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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Its sad how those factors can make or break careers for people. part of the problem is we push researchers to also be teachers and administrators and its a lot of different specialized skills that not everyone has together.

My advisor ruined my chances of me getting a ph.d. Took 7 years to get my master's in Biology and I still don't have a job 1 1/2 years after graduating.
My advisor ruined my chances of me getting a pd.d. Took 7 years to get my master's in Biology and I still don't have a job 1 1/2 years after graduating.

I know of some really shitty advisor/pi's that I have been told to avoid. I am so sorry, I wish you the best of luck (if i ever get a job/lab feel free to message me in 15 years...).

Science/Research is a really distorted/messed up field and no one really cares or knows outside of the field which is really sad given how important it is.

There's like half a dozen studies that say this isn't true.

http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs...ns-and-businesses-control-politics-and-policy seems to be evidence that it is true (not necessarily of clinton shes probably one of the better ones in this regard)
Jeb seems like he's finally gotten his act together, but it's WAY too late for him to salvage himself. We can only hope he takes Rubio down and dooms the party to either Trump or Cruz as the nominee.

East Lake

Trump IS money in politics.
Have you listened to any of Trump's rallies? He regularly singles out the corrupting influence of super pacs in his speeches, usually saying that when politicians need to get elected they can't help but make decisions they know are bad but have to make anyway due to their donors. So in that sense he would be somewhat consistent with Sanders, not accounting for whether he actually believes it or has other terrible policies that stack the deck against the poor.


No Scrubs
http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs...ns-and-businesses-control-politics-and-policy seems to be evidence that it is true (not necessarily of clinton shes probably one of the better ones in this regard)

This doesn't really say that though. One of the studies, linked above, basically shows that if a politician runs on an issue they'll try their damnedest to get it done so they can get reelected. Basically that if they say they're running on something they'll try their best to get it done. The study you linked only draws the line between stances already taken and how those come about: eg a politician is against a rise in the minimum wage despite everyone else wanting it.
Maybe Babs gave him a pep talk. Though really Bush saying anyone else has been sheltered or coddled....
That works really well (like right now I need to learn how to read an ekg and all the heart medications which there are nice textbooks for) but what happens when there are no textbooks and you are learning from papers (old ones that aren't available)? D's happen then >_<

Man I've never even got a B+. A D would fucking destroy me.
On jeb.

Jubia said:
&#8220;So, do you want someone whose natural tendency is to pursue ambition, or do you want someone who runs to the fire?&#8221;

What is that supposed to mean?

I wear that badge with honor, and in 8 years that will be dr. dr. nerd to you ;) (russian organic chemistry is as crazy as russian dota and russian FPS's)

Oh? Man, i had gotten a spot to study medicine at lomosonov in... i want to say 2010, but not sure. That would've probably destroyed me then >_>


I wear that badge with honor, and in 8 years that will be dr. dr. nerd to you ;) (russian organic chemistry is as crazy as russian dota and russian FPS's)

All the Russian scientists I know are serious business. I love my Russian quantum lecturer because I can close my eyes and imagine I'm in a very boring Bond film.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Have you listened to any of Trump's rallies? He regularly singles out the corrupting influence of super pacs in his speeches, usually saying that when politicians need to get elected they can't help but make decisions they know are bad but have to make anyway due to their donors. So in that sense he would be somewhat consistent with Sanders, not accounting for whether he actually believes it or has other terrible policies that stack the deck against the poor.

Who gives a crap what his rhetoric is?

Donald Trump is basically what would ultimately happen if corporate personhood were taken so far that companies could run for the Presidency. He's literally just cutting the middleman out of the corruption process; rather than controlling a politician who does what he wants, he just becomes a politician so he can do what he wants.
Depends entirely on Rubio finish IMO.

He has to finish within a few points of Trump to overturn the narrative that Trump is about to sweep the remaining states. Or hope that Trump does something so crazy in the next couple weeks that even Trump can't get away with it.

