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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Jon Ralston (lol) said:
Overall turnout could now be as high as 75K, one GOP insider believes. That's the good news. Bad news: Even longer to count?

If that's true, how much does that help Trump? Will Trump win 74,000 votes? WILL TRUMP LEGALLY OWN THE STRIP AFTER TONIGHT?!?!?
I'd say there's a degree of variety in here about trade, about immigration, about military intervention and so on.

What you won't see on GAF is "socially conservative" opinion, if it amounts to the denigrating of other people as lesser than,
or violating the rights of a segment of society.

I think it's been somewhat conflated that "liberal" means one needs to be opposed to things like reducing trade barriers or needs to be isolationist or for more open borders or, in a more US-centric case, vehemently anti-gun. It's become an umbrella term, but typically left-wing parties are an assortment of sometimes conflicting interest groups.

Well you see a liberal versions of that. Many so called liberals, including here. I don't really see social conservative form of disregarding people, but I occasionally see liberals doing it.


A) The sense I've always gotten is that all these allegations of restrictions on Free Speech on college campuses are overblown. That is to say that when they come up there are often embarrassing but people like to take a few isolated incidents and proclaim it to be a "wildfire threatening to engulf the nation".

B) It's really hard to have nuanced interactions with people online because you are only seeing pieces of them over weird and protracted intervals. Most people don't lean all left or right on all issues, even if you lean majority left or majority right. I have multiple conservative friends but they are conservative because they lean right on issues like trade, economy or gun control. If you're the type of person who is a conservative because you're mad "them blacks are getting uppity", "I don't see race", etc. we aren't likely to be friends. Repeat for gender/sexuality. I have little tolerance for those who call themselves liberals but also hold those positions - but as I said, even when people lean most in one direction, they may lean the other on a few issues. It also really grinds my gears as a Catholic when people use the Bible to justify bigotry in any fashion. As if that was in any way the end goal/message of Jesus. Then again, the Bible is a book that has been used to justify Slavery of all things so :(

Anyway, if you feel people are jumping on you because you have socially conservative views, just be aware that you are likely the 3413513x person they've met that feels that way. Having the real circumstances of your life or those like you downplayed, dismissed or ignored constantly wears on you really fast.

and there lies the biggest wedge among classical liberalism in Europe (France) vs politically correct progressives in the US when it pertained to being critical towards religion, religious customs and the whole Danish Cartoon and Charlie Hebdo Cartoons disparity between the two.

In France, secularist Liberals want freedom of speech of making fun of all regions.

in the US, oh, can't offend a minority religion so walk on egg shells, even when that religion has misogynistic and homophobic views

You can critique the practices of an individual or even large swaths of people who practice a specific religion with denigrating the religion as a whole. The later is the only point where people start calling foul - prejudice is kind of bad yo.


Fun question:

Let's say Trump destroys Cruz on March 1st and Cruz drops out early. What will the talk radio hosts do? Will Limbaugh, Levin, and Beck back Trump or just sulk.
Fun question:

Let's say Trump destroys Cruz on March 1st and Cruz drops out early. What will the talk radio hosts do? Will Limbaugh, Levin, and Beck back Trump or just sulk.

They'll back em...

They gotta keep the narrative that liberals and obama are terrible evil people.
Fun question:

Let's say Trump destroys Cruz on March 1st and Cruz drops out early. What will the talk radio hosts do? Will Limbaugh, Levin, and Beck back Trump or just sulk.
They will coalesce around their savior Marco. We want Cruz to stay as long as he possibly can to squash any talk of Marco.


Fun question:

Let's say Trump destroys Cruz on March 1st and Cruz drops out early. What will the talk radio hosts do? Will Limbaugh, Levin, and Beck back Trump or just sulk.
Ingraham's got as many listeners as Levin and Beck, and she's already behind Trump.


Awwww shieeet:


Politico said:
A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that top Hillary Clinton staff should be questioned under oath about her use of a private email — another potential setback to the Democratic frontrunner's effort to leave the email controversy behind.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan granted a motion for discovery filed by Judicial Watch, which sued the State Department for Clinton-related documents and is now arguing there is “reasonable suspicion” that Clinton or State staff tried to thwart the Freedom of Information Act. That law requires all work emails to be archived in a government systems for public view.

