Just drove past a group of Ben Carson supporters.
Crab pls
I don't think I've ever seen Crab admit to one negative thing about Sanders viability as a candidate.
Feel free to email Huffingpost then to fix their aggregate!
I don't mean to be snarky. I'm going off what I'm seeing there, which is a slight Hillary bump.
I get what you are saying, but this is all theory. The polls, as incredibly bad and shitty as they are for GE at this point, say hes doing a bit better than clinton. You could make a rational case the he will do better for a variety of reasons.
PS sam wang is the man, interviewed with him (hes actually a neuro person, the election stuff is just things he does for fun) and I think he is doing cool stuff (still hes at the top of a very fancy new pyramid financed by jeff bezos so he better use all the advantages hes got).
C'mon, we're in February now. These polls get more and more accurate every month. You might have a +/-5 error term, fine, whatever... but this has Sanders with a 10 point lead. This is just massive cognitive dissonance, now.
We have data about how Americans feel regarding atheism and socialism. That is more valuable than any GE poll.If we don't have GE polls to go off of, then all we are doing is conjecturing with our biases about the candidates which is just our uninformed opinions.
The say he does better because he's still a generic d. Outside of Iowa, NH, and a couple others no one really knows him outside of name. I don't think you can make coherent why he'd do better. It's all fanciful thinking.
No they aren't. No matter what you say, they mean nothing til like august.
You are just delusional is all.
Wait, is that Jeb?? What movie is this?
We have data about how Americans feel regarding atheism and socialism. That is more valuable than any GE poll.
We have data about how Americans feel regarding atheism and socialism. That is more valuable than any GE poll.
We have data about how Americans feel regarding atheism and socialism. That is more valuable than any GE poll.
This doesn't preclude them from having mutual policy objectives that Rubio is uniquely well suited to appeal to. Rubio will do better than Romney among Hispanics, I have not doubt about that. He'd also do better than Ted Cruz.
This is a stupid bet dude.Okay, I'll call it now. I will bet whatever avatar you want for a month if Rubio wins the nomination and does better with Hispanics than Romney. If Rubio doesn't win the nomination, no bet. If Rubio wins the nomination and does worse with Hispanics than Romney, I pick your avatar.
If we don't have GE polls to go off of, then all we are doing is conjecturing with our biases about the candidates which is just our uninformed opinions.
Unless most of you are highly trained political analysts and I've wandered into the wrong forum lol.
black mass. but yes i use the gif because the guy looks like jeb![]()
I think I'm right and unbiased. Don't need to be trained. I'm not even a fan of Hillary.
My personal bias is to make sure a not Republican wins. That's it.
Okay, I'll call it now. I will bet whatever avatar you want for a month if Rubio wins the nomination and does better with Hispanics than Romney. If Rubio doesn't win the nomination, no bet. If Rubio wins the nomination and does worse with Hispanics than Romney, I pick your avatar.
The say he does better because he's still a generic d. Outside of Iowa, NH, and a couple others no one really knows him outside of name. I don't think you can make coherent why he'd do better. It's all fanciful thinking.
No they aren't. No matter what you say, they mean nothing til like august.
You are just delusional is all.
Ok very fair point, he isn't well known outside of a few states. But if clinton is doing worse than being a generic D, what does that mean for her once the attacks ramp up?
Those are abstract concepts that people do not like. Putting a person to them changes things. Plus Bernie isn't really that atheist, more agnostic/weakly spiritual but has never come out strongly as an atheist. Socialism he wears it semi-proudly as a democratic socialist.
Those are abstract concepts that people do not like. Putting a person to them changes things. Plus Bernie isn't really that atheist, more agnostic/weakly spiritual but has never come out strongly as an atheist. Socialism he wears it semi-proudly as a democratic socialist.
Yeah no, avatars are stupid, and I'm really not typing right now because I'm particularly interested in predicting the future.
My point is simple. Yes, it's true that hispanics are not homogenous. That's not a relevant point because generally overlapping policy preferences are a thing. Are you disagreeing with me on that, or not?
black mass. but yes i use the gif because the guy looks like jeb![]()
Almost everyone does worse than generic x unless they are very popular. Hillary is known and she's up against generic r.
And the general polling is worthless there too because solid dems aren't answering These polls. It's too early. People are only interested in the gop primary, really.
Anecdotally, in Los Angeles you can't find bernie signs or bumper stickers. Nobody is paying attention. And we're quite liberal!
Yeah no, avatars are stupid, and I'm really not typing right now because I'm particularly interested in predicting the future.
My point is simple. Yes, it's true that hispanics are not homogenous. That's not a relevant point because generally overlapping policy preferences are a thing. Are you disagreeing with me on that, or not?
Ok thats not how brains or humans work, of course we all think we are non-biased otherwise we self doubt and become depressed. I do think hillary has a better chance than bernie right now but thats just based on her having so much raw financial/establishment support. I can imagine plausible situations where bernie wins (tbh if he can get the nomination short of hillary getting indicted, i think that says he has some legs in the GE) and hillary wins or they both lose.
How, exactly, is Rubio better positioned to fulfill Hispanic policy preferences?
