You know what would be awesome? If Politico writers were barred from ever again using the word "pounced".
Or writing really.
You know what would be awesome? If Politico writers were barred from ever again using the word "pounced".
I was drunk during the Bush years. They're all a blurhow dare u
for one thing it started in 2007
for another thing red eye 2007-march 2009 was basically the spiritual successor to tough crowd
and it belonged to a whale:
You know what would be awesome? If Politico writers were barred
It's always a concern- but you need to alleviate that through other mechanisms- not just banning them wholesale.
Like Harry Markopolos?If they want to help regulate, then become a whistleblower.
Was hoping Dubya would be able to stop "The Comeback Kid, Southern Sensation Surge, Bubble Boy, Brokered Convention Bonanza, The Remedial Robot, The Vivacious Vixen" Marco Rubio. But it doesn't matter if Trump takes all the delegates here....Arg SC Poll Feb 14-16
Hillary 61
Bernie 31
Trump 33
Rubio 16
Cruz 14
Kasich 14
Jeb 9
did everyone see this? my god, i cant stop laughing
did everyone see this? my god, i cant stop laughing
"If there is a silver lining in the Obama-Clinton foreign policy debacle, it is that now we know what a world without America would start to look like," the Texas senator said. "Far more dangerous and beholden to terrorists and criminal regimes."
"Starting next year our sailors won't be on their knees with their hands on their heads," Cruz said referring to the U.S. sailors who were held in Iranian custody after their ship entered that country's waters. "Our secretary of state will not be apologizing and thanking their Iranian captors. Instead, they will be standing on the decks of the mightiest ships the world has ever known with their heads held high, confident that the great country that they volunteered to serve has their back."
Cruz called for an increase in the active duty military force to 1.4 million in order to be prepared for the "possibility of multiple, near-simultaneous conflicts" on the world stage. He also promised to review the Marine Corps' request "for an exemption from the policy requiring women to serve in combat positions."
He also expressed his belief that women should not be drafted into the combat roles in the military.
"After seven years of neglect," he said, "it is time for America to once again prioritize a strong, advanced and robust military."
Another theme emerged throughout his remarks: An end to "political correctness" in military matters.
"The last thing any commander should need to worry about is the grades he is getting from some plush-bottomed Pentagon bureaucrat for political correctness or social experiments or providing gluten-free MREs," he said of ready-to-eat meals . "If I am elected president, one of my first orders to the secretary of defense will be to restore the U.S. military's combat ethos."
"I am confident that if we put in the hard work we can, as Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s, rebuild our military so it will be so feared by our enemies and trusted by our allies that, God willing, we won't have to use it," Cruz said. "That is the essence of what President Reagan used to call 'peace through strength.'"
gasp"Senator Cruz is the only candidate in this race who has consistently sided against our military and intelligence professionals and whose foreign policy vision changes with his poll numbers," Rubio spokesman Joe Pounder said in a statement. "When it comes to our national security, Marco Rubio is the only candidate with the actual experience and policies needed to keep America safe."
They basically didn't exist as we know them before 1972:Why did so few states participate in old primaries? SC primary founded in 1980, huh?
The heart of the query is essentially, do you want public service and working in/with industry to be mutually exclusive?
(Which is actually not dissimilar from the "politicians should never be allowed to work in 'business' ever" guy's position, but when worded like this sounds slightly less ridiculous.)
My Congressman
did everyone see this? my god, i cant stop laughing
Like Harry Markopolos?
At least he only got ignored...
President in a better timeline said:There was a Texan running for Governor back during the Depression. His name was Pappy Lee "Pass the Biscuits" O'Daniel. His campaign would go into a little town with a hillbilly band, play some music, gather a crowd and then Pappy would tell the folks about his plan for the State of Texas ... to give every family $100 a month so the kids could have shoes and clothes and food on the table. Then they would play some more music.
Finally, in one little town, a heckler said, "Tell us, Pappy, where is the State of Texas going to get all the money to provide $100 a month for every family to buy shoes and clothes and put food on the table?" And Pappy stared at the heckler a little while and then said, "Let's play them another tune, boys." .
I feel this has lessons for both Sanders and Clinton...
Edit: top of page? Alright then: Sanders needs to figure out the "pay for this" part, Clinton needs to figure out populism.
Arg SC Poll Feb 14-16
Hillary 61
Bernie 31
Trump 33
Rubio 16
Cruz 14
Kasich 14
Jeb 9
As the far right pursues an agenda that rewards only the wealthiest few at the expense of middle class families, Americans need a champion who will stand strong for us in the face of attacks from Republican Presidential candidates.
We support Hillary Clinton for President because she will always stand strong for us when it comes to strengthening the middle class and their families so they can get ahead and stay ahead.
Priorities USA Action was founded in 2011 to educate and engage Americans to speak out and stand strong against the outdated views of the far right that threaten our democracy and undermine the middle class.
Between now and Election Day we will share stories of middle class Americans across the country and educate voters about why Hillary Clinton is the clear choice for President.
This campaign will not be easy, and we will be outspent.
Together we must call out the stark contrast between Hillary Clinton’s fight to stand strong for us on the most important issues facing our country and the backwards agenda the far right is selling.
Let’s make history.
In a resignation letter obtained by POLITICO, Brock, a close Clinton ally, accused Priorities officials of planting “an orchestrated political hit job” against his own pro-Clinton groups, American Bridge and Media Matters.