Discovery in FOIA cases is relatively rare and presents political risk for Clinton: While the group has not yet called for Clinton to answer question personally, it said it may in the future as part of discovery. The process will likely entail attorneys asking questions of her top staff via deposition or written Q&A about why Clinton used a private email server in the first place and how they eventually determined what was an “official” record to be preserved.
Well you see a liberal versions of that. Many so called liberals, including here. I don't really see social conservative form of disregarding people, but I occasionally see liberals doing it.
Depends on what you're referring to.

If you mean pointing out the idiocy of flat Earthers, climate science deniers, and so on. Yes, you'll probably see that. Although, if it's done too disrespectfully, then you'll probably take a holiday. What I'm referring to is denigrating people as lesser because of who they are, not the views they hold.

Although this is becoming a bit of a metacommentary derail.
Somewhat interesting article on the young people making up the revolution:
There is an excitement to the crowd, hours before the event begins, that I’ve seen at no other rally, including Donald Trump’s infamous wild night in Mobile, Alabama, back in August; it is the thrill of being a part of something bigger than yourself, the undeniable cathartic high of feeling that you are being carried along by a wave, that you are downright blessed to live in such important times. It is the thrill, that is to say, of the young: Those who don't yet know to be disappointed by life, to recognize the limitations of earnestness and genial good intentions, to be unencumbered by the ugly complications of compromise and the dreary real world. They believe in Sanders because they have to believe in something: They believe in Sanders because he, after all this time, still believes himself.

A friend of mine who is roughly the same age as me (40) came to me with a revelation the other day, one he confessed he found depressing. “I’m voting for Hillary,” he said. That wasn’t the depressing part: He has always liked Clinton. It’s that he was now too old to vote for the candidate all the kids love. “I’m now the person who looks at the guy saying, ‘We can make a difference! We can change the world!’ and saying, ‘No, you’re not actually gonna do that,'” he lamented. “Eight years ago I’m screaming ‘Yes we can!’ Now I just want someone who knows what they’re doing. It makes me feel very old.”
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FGC Waterboy
A) The sense I've always gotten is that all these allegations of restrictions on Free Speech on college campuses are overblown. That is to say that when they come up there are often embarrassing but people like to take a few isolated incidents and proclaim it to be a "wildfire threatening to engulf the nation".

A) That's true of everything - the media makes its money that way. 24/7 news culture means we have to blow things out of proportion because its how dem checks get paid

B) FWIW, the missus' mom teaches at a university in the Midwest (big one, and not exactly super duper liberal area) - and she's commented about it on occasion (and mind you, leftist is an accurate word to describe her in many ways) being a concern. Rights and education have always had a super awkward history in this country on top of it (since often times schools can ignore rights in protection of the "children", see post Columbine). They're also folks who grew up in the time of Vietnam protests, where free speech was used to fight back against power that would have squashed it, so it's a bigger deal for them for those same students to start handing back authoritarian-ish power for the "right reasons", as they remember when the "right reasons" ended up not being the case.

I also think that in the context of the Arab Spring and China and modern geo-political events, something that is often seen as uniquely American (such strong free speech laws) is also going to get a very quick response if challenged. People forget that even Europe doesn't have the strongest free speech laws (and sometimes, progressives find themselves on the receiving end of said laws they asked for)

B) It's really hard to have nuanced interactions with people online because you are only seeing pieces of them over weird and protracted intervals. Most people don't lean all left or right on all issues, even if you lean majority left or majority right. I have multiple conservative friends but they are conservative because they lean right on issues like trade, economy or gun control. If you're the type of person who is a conservative because you're mad "them blacks are getting uppity", "I don't see race", etc. we aren't likely to be friends. Repeat for gender/sexuality. It also really grinds my gears as a Catholic when people use the Bible to justify bigotry in any fashion. As if that was in any way the end goal/message of Jesus. Then again, the Bible is a book that has been used to justify Slavery of all things so :(

The bolded definitely strikes home with me.


