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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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they...they made a letter. they are truly stupid.



FGC Waterboy
Part of it's getting dog piled when they try and have a discussion, but part of it is also that the NeoGAF rules make a lot of the social conservative beliefs a tough needle to thread without getting banned.

Eh, that group has long been gone - I think at this point it's primarily the dogpiling and accusations of being inherently sexist or racist from the get-go.

its also harder and harder to find a moderate republican that is under the age of 50.

Only if you live in the coastal cities, I think. There are quite a few in the Midwest / South / non heavily urbanized area. Moving to Seattle from the Midwest definitely makes me at least sort of empathize (only sort of) with folks who feel they are being treated with complete disrespect by half the country purely based on where they live. (Seattle is an elitist city, IMO, but that is my experience and perception coming from where I grew up)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well, let's take a rational look. The last time the GOP was truly excited to vote was in 2000 with Bush and McCain. 2008 was just sad. 2012 they held their nose for Romney but never liked the not-Romneys and it was inevitable.

So it's been 16 years since the GOP has had a real race that they cared about. So yeah, they're going to break records given population growth.

As for the Dems, 2008 was so different. You had the first legit female who had a chance, you had a dude who the GOP wishes Marco Rubio was, and then you had Obama who was the first African American with a real chance and was super inspirational.

And this was along the backdrop of a complete clusterfuck of a war where 3k soldiers died, Iranian's rise as a result, Katrina clusterfuck, a President who was despised nationally so much so that 2006 the Dems romped the midterms, and the economy was already tanking as the housing bubble had already burst.

I mean 2008 was record breaking for a reason. There was both anger, hope, and 3 well liked candidates in which 2 would have broken major barriers.

And there's no correlation between primary turnout and general election results, so don't worry.

I had no idea they were awarded proportionally! I thought it was just the at-large delegates.

The one advantage of the Democratic primary is that every state has the same rules: CD delegates awarded proportionally, statewide delegates also awarded proportionally, both with a 15% threshold.

Unlike the Republican side, it doesn't randomly change! Although this does create dumb scenarios where a district with 3 delegates can be "won" 2-1 with 50.1% of the vote.


Real talk, super impressed with Robby Mook, especially in comparison to Bernie's advisers like Devine, who seem divorced from reality.

Seems really pragmatic and committed to a smart plan, much like what Obama had in 08 with Plouffe/Axelrod. (and the opposite of what Hillary herself had with Mark Penn)

Prepare for a nightmarish few weeks, Mook warned his team, with a lot of second-guessing of strategic decisions, donor hand-wringing and finger-pointing directed at staff. The New Hampshire primary was only going to make things worse, he predicted, according to a source on the call. And don&#8217;t pay too much attention to cable news, he warned. Focus on Nevada, South Carolina and the March states, instead.

On Saturday in Nevada, Mook&#8217;s stay-the-course approach was validated. Nevada didn&#8217;t turn out to be the Western firewall he had originally predicted when he first laid out a strategy that was laser-focused on the first four nominating states. But the solid six-point win over a surging Bernie Sanders, which sapped some of the Vermont senator&#8217;s momentum and juiced fundraising, is still being hailed by Clinton allies as a turning point for the campaign's morale....

...After the victory on Saturday, the campaign staff and outside allies rallied around the campaign manager, suddenly redeemed. &#8220;If we hadn&#8217;t done Robby&#8217;s strategy we would have lost Iowa,&#8221; said an outside adviser to the campaign. &#8220;We were always going to lose New Hampshire and he stuck to the game plan in Nevada. This was a turning point. Success is really important in campaigns, but the perception of success is even more important.&#8221;

On an all-staff conference call on Sunday, Mook gathered the troops once again. This time, the &#8220;soaking it all in&#8221; moment was over. Don&#8217;t pay too much attention to cable news and the analysis about how Sanders is toast, Mook warned the staffers. Focus on South Carolina and the March states, instead.
That's exactly the right attitude to have. Never take things for granted. Work for it until you've actually won.


Real talk, super impressed with Robby Mook, especially in comparison to Bernie's advisers like Devine, who seem divorced from reality.

