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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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They destroyed America's reputation abroad, which took years under Obama to rebuild. They broke Geneva convention and tortured people.

I don't think Obama's done a great job restoring America's international reputation, given the continued use of drone warfare.


From Bernie's perspective? Absolutely not.
I don't think Hillary would want it.
She wouldn't take it. He'd go with some local "uncorrupted" yet establishment-friendly politician like that mayor everyone really liked at the 2012 Dem convention whose name I can't recall or find at this exact moment embarrassingly enough.
Bernie needs Hillary to win the general and Hillary doesn't have anything better to do than stopping Trump.
We need more general election match up threads in OT.

General election match ups in a primary are what people who think they know elections bring up, and then it immediately shows they don't know anything.


Rubio supporter being talked to quickly on msnbc saying they don't support Cruz because he comes off as polished and rehearsed....
I think Jeb Bush is a good, honest candidate with a lot of sane policy positions. He's right on the decorum of this election: it's a chaotic shitshow that is completely overwhelmed by bullying and extremism. Jeb Bush and John Kasich are the only Republican candidates who are both qualified to be president and also have a history of getting things accomplished.

But I am so, so glad that Jeb Bush is never going to come near to the white house.

Remember all those ads in '08 about having a third term of Bush in the white house? This would really be that third term. Jeb! agrees with his brother on almost all issues. He would nominate the same kind of people to cabinet positions that W did. He would fight for the same policies, the same spending, the same wars, the same tax cuts, the same obliteration of entitlements, the same NSA programs, everything. These are the people who fired career appointees for prosecuting Republicans (lawyergate). These are the people who ran the dirtiest smear campaign against John McCain in 2000 and cost him the nomination. They lied to start a war in Iraq to satisfy Bush's personal vendetta against Saddam for trying to assassinate his daddy. They fought tooth and nail against climate change advocacy after Al Gore started a public awareness campaign that was one of the greatest in human history. They hire people like Condi, who misspelled Al Qaeda in a memo and gave Dick Clarke the cold shoulder. They fought TWO WARS at the same time, which hasn't been done in American history since WWII... except this time it was against a failing dictator complying with UN inspectors, and a religious theocracy in one of the poorest countries in the world. They destroyed America's reputation abroad, which took years under Obama to rebuild. They broke Geneva convention and tortured people.

Thank God the Bush administration is never coming back. It's sad that Republican politics have devolved into what they have but don't cry for Jeb. Maybe Mitt Romney.


I don't think Obama's done a great job restoring America's international reputation, given the continued use of drone warfare.

Yes he has. The US is far more positively popular than when Bush was in office. I think many countries severely disapprove, but the US still is viewed very positive. Also it doesn't seem many countries speak out against it a lot.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think Jeb Bush is a good, *airhorn* honest candidate with a lot of sane policy positions. He's right on the decorum of this election: it's a chaotic shitshow that is completely overwhelmed by bullying and extremism. Jeb Bush and John *airhorn* Kasich are the only Republican*airhorn* candidates who are both qualified to be president and also have a history of getting things accomplished*airhorn* .

But I am so, so glad that Jeb Bush is never going to come near to the white house.

Remember all those ads in '08 about having a third term of Bush in the white house? This would really be that third term. Jeb! agrees with his brother on almost all issues. He would nominate the same*airhorn* kind of people to cabinet positions that W did. He would fight for the same policies, the same spending, the same wars, the same tax cuts, the same obliteration of entitlements, the same NSA programs, everything. These are the people who fired *airhorn* career appointees for prosecuting Republicans (lawyergate). These are the people who ran the dirtiest smear*airhorn* campaign against John McCain in 2000 and cost him the nomination. They lied to start a war in Iraq to satisfy Bush's personal vendetta against Saddam for trying to assassinate his daddy. They fought tooth and nail against climate change advocacy after Al Gore started a public awareness campaign*airhorn* that was one of the greatest in human history. They hire people like Condi, who misspelled Al Qaeda in a *airhorn* memo and gave Dick Clarke the cold shoulder. They fought TWO WARS at the same time, which hasn't been done in American history since WWII... except this time it was against a failing dictator complying with UN inspectors, and a religious theocracy in one of the poorest co*airhorn* ntries in the world. They destroyed America's reputation abroad, which took years under Obama to rebuild. They broke Geneva convention and tortured people.

