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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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No Scrubs
The only thing that would actually make sense that McConnell is doing is possibly this.

1. Refuse to sign off on any nominee

2. Wait til trump gets nomination

3. Wait til it becomes obvious Trump will lose

4. Take up moderate nominee before Hillary becomes Pres.

So hold off now until things shape up. If Rubio wins he might think they have a chance so it's worth waiting. But if it's obvious they'll lose the election, he'll cut his losses. And by then it might be too late to be primaried as well.

No way does Obama give them a moderate nominee if they wait that long. He'd give them one now, but once it becomes clear Hillary would win that's the end of their leverage (especially if it also looks like the Senate will flip).
Imagine Dems swinging nine Senate seats this year (WI, IL, NH, FL, PA, OH, NC, MO, AZ). That would give them a 55-45 edge heading into 2018.

There are only five Romney state Democrats left in the Senate and they're all up then. They all seem to be reasonably well liked so their losses aren't guaranteed, but even losing all of them would produce a tie. Additionally Nevada will be up that year providing a pickup opportunity, although Arizona (Flake only won by 3) might be out of reach in a midterm year.

Then again, WI, PA, FL, VA and OH could be on the map given that three of those states are swingy in general while WI and PA are susceptible to electing Republicans in midterm years. Can't take anything for granted.
The devotion and worship Republicans have towards Gitmo and torture kind of undercuts their support of freedom and the constitution, idk.

I mean, it makes sense if they're the party of Trump, but they're both pretending they're not the party of Trump and all these Senators are saying that Gitmo should stay open because it's awesome.
I've read articles in the past about how Romney's team did just as you said, adjusting the polls.

In the documentary, Romney, and especially his family, really looked stunned at the defeat. Like, deer in the headlights stunned. I can't believe he faked that for a dude doing a in moment documentary.

A good comparison would be 2008 and 2004. McCain's camp knew for quite some time that he was going to lose. Overall Romney's camp went in feeling they were in good position to win if certain things went their way in Ohio and some other states. I'd compare their mindset moreso to how Kerry's folks went into election night: underdogs but hopeful with a specific gameplan that ultimately fell apart when reality struck. Romney's GOTV tracker crashed on election day and from what I understand they were largely scrambling throughout most of the day. Whereas we pretty much knew it was over by 2PM.

They didn't expect blacks and young people to turn out so fiercely. I'm still amazed at the loyalty displayed by many black voters in Ohio who stood in line for hours, no matter what. The candidate matters. And the perception of how he or she is treated. It's 2016 and republicans still don't get that the way they disrespect Obama fuels a lot of support for him.


Imagine Dems swinging nine Senate seats this year (WI, IL, NH, FL, PA, OH, NC, MO, AZ). That would give them a 55-45 edge heading into 2018.

There are only five Romney state Democrats left in the Senate and they're all up then. They all seem to be reasonably well liked so their losses aren't guaranteed, but even losing all of them would produce a tie. Additionally Nevada will be up that year providing a pickup opportunity, although Arizona (Flake only won by 3) might be out of reach in a midterm year.

Then again, WI, PA, FL, VA and OH could be on the map given that three of those states are swingy in general while WI and PA are susceptible to electing Republicans in midterm years. Can't take anything for granted.

I think there's a good chance Donnelly loses, but clearly we're keeping the ND seat.
No way does Obama give them a moderate nominee if they wait that long. He'd give them one now, but once it becomes clear Hillary would win that's the end of their leverage (especially if it also looks like the Senate will flip).

While on its face, I agree, I'm thinking by not even having hearings, that Obama's nominee is "stuck" and McConnell can pull them back in at any moment. Especially if it's summer.

And I don't think Obama would pull someone the moment McConnell flips. It would be both bad optics and I don't think Obama would do that to the nominee.

But we'll see how this plays out. Maybe Obama will pull back well before the flip can happen and then nominate someone else.

By not even having hearings/rejecting, I'm not sure how the process plays out in terms of nominating someone else.
What exactly would a moderate Justice that Obama would appoint be like?

Its hard for me to imagine Obama would appoint a justice that the GOP would consider "moderate"


I'm applying to the biggest investment bank in the world and they need me to disclose my political contributions on a form for compliance.

Bernard Sanders - $50

This feels rigged! lol


I'm applying to the biggest investment bank in the world and they need me to disclose my political contributions on a form for compliance.

Bernard Sanders - $50

This feels rigged! lol
Womp womp.

The only way to win is not to play. (or to just volunteer)


What the fuck GOP Senate judiciary committee. What the fuck.

I'm not convinced this will blow up in their faces. Obama needs to get a nominee confirmed. I wonder if Biden can cite a constitutional crisis and hold a vote


What the fuck GOP Senate judiciary committee. What the fuck.

