The disheveled man who wants to raise my taxes is such a lulzy description and only endears me to bernie further
What are you even talking about? Obama got elected because he was a great campaigner and because he managed to couch an essentially centrist political platform in progressive-sounding phrases like "Hope", "Change", and "Yes We Can". Obama's campaign was reduction employed with surgical precision toward a good cause. There's nothing to be ashamed of in that.
Trump/Sanders would probably be the most racist, sexist and overall bigoted ticket in American history.
The disheveled man who wants to raise my taxes is such a lulzy description and only endears me to bernie further
Uterus or no uterus, Hillary has 10 times bigger balls than Jeb! could even dream of.
No but I don't think it's a coincidence that about ~95% of the people who do think this are Bernie supporters.Sanders does much better against Trump in the head to head polls than Clinton does. I know people don't think those have value now - and I'm about 50/50 on whether I agree that they don't - but there still are reasons to think Sanders might make a better general election candidate against Trump especially given the current economic and political climate. I am not the only person who thinks this, either.
I agree. And when Clinton argues for her candidacy on behalf of women it's because she's fought for decades for equal pay, for access to health care, to parental care, to creating opportunities for women and smashing glass ceilings.
It's not because she has a uterus, nor has she ever argued it is. That shit is reductive as hell and it frustrates to see people say it and try and defend it.
The Alabama House of Representatives has approved a bill to block cities from setting local minimum wages and to roll back Birmingham's planned increase to $10.10 per hour.
Legislators approved the GOP-backed bill Tuesday night on a 71-31 vote after cutting off a filibuster by House Democrats. The bill now moves to the Alabama Senate.
She could have chosen to let others make the argument re: her womanhood for her, but instead, she chose to take it head on and make being a woman a central part of why people should find her appealing as a candidate. Calling this out as cynical pandering to deflect from her lackluster record is completely fair game.
Republicans gonna republic
I love how they boil away any specifics on Sanders' record.Clinton boldly spoke out in support of Planned Parenthood without prompting at each of the first three Democratic debates, as well as dozens of times on the campaign trail.
Sanders did not mention Planned Parenthood during the first three Democratic debates, but has made supportive statements several times on the campaign trail.
Yet:Clinton helped beat back a proposal to define birth control (including IUDs) as abortion, saving federal funds for certain medical providers.
So why isn't that listed when he signed the same letter?In addition to Senators Clinton and Murray, today's letter to Secretary Leavitt was signed by Senators Akaka, Baucus, Biden, Boxer, Brown, Cantwell, Cardin, Dodd, Durbin, Feinstein, Harkin, Kerry, Klobuchar, Lautenberg, Leahy, Levin, Lincoln, McCaskill, Menendez, Mikulski, Obama, Sanders, Schumer, Stabenow, Tester, and Whitehouse.
It is her record though. It's a great deal of what she has worked for over her life, even when Secretary of State. Her status as the person running with the best voting record and sponsorship of most bills to improve access to women's health care in the Senate are why she got the Planned Parenthood nomination for instance.
I don't see why it is cynical.
50 Clinton - 50 SandersI need a new avatar guys. I got this one for real pic January and haven't bothered changing it back. Wanna guess the Nevada results and who ever's closest gets to pick my replacement? I'll keep it for at least 2 weeks.
I think it'll be 49.8-48.4 Sanders.
I need a new avatar guys. I got this one for real pic January and haven't bothered changing it back. Wanna guess the Nevada results and who ever's closest gets to pick my replacement? I'll keep it for at least 2 weeks.
I think it'll be 49.8-48.4 Sanders.
56 Clinton, 44 Sanders50 Clinton - 50 Sanders
56 Sanders, 54 Clinton
Still saying 52-48. % should equal 100 because there's just two people to caucus for (unless uncommitted does really well for some reason).I need a new avatar guys. I got this one for real pic January and haven't bothered changing it back. Wanna guess the Nevada results and who ever's closest gets to pick my replacement? I'll keep it for at least 2 weeks.
I think it'll be 49.8-48.4 Sanders.
Still saying 52-48. % should equal 100 because there's just two people to caucus for (unless uncommitted does really well for some reason).
I don't have a problem with Hillary talking up her championing of women's health issues, but she has cited her womanhood as some kind of an inherent virtue to her candidacy several times throughout the campaign, and even used it to deflect legitimate criticism of her weaknesses as a candidate, such as arguing she's not "really" part of the establishment because she is a woman, or her campaign trying to make the case that the high volume of criticism she receives is because she is a woman, and not because she has a metric fuck-ton of baggage because of who she's married to and the administration she was a part of. I think she's politically savvy enough that she knows, in her gut, that she has a lot of weaknesses as a candidate and is cynically playing to the fact that there is a more generalized hunger to see underrepresented groups finally "break the mold" to deflect scrutiny that she might otherwise fairly receive.
Every caucus goes to coin flips, and Hillary wins every single one.
I need a new avatar guys. I got this one for real pic January and haven't bothered changing it back. Wanna guess the Nevada results and who ever's closest gets to pick my replacement? I'll keep it for at least 2 weeks.
I think it'll be 50.8-49.2 Sanders.
The party provides an unopened deck of playing cards. The deck should be shuffled seven times. A representative from each campaign picks a single card. The high card wins. In cases of cards of the same rank, the card suit controls the outcome with spades being the highest followed by hearts, diamonds and clubs.
Where does this idea that Bernie would get frazzled come from? He's held his own against Clinton and she's a great debater. Trump has yet to show any ability to debate well outside of his response to Cruz's "New York values" gaffe.
I need a new avatar guys. I got this one for real pic January and haven't bothered changing it back. Wanna guess the Nevada results and who ever's closest gets to pick my replacement? I'll keep it for at least 2 weeks.
I think it'll be 50.8-49.2 Sanders.
Eagerly awaiting the post-caucus Yu-Gi-Oh image macros.
She could have chosen to let others make the argument re: her womanhood for her, but instead, she chose to take it head on and make being a woman a central part of why people should find her appealing as a candidate. Calling this out as cynical pandering to deflect from her lackluster record is completely fair game.
Highlight raised taxes, socialism, and his his trips back in the 1980s and attacks on Reagan and you give the Republicans the presidency.
I didn't bet, but if ivy or Holmes win, I'm going to suggest they go with risqué version of current avatar. For science.
GOP presidential preference:
Trump 45%
Rubio 19
Cruz 17
Carson 7
Kasich 5
Bush 1
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
Democratic presidential preference:
Clinton 48%
Sanders 47%
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
GOP presidential preference:
Donald "Maybe it says he's a Muslim" Trump 45%
Rubio 19
Cruz 17
Carson 7
Kasich 5
Bush 1
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
Democratic presidential preference:
Clinton 48%
Sanders 47%
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
GOP presidential preference:
Trump 45%
Rubio 19
Cruz 17
Carson 7
Kasich 5
Bush 1
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
Democratic presidential preference:
Clinton 48%
Sanders 47%
(CNN/ORC Poll, 2/10-15)
I'd say caucuses favor strong organisational structures, but I don't know who has the advantage there. Presumably Clinton.Would we expect Nevada to bias slightly to either Clinton or Sanders due to how the caucus process there works?
I thought we weren't getting anymore polling?
Curious about cross-tabs.
I'd say caucuses favor strong organisational structures, but I don't know who has the advantage there. Presumably Clinton.