Jesus, and with only 152 votes in.
Per Ralston early returns are: 42-23-22. Come on Cruz, get that second place win!
Sounds like they are basing it on entrance polls. Must have been crazy favorable for Trump.
Yesss. Let's hope Cruz trumps Rubio to make the 3-2-1 strategy into 3-5-2-3...
Every Trump victory is a step closer to clinching SCOTUS for 25-30 years.
I. Am. So. Happy.
Turn on foxEvery Trump victory also increases the chance the man could actually become president. I used to celebrate these results along with you guys but now I don't know.
Every Trump victory also increases the chance the man could actually become president. I used to celebrate these results along with you guys but now I don't know.
Every Trump victory also increases the chance the man could actually become president. I used to celebrate these results along with you guys but now I don't know.
Turn on fox
They're so shook
Trump might end up with a monster win in Nevada with a 40%+ total voteshare
Honestly lowkey Megyn Kelly vindicating Trump right now.
It's supremely obvious she hates him - not unwarranted though but still very real.
Rubio went to bed because it's past his bedtime.
Rubio went to bed because it's past his bedtime.