Seems really pragmatic and committed to a smart plan, much like what Obama had in 08 with Plouffe/Axelrod. (and the opposite of what Hillary herself had with Mark Penn)

I've been a huge fan of Mook since he led McAuliffe to the win in the VA governor's race. He is a Politico in the mold of Plouffe.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
they...they made a letter. they are truly stupid.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just signed a letter of intent to not do our job for the next 11 months and yet still get paid and have good health benefits.

Screw you,

Republican Senators"


So the gop is going to win the presidency right? Those turnout numbers are huge.

Dems cannot simply ignore this and rely on the demographics map. Hillary terrifies me as a galvanizing force.

Dems cannot simply ignore this and rely on the demographics map. Hillary terrifies me as a galvanizing force.


I think alot of people are against Hillary just because she is a woman and don't want to admit it. She still pulls people together better than the other option though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If I publicly announced that I was refusing to do a given duty of my job for the next 11 months, I would be fired nearly instantly.
I don't know what to make of the turnout numbers but I do know that right wing media is all over it, saying this ensures a White House win. My impulse to that is to reject it because of the source.

The latest 538 podcast it was brought up and they said "look at the 2012 democratic primaries. Perhaps a lot of voters see this as a re-elect of Obama and are satisfied with either candidate. People turned out to vote for Obama in 2012 despite a boring primary. There are also a lot of voters turning out to vote against Trump."

It's way up from 2000 and 2004 if that helps anything.


I don't know what to make of the turnout numbers but I do know that right wing media is all over it, saying this ensures a White House win. My impulse to that is to reject it because of the source.

The latest 538 podcast it was brought up and they said "look at the 2012 democratic primaries. Perhaps a lot of voters see this as a re-elect of Obama and are satisfied with either candidate. People turned out to vote for Obama in 2012 despite a boring primary."

I also listened to that pod. The 12 primary is miles different from what we have this cycle.
Real talk, super impressed with Robby Mook, especially in comparison to Bernie's advisers like Devine, who seem divorced from reality.

Seems really pragmatic and committed to a smart plan, much like what Obama had in 08 with Plouffe/Axelrod. (and the opposite of what Hillary herself had with Mark Penn)

That's exactly the right attitude to have. Never take things for granted. Work for it until you've actually won.

good. I want no fucking chance teflon Don assumes the empire's throne.
What's happened? :(

Was terminated because I didn't go back to work after being discharged, even though I was on morphine and shit. They refused to accept the Dr's note and refused to give me the time off to see my surgeon. I offered to change the appointment, and they said no. There was VTO available for last night, and I offered to take that. They told me no.

My keycard wouldn't let me in today. No one bothered to tell me I had done anything wrong, considering my supervisor told me to go to the ER last night while I was at work. Had a note from the ER physician as well as my primary care physician saying I was fine to come back today, but there was no way I could have worked yesterday. Didn't mean anything to them. Literally locked me out of the building.


No Scrubs
Fuck this country and our inability to protect workers who get hurt or sick.


Ugh. Someone kill me now.

That is fucked up dude, I am so sorry.

Was terminated because I didn't go back to work after being discharged, even though I was on morphine and shit. They refused to accept the Dr's note and refused to give me the time off to see my surgeon. I offered to change the appointment, and they said no. There was VTO available for last night, and I offered to take that. They told me no.

My keycard wouldn't let me in today. No one bothered to tell me I had done anything wrong, considering my supervisor told me to go to the ER last night while I was at work. Had a note from the ER physician as well as my primary care physician saying I was fine to come back today, but there was no way I could have worked yesterday. Didn't mean anything to them. Literally locked me out of the building.

Holy fucking shit dude, that is beyond fucked up. That ain't right.


Was terminated because I didn't go back to work after being discharged, even though I was on morphine and shit. They refused to accept the Dr's note and refused to give me the time off to see my surgeon. I offered to change the appointment, and they said no. There was VTO available for last night, and I offered to take that. They told me no.

My keycard wouldn't let me in today. No one bothered to tell me I had done anything wrong, considering my supervisor told me to go to the ER last night while I was at work. Had a note from the ER physician as well as my primary care physician saying I was fine to come back today, but there was no way I could have worked yesterday. Didn't mean anything to them. Literally locked me out of the building.