It should tell you something that Sanders does not, then. Sanders massively outperforms generic D. But you will ignore this because it does not fit with your preconceived worldview.
Almost everyone does worse than generic x unless they are very popular. Hillary is known and she's up against generic r.
And the general polling is worthless there too because solid dems aren't answering These polls. It's too early. People are only interested in the gop primary, really.
Anecdotally, in Los Angeles you can't find bernie signs or bumper stickers. Nobody is paying attention. And we're quite liberal!
Again, though, there are polls on this. Americans do not have a favorable opinion of socialism. They just don't. To pretend that Bernie Sanders will change decades worth of bias simply because he puts a face to it is....on it's face (sorry) absurd. In a state in which 43% of Democrats said they were democratic socialists, he still lost. The socialist and non-religious things WILL be a problem. To pretend otherwise is not grounded in reality. It's projecting one's own lack of bias on the population as a whole.
And I say this as someone who is a proud atheist and is in no way afraid of real socialism or whatever Bernie's version is...
Sanders is not exactly an attractive salesman of these policies. Maybe compared to Clinton he looks cool or whatever but I've seen the guy a lot and he doesn't seem to be very charismatic at all. Joe Biden could probably sell socialism though.
No. He is generic d and polls just like one.
Goldwater's loss was never denied by polling. Goldwater-versus-Johnson Gallup polls held between 1 January and 2 November found Johnson's lead over Goldwater ranging between a low of 77-to-18 and a high 64-to-29 percent with the rest undecided. Goldwater actually performed slightly better than the polls predicted!
Meanwhile, Sanders is predicted as doing better than Clinton. This is not comparable to Goldwater.
Romney fucking crushed Perry for being too dovish on immigration, while Rubio has been taking a beating from Trump/Cruz for gang of 8ing. I'm not saying you're wrong (at all), but I'm surprised to see you say that and would be curious to hear more about why you say so.Romney's policies were more pro-Hispanic (or rather less anti-Hispanic) than the statements Rubio has been forced into making so far this cycle, so I dispute the notion that the Hispanic policy preference overlaps with Rubio more than it does Romney.
The fact the he's been criticized from the right for making previous efforts to support immigration reform allows him to credibly claim in the general that he'd be willing to support this type of thing. And relative to Trump/Cruz, he's more or less a saint on the issue. Romney used the issue pretty aggressively to beat back Perry, by comparison, so he drew a harder line against it.How, exactly, is Rubio better positioned to fulfill Hispanic policy preferences?
Romney fucking crushed Perry for being too dovish on immigration, while Rubio has been taking a beating from Trump/Cruz for gang of 8ing. I'm not saying you're wrong (at all), but I'm surprised to see you say that and would be curious to hear more about why you say so.
The fact the he's been criticized from the right for making previous efforts to support immigration reform allows him to credibly claim in the general that he'd be willing to support this type of thing. And relative to Trump/Cruz, he's more or less a saint on the issue. Romney used the issue pretty aggressively to beat back Perry, by comparison, so he drew a harder line against it.
Romney fucking crushed Perry for being too dovish on immigration, while Rubio has been taking a beating from Trump/Cruz for gang of 8ing. I'm not saying you're wrong (at all), but I'm surprised to see you say that and would be curious to hear more about why you say so.
The fact the he's been criticized from the right for making previous efforts to support immigration reform allows him to credibly claim in the general that he'd be willing to support this type of thing. And relative to Trump/Cruz, he's more or less a saint on the issue. Romney used the issue pretty aggressively to beat back Perry, by comparison, so he drew a harder line against it.
Counterpoint. Goldwater.
The party nominating isn't guaranteed to be rational.
Remember only a small percentage of voters decide primaries.
I feel like this is a little backwards. Rubio actually had the chance to fight for immigration reform and voted against his own bill. Then he came out in the primary against amnesty, just like Romney did.
I don't know why you think people will trust Rubio more on immigration when his record is actually notably worse! He's been against immigration reform for a lot longer than he's been for it.
Did they have YouGov online polls back then?
Romney fucking crushed Perry for being too dovish on immigration, while Rubio has been taking a beating from Trump/Cruz for gang of 8ing. I'm not saying you're wrong (at all), but I'm surprised to see you say that and would be curious to hear more about why you say so.
The fact the he's been criticized from the right for making previous efforts to support immigration reform allows him to credibly claim in the general that he'd be willing to support this type of thing. And relative to Trump/Cruz, he's more or less a saint on the issue. Romney used the issue pretty aggressively to beat back Perry, by comparison, so he drew a harder line against it.
Are yougov online polls the one's being cited when showing Sanders performing better Clinton in GE matchups?
Are yougov online polls the one's being cited when showing Sanders performing better Clinton in GE matchups?
I feel like this is a little backwards. Rubio actually had the chance to fight for immigration reform and voted against his own bill. Then he came out in the primary against amnesty, just like Romney did.
I don't know why you think people will trust Rubio more on immigration when his record is actually notably worse! He's been against immigration reform for a lot longer than he's been for it.
Are you telling me trump/cruz/rubio aren't known? It seems like the polls suck so no good predictions can be made