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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Wasn't Muskie the favorite until Nixon planted that story about Muskie being a drug addict or was that just narrative fiction?

The interesting thing is that Muskie won every non-Southern contest, including the biggest of Illinois with 62% of the vote, and it was a month before McGovern won a state but Muskie's campaign was already decided to be "over" after he "cried" so it just became a matter of letting Humphrey/Wallace split delegates enough (and eventually "moderates" just abandoning the party for Nixon) that McGovern coasted in.
At least on the food front, informed consumers will likely always wield considerable power, no matter how friendly the FDA is with the industries it is supposed to be regulating, on our behalf, as covered in the in-depth Fortune article:

Special Report: The war on big food - Fortune Magazine 5/21/15 said:
Try this simple test. Say the following out loud: Artificial colors and flavors. Pesticides. Preservatives. High-fructose corn syrup. Growth hormones. Antibiotics. Gluten. Genetically modified organisms.

If any one of these terms raised a hair on the back of your neck, left a sour taste in your mouth, or made your lips purse with disdain, you are part of Big Food’s multibillion-dollar problem. In fact, you may even belong to a growing consumer class that has some of the world’s biggest and best-known companies scrambling to change their businesses.

The CEO of Hershey's, John P. Bilbrey, hasn't quite got the hand of this consumer driven revolution though, and contradicts himself in the same article:

In February, Hershey took a mammoth leap to get ahead of that trend when it announced it was starting to transition its products to “simple ingredients.” What’s more, the makeover would start with two of its most venerable products—Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar and milk chocolate Kisses. Rather than, say, remove just artificial flavors—or only GMOs or milk from cows raised with the growth hormone rBST—Hershey was going to spike all of them. In their stead would be only ingredients that people understand: milk, sugar, vanilla, etc. Both the milk chocolate bar and Kisses will have “clean labels” by the end of the year. Says CEO John P. Bilbrey, “For us, this is really a very holistic concept in terms of how we want to run our company.”

When it came to finding GMO-free corn sweetener, so little was available in the U.S. that one vendor had to restructure its operations to create the ingredient for Hershey.

Hello! Discerning consumers don't want a highly processed sweetner, derived from corn, in their chocolate etc, regardless of whether its GMO or not, i.e. use sugar, already!
Where's the thread "Bernie Sanders minority outreach manager: no one with a uterus is qualified to be President"?

Just saw this in my news feed. Is there a thread on this?

Probably because that isn't what he said, in terms of the potential thread titled "no one with a uterus is qualified to be President".

If it is made, title it "a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States."

Either way the line wasn't necessary, or he could have said it more on point without being so dismissive.


Probably because that isn't what he said, in terms of the potential thread titled "no one with a uterus is qualified to be President".

If it is made, title it "a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States."

Either way the line wasn't necessary, or he could have said it more on point without being so dismissive.

Reading an the full quote, I can see how its misunderstood even if, yep, the tone was really dismissive. And I think Bernie is wading into dangerous waters by allowing his campaign to go after Hillary's woman argument.

Still, just another instance where Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to be in the drivers seat of his own campaign.
Reading an the full quote, I can see how its misunderstood even if, yep, the tone was really dismissive. And I think Bernie is wading into dangerous waters by allowing his campaign to go after Hillary's woman argument.

Still, just another instance where Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to be in the drivers seat of his own campaign.

Couldn't the same thing be said of Hillary regarding a whole host of things?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bush is in last place nationally. Hilarious that he's still in. Is it too late if he drops out after Flordia and Kasich drops out after Ohio?

Trump is not going to win outright. He doesn't command a majority of the popular vote and not enough of the primaries are winner-take-all. Rubio, Bush, and Kasich are both hanging in there to be the "obvious" choice when the convention inevitably brokers.


Probably because that isn't what he said, in terms of the potential thread titled "no one with a uterus is qualified to be President".

If it is made, title it "a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States."

Either way the line wasn't necessary, or he could have said it more on point without being so dismissive.