East Lake

Who gives a crap what his rhetoric is?
Mostly everybody in this thread? We were talking about appeal, not objective reality.

Donald Trump is basically what would ultimately happen if corporate personhood were taken so far that companies could run for the Presidency. He's literally just cutting the middleman out of the corruption process; rather than controlling a politician who does what he wants, he just becomes a politician so he can do what he wants.
I don't think that's quite clear cut. Trump is basically running against some segments of the corporate sector, mainly heavily globalized companies.
Doesn't Jeb realize he's also adding chaos and preventing the party (establishment) from being united against Trump+Cruz?
He does, but like he said in that interview, he's not going to be brushed aside just because Rubio's people and others tell him he should. Maybe he is feeling that anti-establishment twinge?


He does, but like he said in that interview, he's not going to be brushed aside just because Rubio's people and others tell him he should. Maybe he is feeling that anti-establishment twinge?
I know, but using the perspective of an establishment Republican it's still mind blowing Jeb is doing that. Like I said, good for us. Rubio is not coming out in one piece
Actually, I think he's eventually going to be seen as a glimpse into the direction of the party, which would ultimately make him a run-of-the-mill dem in 15 years, not a radical. The question is if he could move away from the out-at-leftist-sea-all-by-himself position he finds himself in today by November. Ted Cruz and co. don't seem to garner the same kind of "radical" claims Sanders does within their party, and I think it's because the party rapidly moved with Ted Cruz into that territory. Sanders' challenge would be in getting the party to shift with him because, as it stands, a good number of dems could probably establish themselves as belonging to a totally different party than Bernie does.

For what it's worth, I'm not in denial about the difficulty involved in a Sanders GE. It would be tough. However, I'm personally of the opinion that either candidate would ultimately best what the GOP puts up, especially if that happens to be Donald Trump which, by almost every indicator, is what will happen.

First paragraph. Totally disagree. I think bernie represents the frustrations of the present and probably the future but not the policy prescriptions. Even in 15 years Democrats will not be supporting the type of things he supports. I think Hillary is way closer to that. I think the college aged bleeding heart liberals will moderate in non-social policies.

He'll, I don't even agree with bernie policies now that he's actually clarified some now. I think in 15 years the pulse of the party will.be more about expanding social safety nets today but not in the way bernie proposes.

To the second I couldn't disagree more. I'll admit that trump might lose as well but only because he so openly ran as a racist. And even then I'm not convinced. He'd lose to Rubio so hard though. It would set back the country so bad. Gop would have a filibuster proof majority.

Why risk losing this election at all? This is the election that could really push the country left economically.

Anyway I won't be responding perhaps for a bit. Not ignoring you just busy.
The S&M of STEM are overrated in terms of employment outcomes, from memory anyway.
All the modern tech billionaires and venture capitalists are dropouts anyway.

Also in 15 years time, your robot overlords will have you strapped into energy machines.
All ya'll STEM nerds need to bow down before my superior BFA in Creative Writing.

Suck it. Highly educated and completely unemployable. Eat it.

im very hungry right now actually but as this is an adam387 posts its got something to do with dicks doesnt it


just Hill and her gal pals Jeanne Shaheen, Amy Klobuchar, Debbie Stabenow... look at Huma in the background. What's going on there????


All ya'll STEM nerds need to bow down before my superior BFA in Creative Writing.

Highly educated and completely unemployable. Eat it.

I have a BA in English Lit and Poli Sci and I'm doing just fine *intense yet precise hairflip*
First paragraph. Totally disagree. I think bernie represents the frustrations of the present and probably the future but not the policy prescriptions. Even in 15 years Democrats will not be supporting the type of things he supports. I think Hillary is way closer to that. I think the college aged bleeding heart liberals will moderate in non-social policies.

I don't think many Democrats are frustrated? Obama, Hillary, and Bernie all have sky-high favorables with Dems right now.