I'm not convinced this will blow up in their faces. Obama needs to get a nominee confirmed. I wonder if Biden can cite a constitutional crisis and hold a vote
If they think Trump is going to tank them, stalling till Hillary comes in w/ a D majority lets them save face with their insano base.

Of course, stalling helps create that D majority, it'll be '98 all over again.


I don't really know much about him. Is he pro-life/pro-gun/anti-immigration? Its hard for me to imagine that Obama would appoint anyone who was any of those things, but also hard for me to imagine the GOP accepting anyone who wasn't all three

There's no proof of his positions on any of those as legal issues.
I actually rewatched MSNBC coverage of 2012 election night up until Romney concession. So good that night was. Romney butt hurt at Ohio call was so amazing to see.


I'm applying to the biggest investment bank in the world and they need me to disclose my political contributions on a form for compliance.

Bernard Sanders - $50

This feels rigged! lol

You gotta throw Hilldawg 50 before you apply lol


I actually rewatched MSNBC coverage of 2012 election night up until Romney concession. So good that night was. Romney butt hurt at Ohio call was so amazing to see.
I'll probably rewatch it at some point around the conventions. The margins of the states, the Senate call after Senate call for the Democrats, the emphasis on how demographically fucked the GOP is, Chris Matthews & Rachel Maddow audibly gasping or "ooooh"-ing off-camera when certain races or states were called.. it was an incredibly fun broadcast.

Edit: here's the first video of the playlist:


I'll probably rewatch it at some point around the conventions. The margins of the state's, the Senate call after Senate call for the Democrate, the emphasis on how demographically fucked the GOP is, Chris Matthews & Rachel Maddow audibly gasping or "ooooh"-ing off-camera when certain races or states were called.. it was an incredibly fun broadcast.

Edit: here's the first video of the playlist:

Thank you, will rewatch as my pre-bedtime entertainment for this week :D

You can start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRodqexUv84

I've watched it before.

Cheers man :)


She would still win almost all the delegates there since SO MANY Dem delegates going forward are based on CD.
So it's going to be like South Carolina last Saturday with Rubio. "Big victory for Sanders! Reaches 35% in Georgia! (takes almost no delegates)"


Out of nowhere remembering this post-2012 election commentary from a very upset Hannity, and reflecting on how it's actually being applied to the Republican party right now:

So was he right, or just wrong about what party it'd apply to?

Lol @ Obama invented dirty politics and tactics in a general. Completely glossing over people like Lee Atwater. Hell you can go back to Gilded Age Presidents and find political cartoonists penning stories and pictures about illegitimate children, tax avoidance, etc. Hell, Grover Cleveland was raked over the coals for being a bachelor.


Trump: "I've been very nice to Rubio, because he hasn't hit me. When he does, you will see what happens."

C'mon, Rubio.. take the bait. Taaaaake it.


Donald "It was a great night for Mexico" Trump: "I've been very nice to Rubio, because he hasn't hit me. When he does, you will see what happens."

C'mon, Rubio.. take the bait. Taaaaake it.

Come on Rubio, you're dumb enough to fall for it. Please do.


FGC Waterboy

Heck, even Ted Cruz is friends with him (for now). :D

Couple of interesting articles about the Trump phenomenon


WSJ warning, but still an interesting read (don't agree with him about a lot of it, but still, interesting read)


and finally the atlantic


We are kind of one.

We are. I'm kind of sad we don't have more moderates / Republican posters on the OT GAF side of things. (Don't blame them in the slightest, though)


Yeah, this is where it gets touchy for Sanders. He can be down just 20-30 points and get nothing.

The vast majority of states going forward allocate the majority of their delegates in CD and fewer proportionally. So if she has the geographic advantage in the majority of these states, he's fucked.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Man.... Trump ceiling is real

Politico: "Rubio is skyrocketing!!!"

11-point deficit.

As for Trump/Rubio, I guarantee Rubio just ignores Trump. He won't go at him head-to-head.


No Scrubs
We are. I'm kind of sad we don't have more moderates / Republican posters on the OT GAF side of things. (Don't blame them in the slightest, though)

Part of it's getting dog piled when they try and have a discussion, but part of it is also that the NeoGAF rules make a lot of the social conservative beliefs a tough needle to thread without getting banned.
The vast majority of states going forward allocate the majority of their delegates in CD and fewer proportionally. So if she has the geographic advantage in the majority of these states, he's fucked.


the CD delegates are still awarded proportionally, meaning as long as Bernie gets 15% he'll get at least one in each district

(he's still screwed but come on)
Part of it's getting dog piled when they try and have a discussion, but part of it is also that the NeoGAF rules make a lot of the social conservative beliefs a tough needle to thread without getting banned.

its also harder and harder to find a moderate republican that is under the age of 50.
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