A) The sense I've always gotten is that all these allegations of restrictions on Free Speech on college campuses are overblown. That is to say that when they come up there are often embarrassing but people like to take a few isolated incidents and proclaim it to be a "wildfire threatening to engulf the nation".
I think they're a canary in the coal mine warning of polarization happening on the left.

This (really good) piece on generational perception of sexism and its effect on the race touches on what's happening w/ younger liberals on campuses- they're growing up in a place where the demographics no longer even come close to matching reality. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/21/opinion/campaign-stops/why-sexism-at-the-office-makes-women-love-hillary-clinton.html

On the right, the internet and cable news contributed to things going sour, w/ an artificial bubble being created by Fox News, dial-up Drudge, etc. that led to it emerging first with older people. On the left, I think we're seeing the same thing start to occur, but coming bottom up w/ the youth instead, who've grown up in a world where you can always find someone to tell you what you want to hear within a few clicks.
Depends on what you're referring to.

If you mean pointing out the idiocy of flat Earthers, climate science deniers, and so on. Yes, you'll probably see that. Although, if it's done too disrespectfully, then you'll probably take a holiday. What I'm referring to is denigrating people as lesser because of who they are, not the views they hold.

Although this is becoming a bit of a metacommentary derail.
Somewhat interesting article on the young people making up the revolution:

I was referring to instances of people disregarding the deaths of White Americans during that one thread and other threads referring as Republicans as evil. A recent one is a thread about how can people vote for Republicans despite being immoral, although that leads into the the views they hold category. I also ran into people thinking that they Arabs should be subjugated by dictators even if they don't want to in the name of stability. How I see it, so called liberals and progressives are not above classism, diet racism, having benevolent authoritarian attitudes, and demonizing the other side. At that point they are more like two sides of the coin in the comparison to conservatives.


FGC Waterboy
I think they're a canary in the coal mine warning of polarization happening on the left.

This (really good) piece on generational perception of sexism and its effect on the race touches on what's happening w/ younger liberals on campuses- they're growing up in a place where the demographics no longer even come close to matching reality. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/21/opinion/campaign-stops/why-sexism-at-the-office-makes-women-love-hillary-clinton.html

On the right, the internet and cable news contributed to things going sour, w/ an artificial bubble being created by Fox News, dial-up Drudge, etc. that led to it emerging first with older people. On the left, I think we're seeing the same thing start to occur, but coming bottom up w/ the youth instead, who've grown up in a world where you can always find someone to tell you what you want to hear within a few clicks.

The precedent about Drudge / Fox News is definitely worth mentioning. The radicalization / polarization on the left should not be surprising. You saw it happen with the GOP in the Clinton/Bush era, and you saw them politically mostly get away with it...so unsurprisingly, you could easily see them going "well fuck it, if they can be crazies, why can't I?". Add in the obstructionist tactics used against Obama...voila
I wanna hear more Spanish words coming out of Cruz's mouth like last time.

I'd love a Rubio/Cruz rap battle en Español, but the more they talk in Spanish, the more they turn off the base. And Trump just has to roll his eyes, hook his thumb at them, and say, "I'm building an even higher wall."
The human brain is very dumb far too often in modern times:


Maybe 8 or 9 deaths a year is the top priority for Republicans... The media is full of worthless, fear-mongering pieces of shit.
Regarding the free speech issue, for me the thornier issue, in the sense that I have no clue what anyone could even do about it, is the natural tendency towards self-censorship when one holds a minority viewpoint. I can certainly say that when I'm visiting my wife's family in rural Southern Indiana, I keep my political views to myself since I see no point in expressing a view that's likely to start an argument where I will be badly outnumbered given the family's mostly-conservative leanings. The same thing is going to be true in a setting where the dominant views are left-of-center.
Re: GOP turn out numbers

Correct me if I'm wrong, but basing November turn out numbers based on the primary season turn out numbers kinda useless? Aren't the primary season voters only like 10% to 15% of the total of that state's general election numbers, usually?


