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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Alex Seitz-Wald reports that Sanders genuinely believes it. Sanders, reports Seitz-Wald, “wanted a win so badly in Nevada that he never wrote a concession speech, according to aides, and the night before the caucuses he said that historians would mark Nevada as the beginning of his promised political revolution.”

I'm sorry, but speaking about history before something has happened strikes me as the mark of a crazy person. Am I crazy for thinking so?



I'm sorry, but speaking about history before something has happened strikes me as the mark of a crazy person. Am I crazy for thinking so?


No, you're not crazy. NEVER count your chickens before the hatch and ALWAYS write a concession speech.

It ain't over till it's over.
I'm sorry, but speaking about history before something has happened strikes me as the mark of a crazy person. Am I crazy for thinking so?


Perhaps an internal poll showed him as being up by at least a few points. That despite everyone who knew anything about Nevada knew that polling it was very, very difficult he believed it.

Still, a politician has to be realistic even under the best of circumstances. Obama probably had concession speeches written for 2008 and 2012. You never know.


I mean.....don't anyone take this wrong, but he's definitely been drinking his own Kool Aide. I genuinely do not thing he understands that he has a demographic problem. I mean, I think a lot of this illustrates some of the things Barney Frank has said about him. Bernie is not wrong or out of touch, it's everyone else who doesn't immediately agree with him who is the problem. They've all been bought out or corrupted by someone or something.

There will be no reality in which Bernie failed to win the primary, only the voters failed Bernie.

And Hillary is the one being called entitled?


No Scrubs
I wanna see the receipts. If true, I wanna give him the benefit of context

It's just reports.

Also, there is no context here. He either wrote a concession speech or he didn't. If he didn't then he fucked up big time, you always have one ready.

Confirmed by the Netflix documentary. "Anyone know what you say in a concession speech?" as he stares teary eyed at his iPad.

I gotta sit down and watch it one day.
And Hillary is the one being called entitled?

Only by Bernie's most vocal supporters. She's been doing the grunt work for months. Her campaign has been built for a long primary fight, even though I don't think she'll need one. She wanted to make sure that she didn't make the same mistakes as 2008. She's not taking any of this for granted this time.
Not necessarily true, it's clear people like Meghan Kelly, Charles Krauthammer and Steve Hayes all think Trump is a pandering, petulant child.

That was meant to be about not holding a hearing about the supreme court nominee. They paint everything Obama does as bad and fully support holding the decision of the supreme court nominee until the next president. They also paint everything Hillary does as bad. Once in awhile they actually have one democrat on with 3 or 4 republicans and they just dogpile him or her. Now they've been pushing Rubio so hard, it's obvious they are ran by the establishment.
It's just reports.

Also, there is no context here. He either wrote a concession speech or he didn't. If he didn't then he fucked up big time, you always have one ready.

I gotta sit down and watch it one day.

Well, it also confirmed that Rubio is not the first robot to run for president.

Heeeey fuck you McConnell

How is it? I've always meant to watch it.

The best part is election night and they don't focus on it much. What's actually interesting is that Romney comes off the most level headed when he knows he's lost and has to convince his wife and family that it's true. It made me appreciate him a little more but I still don't think he'd be a good president. I'd say it's worth a watch once.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Romney made me sad with his speech. "I wanted so badly to be your president."

Shouldn't have been a shit.


No Scrubs
Hillary is the only candidate that has admitted that she is a cyborg. She's on record saying she isn't even human.


I remember when that one hit, I still find it funny. Between stuff like this and some of the stories we've been told here it sounds like she might be fun to chill with.

The best part is election night and they don't focus on it much. What's actually interesting is that Romney comes off the most level headed when he knows he's lost and has to convince his wife and family that it's true. It made me appreciate him a little more but I still don't think he'd be a good president. I'd say it's worth a watch once.

That definitely sounds like it'd be worth a watch. Putting it in the queue.