Thank God the Bush administration is never coming back. It's sad that Republican politics have devol*airhorn* ved into what they have but don't cry for Jeb. Maybe Mitt Romney.

Jeb bush is a huge mess.
Where's the pic of Slick Willy tonguing a Saudi Prince? If GWB goes in for a peck you know Billy C got all up in there.

I'm a bit worried what'll happen with Sanders' more passionate white supporters.

Those people would be the exception not the rule. A vocal minority, who are poisoning what was once the capital of civilized discussion, Reddit and Twitter.
Where's the pic of Slick Willy tonguing a Saudi Prince? If GWB goes in for a peck you know Billy C got all up in there.

Those people would be the exception not the rule. A vocal minority, who are poisoning what was once the capital of civilized discussion, Reddit and Twitter.
The tonguing pic is fake.

It is customary for Saudis to greet with a kiss on cheeks.


I'm a bit worried what'll happen with Sanders' more passionate white supporters.
Not ruling out a massive wave of New Left like bombings?

And then when Trump loses.

Those people would be the exception not the rule. A vocal minority, who are poisoning what was once the capital of civilized discussion, Reddit and Twitter.
But they're the racist gun fanatics with revolutionary fantasies that have been powering Bernie's campaign. And are getting hyped up by the eliminationist rhetoric he spouts constantly.


Trust me, the international view of your country has improved remarkably under Obama. I don't think a lot of Amercicans realise exactly how bad your country was viewed under Bush. There was a real and palpable sense of loathing thanks to the Iraq War and the growing religious stuff.


Gotta love how the Pope played right onto Donny's hands. Marco gets a YUGE endorsement from Haley and it finally starts gaining media traction when the Pope detonates this air burst which is now promising to suck up the media oxygen for the next day or so. Trump stays winning.
Wow wow wow, Trump released a press release responding to the Pope.


If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.

The Mexican government and its leadership has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope, because they want to continue to rip off the United States, both on trade and at the border, and they understand I am totally wise to them. The Pope only heard one side of the story - he didn’t see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States. He doesn’t see how Mexican leadership is outsmarting President Obama and our leadership in every aspect of negotiation.

For a religious leader to question a person’s faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.

Gotta love how the Pope played right onto Donny's hands. Marco gets a YUGE endorsement from Haley and it finally starts gaining media traction when the Pope detonates this air burst which is now promising to suck up the media oxygen for the next day or so. Trump stays winning.

it truly is amazing
Trust me, the international view of your country has improved remarkably under Obama. I don't think a lot of Amercicans realise exactly how bad your country was viewed under Bush. There was a real and palpable sense of loathing thanks to the Iraq War and the growing religious stuff.
And telling the UN to fuck off on every occasion. And refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol.
Donald is legit worrying me nowadays. Far too good. Far, far too efficient.

As far as global US perception is concerned, im sure that stopping publicly defending torture also helped a bit.
This is what scares me maybe the most about Trump's presidency other than the extreme racism; he can't take criticism at all. Who knows what happens when China "disrespects" him...


This is what scares me maybe the most about Trump's presidency other than the extreme racism; he can't take criticism at all. Who knows what happens when China "disrespects" him...
Oh yeah? I have 7,000 nukes and you have 300. Pretty soon you're going to fall of the face of the Earth.
Why it doesnt matter? Because they are economically and geo politically "weaker"?
Yes. Dignity aside, what I was referring to by respect abroad was our willingness to cooperate with other countries, our use of torture, our invasion of Iraq, ad infinitum. The world at large is alright with the US pursuing known terrorist targets in other countries. That's not why our reputation fell. Nobody hated Bill Clinton when he was doing the same thing.
Schemer needs to not be majority/minority leader next year. Fuck him. Surely the Democrats can do better. I say put a personable face on their Senate contingent. Schumer is about as unlikable as a Democrat can get.
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