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He actually did in the 80s. Things I'm guessing the right is saving. Could probably just have his quotes and Marx's next to each other's and run that as an add

Damn flipfloppers, where is Bernie's consistency on seizing the means of production.

Consistency on the stance of seizing the means of production:

Hillary: 1
Bernie: 0
Okay finally something to make me reconsider my Bernie vote.
Not because I disagree but because that's currently way to risky if real.
I wasn't worried about fake attacks but this is different.
This is the quote

Democracy means public ownership of the major means of production, it means decentralization, it means involving people in their work. Rather than having bosses and workers it means having democratic control over the factories and shops to as great a degree as you can.

The quote, in context isn't too bad. But you can lop that off and make a kick ass ad.
They're insignificant because the primary isn't over. Things change when you see the Republican alternative.

We're getting into semantics a bit, but it'd be more accurate to say that the poll itself is not that significant in the primary. However, the percentage points in terms of relative proportion to the rest of the base is not insignificant.

I'm not saying that the numbers will stay that way, but ideally you don't want to have to depend on a double digit recovery in percentage points going into the general election.


Okay finally something to make me reconsider my Bernie vote.
Not because I disagree but because that's currently way to risky if real.
I wasn't worried about fake attacks but this is different.
Republicans have to invent nothing on Bernie. He's had that socialist label for decades for a reason. It's not an accident that his attacks on Wall Street sound very much like attacks on the "bourgeois" from another era.
He apparently had a pet grudge with the Illuminati billionaire Rockefellers, where he wanted to seize their personal assets to be used.

I guess the idea of confiscating assets from the rich could play well in the current electorate. Although, it's also incredibly easy to spin for the GOP.

I think the idea that he can't be swiftboated is pretty naive.
So I looked up the guy who was the subject of my first political ad of the season, Trey Hollingsworth.

I believe there is a big difference between people in the private sector earning a living and politicians living off our earnings. In my opinion, you shouldn’t ask for the right to spend our tax dollars until you have had to honestly earn them from outside government.

I believe in term limits. Public service should not be a career path. I promise you that I will serve no more than eight years as your Representative.

I believe in shrinking government and oppose legislating so-called “solutions.” We need to free American innovators and families from the tentacles of a bloated government.

I believe in Christian family values; what good is an efficient government if it is not a principled government? Sadly, none of us think of “principled” when we think of today’s political class.

Wow I agree with nothing this guy wants to do. I'm not in his district though. Nice waste of money.


Republicans have to invent nothing on Bernie. He's had that socialist label for decades for a reason. It's not an accident that his attacks on Wall Street sound very much like attacks on the "bourgeois" from another era.
I was just hoping that any quotes of Bernie saying "means of production" or anything were buried where no one would find them even though I've personally believed he had more socialist beliefs that he just couldn't express.


He apparently had a pet grudge with the Illuminati billionaire Rockefellers, where he wanted to seize their personal assets to be used.

I guess the idea of confiscating assets from the rich could play well in the current electorate. Although, it's also incredibly easy to spin for the GOP.

The Death Tax or, Marxed for Death: How Socialist Sanders and the Demoncrats are Coming for your Lifeblood


Unconfirmed Member
Bernie went after Bill Clintons presidency too and basically said his record was crap and he hurt blacks.

This guy has no loyalty to the party and is going to be devastating to it.

I mean this guy is getting away with shitty on all the progress that has been made over the years because its not enough. It's not true progressivism. It's the same thing Cruz does.

Maybe the party wouldn't be so subject to a Sanders insurgency if they didn't put all of their chips on Hillary.

Sanders wouldn't even had run if Elizabeth Warren ran.

When you tell everyone who's remotely loyal to the party to step aside for Hillary, don't be surprised if someone not loyal to the party fills that hole.

Other parts of Sanders’ Liberty Union platform went well beyond anything he is currently advocating. In 1973, UPI reported that Sanders urged Vermont’s congressional delegation to “give serious thought to the nationalization of the oil industry.”

The following year, the Bennington Banner reported Sanders’ Senate campaign was focused on “two prime issues.” The first was rate increases for electric and telephone service, which the paper said Sanders sought to confront with “public takeover of all privately owned electric utilities in the state.” Sanders’ plan for public ownership of utility companies involved the businesses being seized from their owners.