Killer Mike, who is not the "director of minority of outreach" for the Sanders campaign, was quoting a feminist (Jane Elliot) who was explaining why she didn't support Clinton. The rest of the quote lists the other things Jane Elliot apparently thinks a person must do to be qualified to be President.

If Killer Mike is guilty of anything, its speaking about something of which he doesn't have immediate personal experience. In other words, he probably shouldn't have gone there.

Almost got em' again benji.
Trump is not going to win outright. He doesn't command a majority of the popular vote and not enough of the primaries are winner-take-all. Rubio, Bush, and Kasich are both hanging in there to be the "obvious" choice when the convention inevitably brokers.

The states are still pretty biased to the winner in the Republican primary as long as there are still six people in.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


Trump is not going to win outright. He doesn't command a majority of the popular vote and not enough of the primaries are winner-take-all. Rubio, Bush, and Kasich are both hanging in there to be the "obvious" choice when the convention inevitably brokers.
He's about to win 50 delegates in the winner take all South Carolina primary. Most of the rest have high threshold to keep Jeb and friends out.


What is wrong with that opinion?

I can see where he's coming from, but it just comes off as dismissive of those who want to see a woman represented in the highest office of government. I don't know if he meant it as some sort of return salvo to the Steinem / Albright episode. If so, their comments backfired well enough that it didn't really warrant this kind of response.

edit: shinra said it way better than i did~
What is wrong with that opinion?
It's not a wise place to go to begin with. In the same way that a white person saying being black or Hispanic is not a qualification is really unwise. (Or quoting someone who said it.) The natural question that follows tends to be "Well, is a penis?"

The second point to note is that lived experiences matter, symbolism matters and visibility matters, alongside policies that influence specific groups. So yes, gender can very much be a qualification in that regard. Barack Obama's race and Hillary Clinton's gender can and probably will be a reason that some people vote(d) for them. And that, in my view, is fine. This is probably more contentious.


How do I contact Future45 to get an ad made talking about how Hillary is the one to lead a strong economic recovery and then cite as evidence her making like a thousand percent profit on trading cattle futures with no prior experience other than "reading about it" a few times and having to go into debt 12-to-1 to make the original investment. And then not pay taxes on it for 15 years.

In a Fall 1994 paper for the Journal of Economics and Finance, economists from the University of North Florida and Auburn University investigated the odds of gaining a hundred-fold return in the cattle futures market during the period in question. Using a model that was stated to give the hypothetical investor the benefit of the doubt, they concluded that the odds of such a return happening were at best 1 in 31 trillion
Financial writer Edward Chancellor noted in 1999 that Clinton made her money by betting "on the short side at a time when cattle prices doubled."
In a 1998 article, Marshall Magazine, a publication of the Marshall School of Business, sought to frame the trading, the nature of the results, and possible explanations for them:

These results are quite remarkable. Two-thirds of her trades showed a profit by the end of the day she made them and 80 percent were ultimately profitable. Many of her trades took place at or near the best prices of the day.
Put all these quotes about her remarkable results and odds beating in the ad.
You would see nothing wrong if the quote was:

"Being black does not qualify you to be President of the United States"


Oh, the video includes more then the text, lol.

Context is important you know. Pretty easy to misuse his requoting so he shouldn't have said it but hillary endorsers have said very close to the opposite thing.

I can see where he's coming from, but it just comes off as dismissive of those who want to see a woman represented in the highest office of government. I don't know if he meant it as some sort of return salvo to the Steinem / Albright episode. If so, their comments backfired well enough that it didn't really warrant this kind of response.

True, there was a good OP ed on it that really captured that sentiment in a good way.

It's not a wise place to go to begin with. In the same way that a white person saying being black or Hispanic is not a qualification is really unwise. (Or quoting someone who said it.) The natural question that follows tends to be "Well, is a penis?"

The second point to note is that lived experiences matter, symbolism matters and visibility matters, alongside policies that influence specific groups. So yes, gender can very much be a qualification in that regard. Barack Obama's race and Hillary Clinton's gender can and probably will be a reason that some people vote(d) for them. And that, in my view, is fine. This is probably more contentious.