Fucking hell. I am so so sorry you've had that happen to you.
I just got push-polled for the Cook County State's Attorney race, trying to smear Kim Foxx, who's looking to oust Anita Alvarez. Alvarez was one of the people who kept a police shooting of an unarmed man out of the public eye until after elections were over.

That is fucked up dude, I am so sorry.

Holy fucking shit dude, that is beyond fucked up. That ain't right.

Thank you. I mean, I have savings. I can manage for now, but this was literally not my fault. At all. I did everything they asked me to do, and they basically said "State law and our corporate policy does not protect you in this situation." Wouldn't even let me in the building to get my shit. Had some lackey carry it out to me.


More Republicans (and Republican-leaning Independents) turn out during midterms. Why would it be different for primaries? Just because it's a Presidential election year doesn't mean it's the Presidential election just yet. I don't think these numbers are ominous for the Presidential election in November, I think they're disappointing because it shows that Dems still don't turn out for non-Presidential elections (looking at 2018).


Regarding the bubble of the GAF-chamber. We may tend to have a number of similar views, but I can guaran-damn-tee we have a better sense of perspective about the real world than someone who only takes in far-right wing media all day every day. And I see plenty of real talk here when Obama/Clinton/Sanders/etc does something people have a problem with.
Was terminated because I didn't go back to work after being discharged, even though I was on morphine and shit. They refused to accept the Dr's note and refused to give me the time off to see my surgeon. I offered to change the appointment, and they said no. There was VTO available for last night, and I offered to take that. They told me no.

My keycard wouldn't let me in today. No one bothered to tell me I had done anything wrong, considering my supervisor told me to go to the ER last night while I was at work. Had a note from the ER physician as well as my primary care physician saying I was fine to come back today, but there was no way I could have worked yesterday. Didn't mean anything to them. Literally locked me out of the building.

File for unemployment asap and also get an attorney involved if you think it's worth it. If not enjoy the vacation and move on to a better job.
Was terminated because I didn't go back to work after being discharged, even though I was on morphine and shit. They refused to accept the Dr's note and refused to give me the time off to see my surgeon. I offered to change the appointment, and they said no. There was VTO available for last night, and I offered to take that. They told me no.

My keycard wouldn't let me in today. No one bothered to tell me I had done anything wrong, considering my supervisor told me to go to the ER last night while I was at work. Had a note from the ER physician as well as my primary care physician saying I was fine to come back today, but there was no way I could have worked yesterday. Didn't mean anything to them. Literally locked me out of the building.

Corporate world can be brutal.

Makes people into monsters.

Sorry to hear Adam. Hang in there. I've been there before.
Fucking hell. I am so so sorry you've had that happen to you.

It's alright. I'll live. I've been thinking about starting my own business doing what I do. I've also been looking for an excuse to write full time. I have enough to get by for a year or so without working, so I can manage. Just...I think I'm doing the right shit, and I'm just thrown under the damn bus. Plus, my arm hurts like a mo'fo.

adam, who did you work for?

I was a QA/WFM supervisor for a local call center. Ironically, I deal with this shit all the time. Wouldn't have let a floor rep go for shit like this, but I was still in probation and they were like you're out.


No Scrubs
Thank you. I mean, I have savings. I can manage for now, but this was literally not my fault. At all. I did everything they asked me to do, and they basically said "State law and our corporate policy does not protect you in this situation." Wouldn't even let me in the building to get my shit. Had some lackey carry it out to me.

Get on that unemployment if you can and try not to rage too hard on this. It's fucked up as all holy hell, but being mad won't help when you're sick. Just focus on getting better dude.

It's alright. I'll live. I've been thinking about starting my own business doing what I do. I've also been looking for an excuse to write full time. I have enough to get by for a year or so without working, so I can manage. Just...I think I'm doing the right shit, and I'm just thrown under the damn bus. Plus, my arm hurts like a mo'fo.

I was a QA/WFM supervisor for a local call center. Ironically, I deal with this shit all the time. Wouldn't have let a floor rep go for shit like this, but I was still in probation and they were like you're out.

Damn dude. Well, glad to hear you can manage for a while at least.
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