I'm not surprised at all. I thought he would run and do well back in 2011.

It was a trip reading Double Down a few weeks ago and hearing about how close Donny was to getting in the 2012 race. It is even crazier to read the Amazon reviews from 2013 from people saying Donny would be an amazing president.
and by voters you mean blacks and Hispanics.

He won under 45 Hispanics in Nevada by crushing margins. Again, the election seems to be about old vs. young, not racial divides. Winning (older) minorities does not soft the wrongs and the plenty, YUGE character flaws of Hillary.


No Scrubs
He won under 45 Hispanics in Nevada by crushing margins. Again, the election seems to be about old vs. young, not racial divides. Winning (older) minorities does not soft the wrongs and the plenty, YUGE character flaws of Hillary.

Are you talking about the exit polling again? We already know that was flawed so there's no point in quoting those numbers.
Doesn't really matter anyway if the young people aren't turning out in large enough numbers to outvote the oldies.

Basing a political revolution on the least civically engaged demographic, what could possibly go wrong


Incidentally, that reminds me. One reason Corbyn won the labour leadership that for my money was the most important: the Internet. Not in the general sense, but rather the fact that you could join the labour party, register for the election and vote without ever putting your laptop down. If you could do the same in America my money would be on a big Sanders win.
Are you talking about the exit polling again? We already know that was flawed so there's no point in quoting those numbers.

All exit polls show such trend by destroying margins in favor of Bernie. It doesnt matter that Clinton won the Hispanics precincts. Theres many ways such results can happen with Sanders winning the young Hispanic vote (low young turnout).

Oh, hey. Melkr's still alive.

Was getting worried, there.


I have so much stuff going on right now I CANT KEEP UP. Doesnt help that Sanders has said a lot of problematic and idiotic shit lately. I am kind of losing the Bern

Hey Melkr.



Melkr, I've been meaning to say it but I love your Tingle av. Bring him back pls

it wasnt Tingle lol. It was a Magypsy (Doria) from Mother 3.


Does anyone else feel like it's good news that no-names like Deborah Ross is keeping it in single digits in North Carolina this far out? What happens with she wins the nomination and gets exposure?

Ugh, so excited. Kay Hagan 2.0.
Does anyone else feel like it's good news that no-names like Deborah Ross is keeping it in single digits in North Carolina this far out? What happens with she wins the nomination and gets exposure?

Ugh, so excited. Kay Hagan 2.0.

It's bad news for Kay Hagan. I still remember how dirty Elizabeth Dole got in 2008. I wasn't paying a lot of attention to Senate races back then but the "There is No God" ad struck me as realllllllyyyyy dirty.
What's the Kay Hagan talk about? Kinda felt bad watching her and other red state democrats try to exist in DC. Torn between endless pollsters telling you you're screwed, and democrat/WH officials trying to get you to vote for various stuff you can't get away with.


No Scrubs
What's the Kay Hagan talk about? Kinda felt bad watching her and other red state democrats try to exist in DC. Torn between endless pollsters telling you you're screwed, and democrat/WH officials trying to get you to vote for various stuff you can't get away with.

All I know is that it's bad news for Kay Hagan.
Ok seriously, what the fuck will it take Carson drop out? He's the one holding back Cruz from solidifying the evangelical vote. He's playing to the establishment hands. They love him seeping Cruz' votes.

As long as he keeps getting debate time he won't drop. He's just selling books. I don't even think the guy is doing rallies. Only way to get him to drop is to take him out of the debates.
Sanders is a smart guy, how is he not seeing the same data everyone else is seeing? Weaver and Co. are really pulling him along in a boondoggle.

Is he a smart guy? Is that why he surrounds himself with zero qualified foreign policy advisers, zero qualified economic policy advisers, nearly no democratic house representatives, any senators, any governors... etc.?

My question is, do Sanders supporters understand how alone they are when it comes to people currently and formerly in public service?
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