Those groups — along with another pro-Clinton group, the super PAC Ready for Hillary — had their fundraising practices called into question last week by a New York Times report. It pointed out that veteran Democratic fundraiser Mary Pat Bonner got a 12.5 percent commission on funds she raised for Brock’s groups and a smaller percentage commission on cash she raised for Ready for Hillary.
In his letter to the co-chairs of Priorities’ board — former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina — Brock alleged that “current and former Priorities officials were behind this specious and malicious attack on the integrity of these critical organizations.”
The letter — and Brock’s resignation — offer a rare glimpse into a network of groups upon which Democrats are relying to keep the White House and stave off increasingly robust big-money efforts on the right. The public airing of dirty laundry comes as sources say Priorities is struggling to live up to the hopes of some Clinton allies, who had argued it should aim to raise as much as $500 million to eviscerate prospective Clinton rivals in the primary and general elections.
Still, the groups — as well as Ready for Hillary — do to some extent compete with one another for big checks from wealthy Clinton backers. At one point, Priorities’ allies tried to force Ready for Hillary to shut down. But the groups — along with Brock’s — eventually entered into a sometimes uneasy alliance to lay the groundwork for the former secretary of state to run for president in 2016. Together, the groups formed an unprecedented shadow campaign that combined to raise millions in 2014. American Bridge’s Correct the Record Project defends Clinton against political attacks, while Ready for Hillary builds files of voters and small donors, and Priorities cultivates relationships with major donors.
The idea was to build an infrastructure that would allow Clinton to hit the ground running if and when she declared her candidacy for the Democratic nomination and to project a financial show of force that would overwhelm any prospective rival in the primary or general elections.
THE [COMPLETELY NON-COORDINATING IN ANY POSSIBLE WAY] ESTABLISHMENTThis time around, her allies tried to pre-empt the sectarianism by cross-pollinating the various groups to keep everyone on the same page and minimize competition. Granholm is on the boards of both Priorities and Ready for Hillary, while Brock joined the board of Priorities, and longtime Clintonite James Carville has been paid by American Bridge for assistance with fundraising and strategic advice.
Damn republican superpacs already started the attack ads on Bernie. Just saw one on msnbc with the raise taxes sound bite in it.
How would the media even spin a narrative for the runner ups if Trump gets all the delegates from SC? I'm sure they'll try.
Their timing is awful.Damn republican superpacs already started the attack ads on Bernie. Just saw one on msnbc with the raise taxes sound bite in it.
How would the media even spin a narrative for the runner ups if Trump gets all the delegates from SC? I'm sure they'll try.
I don't think the Senate is in recess, or will be again this year
In fact, in 1968 only 12 states had primaries. The feeling was that nominating a candidate was better left to the more influential members of the party, and this really didn't change until recently. The fact that there are so many superdelegates is a holdover from the past 200 years of this country. What led to so many states having primaries was the 1968 convention with Humphrey, who won no primaries but got the nomination anyway.Why did so few states participate in old primaries? SC primary founded in 1980, huh?
Damn republican superpacs already started the attack ads on Bernie. Just saw one on msnbc with the raise taxes sound bite in it.
Obama should really look into nominating a fairly liberal justice on paper and very qualified but is a lefty wank once he gets on the bench since a few of the GOP senators are now backtracking. Seems like a golden oppurtunity.
I gotta wonder though: how many top level justices with Supreme Court aspirations 'pretend' to be moderate on paper so it looks good when presented to the Senate but is actually an ideological firebrand in private.
Damn republican superpacs already started the attack ads on Bernie. Just saw one on msnbc with the raise taxes sound bite in it.
How would the media even spin a narrative for the runner ups if Trump gets all the delegates from SC? I'm sure they'll try.
I never got his opposition to that. Because the guy had ties to the Drug Industry?
Who the fuck else would you want someone regulating drugs than someone who knows how the process works and what regulations would be effective?!
I was going to come in here to ask to which side the Future45 SuperPAc was associated with because I just saw this too. I guess I have my answer.
Those are some stupid superpacs. Why would you do that now?
It would be through raising taxes.
I feel this has lessons for both Sanders and Clinton...
Edit: top of page? Alright then: Sanders needs to figure out the "pay for this" part, Clinton needs to figure out populism.
How would the media even spin a narrative for the runner ups if Trump gets all the delegates from SC? I'm sure they'll try.
I have an alternative...Maybe the FDA appointment should be a lifetime role too then, that way they'll never need to work anywhere else again. Unimpeachable.
Anyone picked from industry will know in order to get a job after their tenure @ the FDA/<insert regulator here> will need to produce industry friendly regulation... which means regulation which is inherently anti-consumer. The excess of business has to be contained when it can negatively impact society at large.
Do people even care about the Supreme Court enough to vote based on it being a justice short for one term?
They seem to think it's already too liberal:
Why did having no opinion of the supreme court become so unpopular? It was all the rage in '91.
Your hypothetical and his don't have to contradict. For example, producing countless regulations that merely serve to create reams of paperwork, expansive compliance and legal divisions and necessary political operations. This is large firm and regulator-hoping-to-hop friendly and harmful to smaller firms and consumers.Actually, I don't have the links right now, but there's evidence that this is the opposite of true. At least in finance, banks hire more during periods of more aggressive regulatory enforcement.
This is contrarian, but it makes sense if you think about it. Let's say you're a regulator. If you're weak on your targets, they might hire you because they like you, I guess. But if you're extremely tough on them, they need to hire you so that you can tell them what to do in order to avoid getting punished. So the incentive for you if you want to get a job afterwards is to be so aggressive in crafting regulations that they need your help just to avoid getting sanctioned.