All good points but then doesnt it mean Killer Mike's requoting of a woman is still an acceptable opinion?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He's about to win 50 delegates in the winner take all South Carolina primary. Most of the rest have high threshold to keep Jeb and friends out.

All of the money on the Republican side has caused candidates to stay in the race longer.
It's kind of amusing that Citizens United may be one of the primary reasons Trump will win the nomination.
I still can't decide whether I think Trump or Sanders would win in a general election face off. I think it's the most interesting possible match up in any event.


I'm outraged at the mods suppressing discussion, it's a good thing they don't post in here where they could hear from me about their pro-Sanders cover ups!
All good points but then doesnt it mean Killer Mike's requoting of a woman is still an acceptable opinion?
I'm not sure I fully get the question. Are you asking if Jane Elliot is entitled to her opinion? Obviously.

Or are you asking if Killer Mike quoting her constitutes holding that opinion? Or are you asking if he's entitled to hold that opinion too? In which case, yes again if the point is essentially gender shouldn't matter either way.

Although, I disagree with that view to an extent and also don't think it was wise from a campaign perspective to express that opinion in such a manner.
I still can't decide whether I think Trump or Sanders would win a general election match up. I think it's the most interesting possible match up in any event.

Well, if you factor in that you would have record latino turnout and they'd be voting for the democratic candidate at unprecedented percentages it's not too hard to see which direction it would go. Florida's off the table immediately, as is Nevada and New Mexico.
Well, if you factor in that you would have record latino turnout and they'd be voting for the democratic candidate at unprecedented percentages it's not too hard to see which direction it would go.

I'm not sure if the increase would be meaningful in the swing states. I think Trump would take much more of the white vote than Sanders to compensate in any event.
I'm not sure I fully get the question. Are you asking if Jane Elliot is entitled to her opinion? Obviously.

Or are you asking if Killer Mike quoting her constitutes holding that opinion? Or are you asking if he's entitled to hold that opinion too? In which case, yes again if the point is essentially gender shouldn't matter either way.

Although, I disagree with that view to an extent and also don't think it was wise from a campaign perspective to express that opinion in such a manner.

Yea I suck at writing but basically just wanted to say if one opinion is ok I feel like both could be? What is bad is telling someone which view to take which is kinda what Killer Mike did here which is kinda bad but less bad I think than saying the special place in hell for woman thing. I think gender shouldn't matter but i have no idea if I would think the same way if I was a woman so I def see how that opinion is very valid
I still can't decide whether I think Trump or Sanders would win in a general election face off. I think it's the most interesting possible match up in any event.

I think comrade bernie squeeks by in such a matchup. There will be depressed turnout from both sides with a lot of undecideds or the cherished "swing voters" staying home, whereas the Hispanic community comes out in Trump's protest.


Given Clinton has made her womanhood a major part of her campaign, what Killer Mike said is totally fair game. However, from an optics standpoint, Bernie probably should do everything to avoid even the implication that he's using Clinton's sex against her, given there have already been accusations that the volume of criticism Clinton receives is a byproduct of her sex.
I still can't decide whether I think Trump or Sanders would win in a general election face off. I think it's the most interesting possible match up in any event.

Anyone running against Trump is probably getting 55-60% of the vote. It could be the Ghost of Ted Kennedy on the ticket or "Computer Simulation of George McGovern" and probably still edge out a win in a GE. Trump is doing well in primaries because he's an egotistical loudmouth from the private sector. Among the general population he's that rich asshole from The Apprentice who hates Mexicans. That is not a candidate that wins elections. His favorables are hilariously bad for a front runner. You could literally list Bernie opposite him on a ticket as part of the Socialist Party and I'm pretty sure people would vote for him just to avoid Trump in office.
I'm not sure if the increase would be meaningful in the swing states. I think Trump would take much more of the white vote than Sanders to compensate in any event.

Nah, Trump isn't winning any white people that Romney or McCain didn't already have, he's just doing a better job of attracting that crowd amongst the current crop of candidates. The republican party has had the racist demographic for 50 years, nothing different now. If Trump was reaching over and snagging moderate dems I'd be scared, but he's not.
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