FGC Waterboy
The human brain is very dumb far too often in modern times:

Scott Adams always points out that we're basically just slightly sentient meatbags. (Or is that HK-47?)

Maybe 8 or 9 deaths a year is the top priority for Republicans... The media is full of worthless, fear-mongering pieces of shit.

The media is giving consumers what they want at this point. I don't really hold this one over the media's head, to be honest. Fox News was the indicator that people wanted to hear what they wanted to more than the truth. Everyone's gonna be going crazy once we hit June / July, and wait till we get to October.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Well, in the USA's case, having only two major parties means that both parties are generally some weird unholy alliance group compared to multi-party systems.

As for the socially conservative bit...I think that's entirely too charitable to GAF. The issue is that we're all basically left of center, so what passes for "conservative" here is basically "Democrat", and not even Blue Dog Democrat I'd argue. The first time someone signals that they're even moderately against something defined as progressivism (say, the issue about free speech vs safe space at Mizzou) - the thread turns into a giant shitshow pretty quickly, with people getting accused of being racist or sexist because they sided with free speech.

Or, alternatively, watch what people can get away with saying in threads about Asians as opposed to black / hispanics. There are some super duper cringe-worthy asian threads in OT, so much so that the running joke in Asian-GAF is "don't get banned because you get angry at the responses"

There's also a fairly core group of people who tend to start / precipitate the dogpile as well, though oddly enough, not that many in PoliGAF, so yay? (I usually have most of them on ignore at this point, though)

Free speech vs safe space feels like a slightly odd example to me, that's a genuinely contentious issue here, people argue strongly on both sides and I don't think there's an atmosphere suggesting anyone on any side of it is reflexively going to get banned in the same way that, say, a post suggesting that maybe there's something wrong with gay people is an inevitable harbinger of a bad conversation that's going to end in a ban


FGC Waterboy
Free speech vs safe space feels like a slightly odd example to me, that's a genuinely contentious issue here, people argue strongly on both sides and I don't think there's an atmosphere suggesting anyone on any side of it is reflexively going to get banned in the same way that, say, a post suggesting that maybe there's something wrong with gay people is an inevitable harbinger of a bad conversation that's going to end in a ban

Yeah - it's the first example that came to mind in the sense of "genuinely contentious issue in most places, but I've seen lead to dogpiling here". Mind you, there can totally be a double dogpile going on. Mind you, this could just be a feature of being a message board in general as opposed to GAF specific.
Cool thx. It also something I notice with states like Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana etc.

The first 3 stopped voting democratic governors into office into the 1970s as well as the U.S senate but the latter states kept sending Democrats to the senate and governor's mansion well into the 2000's aide from south dakota which hasnt elected a Democrat to the governor's mansion since the 1970's but sent Johnson and Daschle to the senate well into this year.

These states are also the voted for Johnson 1964 landslide but havent looked back since.

These states I researched have always had a republican tilt with rare democratic victories possible like Dave Fruenthal a democrat from Wyoming elected in 2002. Most of the above state legislatures have been R since the 1950's as well as many of their state officials since the 1940s.(Treasurer, auditor etc)

Its amazing and I wonder how long it can last considering nothing last for long. What will break the camels back in these states for the D's?

The urbanization of their bigger cities.
Those super-Republican states are small enough that they could be swung with a very terrible GOP candidate and a sufficiently popular Dem. Like if Trump called Obama the N-word in the September debate, those states would not be the last holdouts,
Those super-Republican states are small enough that they could be swung with a very terrible GOP candidate and a sufficiently popular Dem. Like if Trump called Obama the N-word in the September debate, those states would not be the last holdouts,

I think the Republican candidate would have to be much worse than Trump
Kasich is losing his own state to Trump. He's going to have to step up his game Thursday night in the debate if he wants to compete. He better go at Rubio hard.
Officially sent my ballot in for my Queen today.

I....I also didn't vote for Strickland in the primary. I know he's going to win. I know I'll vote and work for him, but I voted for Sittenfeld.
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