by name, by Obama, is like a golden ticket for a GOP candidate. I don't think Obama has mentioned Cruz by name, ever? And notice how he damned Rubio with faint praise today.

Let's dispel the notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing.
This is interesting about the vetting process:

At first, I felt like they should've been ready for that, but then remembered Scalia wasn't that old.

What annoys me is that it really shouldn't matter who you're replacing. If you're Obama, replacing Ginsburg and replacing Scalia should be exactly the same.

Lest we forget, Thurgood Marshall was replaced by Clarence fucking Thomas. Ideological continuity has historically meant jack and shit.


Johnson was the one I thought would protest until the bitter end. This means Kirk, Ayotte, Toomey, and Portman are all going to crack too.


I look forward to Sanders' outrage over a centrist/moderate pick btw.

Sanders isn't that dumb. He might say something like "Mr. Srinivasan is not the nominee I would have picked, I would have picked someone with a proven progressive record." But then he'll support the nominee and that'll be that.


No Scrubs
Sanders isn't that dumb. He might say something like "Mr. Srinivasan is not the nominee I would have picked, I would have picked someone with a proven progressive record." But then he'll support the nominee and that'll be that.

Considering his response to Obama's FDA pick, I wouldn't rule anything out.
TheWarNerd saying that Glenn Greenwald is a neo-liberal puppet because the owner of The Intercept thinks microloans reduce poverty, while Glenn Greenwald claims that the Onion is now in the tank for Hillary "I am fun" Clinton is probably peak liberal wingnuttery. Don't think we're going to pass this anytime soon.

I must be more drunk than I thought because I could have sworn this said midichlorians.


Sanders isn't that dumb. He might say something like "Mr. Srinivasan is not the nominee I would have picked, I would have picked someone with a proven progressive record." But then he'll support the nominee and that'll be that.
I doubt it, Sanders is a paranoid and narcissistic nutjob who is slowly morphing into the right-wing version of the Unabomber. I wouldn't be surprised if he demands Obama not nominate anyone so that he can choose after The Revolution.


I doubt it, Sanders is a paranoid and narcissistic nutjob who is slowly morphing into the right-wing version of the Unabomber. I wouldn't be surprised if he demands Obama not nominate anyone so that he can choose after The Revolution.

I think it's more likely that Sanders will artfully suggest that "someone" should consider a primary challenge against Obama's nominee.


Considering his response to Obama's FDA pick, I wouldn't rule anything out.
I never got his opposition to that. Because the guy had ties to the Drug Industry?

Who the fuck else would you want someone regulating drugs than someone who knows how the process works and what regulations would be effective?!


I never got his opposition to that. Because the guy had ties to the Drug Industry?

Who the fuck else would you want someone regulating drugs than someone who knows how the process works and what regulations would be effective?!

Same reason why someone who's worked on Wall St. can never be considered for Bernie's cabinet.
The heart of the query is essentially, do you want public service and working in/with industry to be mutually exclusive?

(Which is actually not dissimilar from the "politicians should never be allowed to work in 'business' ever" guy's position, but when worded like this sounds slightly less ridiculous.)
The amount of rationalizing from the right-wing blogosphere regarding not filling Scalia's seat has been pretty amazing. I've read a few op-eds claiming that there's absolutely nothing wrong with having an 8 person Supreme Court.

Also, people are still really salty about Bork 28 years later.
Sanders isn't that dumb. He might say something like "Mr. Srinivasan is not the nominee I would have picked, I would have picked someone with a proven progressive record." But then he'll support the nominee and that'll be that.

This would fit alongside his other "impossible to implement policy" positions that's he's campaigning on.


I never got his opposition to that. Because the guy had ties to the Drug Industry?

Who the fuck else would you want someone regulating drugs than someone who knows how the process works and what regulations would be effective?!
Not everyone likes promoting the Iron Triangle and regulatory capture.

The FDA is probably even a better example than the SEC where investigators have been known to regularly drop off resumes as they leave places they "investigate" like at Madoff's.


I never got his opposition to that. Because the guy had ties to the Drug Industry?

Who the fuck else would you want someone regulating drugs than someone who knows how the process works and what regulations would be effective?!


That is why you would be concerned. I'm not saying regulatory capture is a concern in the specific instance you cite because I don't know about the nominee; rather, I am talking in general.

It's definitely a concern in the area of financial services.
I'm thinking it was two things: the Presidential primary's message right now is "screw the establishment" and this is McConnell looking to be on their side for once.

The problem with that is, the framing is already there. The public knows this is an act just to try and replace Scalia with someone the GOP wants and they'll disrupt the court to do it. It's not good.
It must be something. This is insane.

I am now convinced the nominee will get hearings.

Probably just smartened up that they need to atleast pretend like they are giving the person a shot. If they pretend and say no, it's better than a flat out no before even knowing the nominee come election time.
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