It was a view he would carry forward into his 1976 gubernatorial bid: That year Sanders said the Liberty Union platform called for a state takeover of utilities “without compensation to the banks and wealthy individuals who own them.”

These weren’t the only assets Sanders suggested should be seized from the wealthy.

Sanders’ second main theme in his 1974 Senate race was what the Bennington Banner called his “own pet issue,” the “incredible economic power of the Rockefeller family.” As a presidential candidate and member of Congress, Sanders has assailed the influence billionaires and megadonors hold over American politics and media. However, his plan for the Rockefellers went much further, with Sanders implying he would push to have the family’s fortune used to fund government programs. In a 1974 press release, Sanders said “the incredible wealth and power of this family must be broken up.” The Rockefellers’ billions should be “used to create a decent standard of living for all people” by being redirected toward government social programs for the elderly or lower taxes.

Sanders was in the middle of running on an anti-Rockefeller platform in August 1974 when reports began to emerge that President Ford planned to nominate Nelson Rockefeller to be his vice president after the impeachment and resignation of President Nixon. Sanders was apoplectic and sent a letter to Ford urging him to pick someone else because “the Rockefellers are already the richest and most powerful family in the world.” Sanders warned that the appointment “could be the beginning of a virtual Rockefeller family dictatorship over the nation.” Rockefeller was officially nominated about a week later and went on to become vice president.

Yeah americas is going to love this


Maybe the party wouldn't be so subject to a Sanders insurgency if they didn't put all of their chips on Hillary.

Sanders wouldn't even had run if Elizabeth Warren ran.

When you tell everyone who's remotely loyal to the party to step aside for Hillary, don't be surprised if someone not loyal to the party fills that hole.

17 people ran on the republican side and they're still getting killed by a guy not loyal to the party.


That boo by the audience toward Sanders again saying he didn't run against Obama but Hillary did. He needs to stop trying to do that.
90% of Democrats voting the party line is about standard for general elections, nothing to fret about.

Saw (well heard) Bernie and Hillary ads running in Minnesota.
90% of Democrats voting the party line is about standard for general elections, nothing to fret about.

People will get line behind the nominee, the same will happen on the Republican side. Every single primary season gets people to freak out over party unity and it almost never is a real issue in modern Presidential elections.
It's been fascinating to watch this thread go from being pro-Hillary but fairly positive on Bernie, but just not enough to want to vote for him, to seemingly hating his guts and thinking he's some kind of vile narcissist who's going to undo every bit of good achieved in the last 30 years.

I still like Bernie just fine, by the way, and hope he remains a Cato-like figure for the Dems in Congress for years to come.

Edit: Also, considering Bill has been attacking Bernie and treating him like an asshole for weeks, Bernie has every right to hit him back and point out the ills he perpetrated during his own presidency. Glass houses and all.



Cruz seems to be getting dumber as the campaign progresses, this is an obvious fail that Rubio seems far more likely to make than Cruz.

I mean, I guess it doesn't need to be repeated, but I am going to repeat it anyway because it's kind of cathartic. Cruz is an asshole and maybe the worst person in America. "Faithless"? What are you implying there Ted? Don't be a coward and say it.
It's been fascinating to watch this thread go from being pro-Hillary but fairly positive on Bernie, but just not enough to want to vote for him, to seemingly hating his guts and thinking he's some kind of vile narcissist who's going to undo every bit of good achieved in the last 30 years.

I still like Bernie just fine, by the way, and hope he remains a Cato-like figure for the Dems in Congress for years to come.

Edit: Also, considering Bill has been attacking Bernie and treating him like an asshole for weeks, Bernie has every right to hit him back and point out the ills he perpetrated during his own presidency. Glass houses and all.

He's threatening the party's chance in 2016


It's been fascinating to watch this thread go from being pro-Hillary but fairly positive on Bernie, but just not enough to want to vote for him, to seemingly hating his guts and thinking he's some kind of vile narcissist who's going to undo every bit of good achieved in the last 30 years.

I still like Bernie just fine, by the way, and hope he remains a Cato-like figure for the Dems in Congress for years to come.

Edit: Also, considering Bill has been attacking Bernie and treating him like an asshole for weeks, Bernie has every right to hit him back and point out the ills he perpetrated during his own presidency. Glass houses and all.
You know how you might meet someone and like them at first, but the more they talk, the more you dislike them?

That's how it's been for me (and I presume others.)
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