FGC Waterboy
just Hill and her gal pals Jeanne Shaheen, Amy Klobuchar, Debbie Stabenow... look at Huma in the background. What's going on there????


I have a BA in English Lit and Poli Sci and I'm doing just fine *intense yet precise hairflip*

Heh, I'm one of those STEM nerds - BS in Aerospace Engineering (concentration in hypersonic aerodynamics, composite structures, and flutter), minor in Mathematics and Political Science, working on a masters in Systems Engineering. Missus has a crapton of degrees (BA in Poli Sci, Theology, MA in Theology, Medieval History, ABD for Medieval History) - so I figured I needed to get an employable degree so she can do what she wants. :D

So far, doing pretty good here. :D


The rift is real and it's very concerning.

Bernie fans: is getting your guy nominated worth risking at least four years of a Rubio presidency?

Would you rather have Sanders lose to Rubio instead of Hillary getting the nomination and winning?


All ya'll STEM nerds need to bow down before my superior BFA in Creative Writing.

Highly educated and completely unemployable. Eat it.

I have the ultimate liberal arts education, actually -- two years towards a degree in Theatre Arts.

The S&M of STEM are overrated in terms of employment outcomes, from memory anyway.
All the modern tech billionaires and venture capitalists are dropouts anyway.


I don't think many Democrats are frustrated? Obama, Hillary, and Bernie all have sky-high favorables with Dems right now.
I think I've said it multiple times, but I agree with this. Democrats still like their establishment, outside of DWS who even DWS probably hates.

I think the people disenchanted either aren't actually part of the current party or no longer identify with it.*

It does make the open NH Primary somewhat interesting as the fates of Trump and Sanders probably lay in which independents choose to flock to.

*Which itself is something to consider.
Hey man, if this is a pyramid scheme, I'm gonna end up at the fucking top.

Thats what everyone thinks which is why they join the pyramid :p

First paragraph. Totally disagree. I think bernie represents the frustrations of the present and probably the future but not the policy prescriptions. Even in 15 years Democrats will not be supporting the type of things he supports. I think Hillary is way closer to that. I think the college aged bleeding heart liberals will moderate in non-social policies.

He'll, I don't even agree with bernie policies now that he's actually clarified some now. I think in 15 years the pulse of the party will.be more about expanding social safety nets today but not in the way bernie proposes.

To the second I couldn't disagree more. I'll admit that trump might lose as well but only because he so openly ran as a racist. And even then I'm not convinced. He'd lose to Rubio so hard though. It would set back the country so bad. Gop would have a filibuster proof majority.

Why risk losing this election at all? This is the election that could really push the country left economically.

Anyway I won't be responding perhaps for a bit. Not ignoring you just busy.

The youth love bernie, and there is research that people don't actually change their views when they get older. I think things will be even more progressive in 15 years (automation will be rearing its head around then in full force).

The S&M of STEM are overrated in terms of employment outcomes, from memory anyway.
All the modern tech billionaires and venture capitalists are dropouts anyway.

Also in 15 years time, your robot overlords will have you strapped into energy machines.

Yup, mdphd is not the money route (thats MD dermatology) even in science, but I like what I'm doing and don't have the motivation to do something I don't like so I will accept peanuts for the amount of the work I have to put in so all of you get your fancy neuro toys.

The robots will keep me around to program their neural architecture ;)
I have the ultimate liberal arts education, actually -- two years towards a degree in Theatre Arts.

I started college at 13, because I was an overly ambitious little shit. I was going to be a teacher. Then, I realized I hated children, so I switched to Biology. I hated chemistry (and got an A- in organic, so I spazzed the hell out, and changed my major that same day). Then, I applied and was accepted to art school for Ceramics. Then a lot of shit happened, and my eye exploded, so I quit school and was an insufferable bitch for a while. Went back, and focused on English LIt at first. I got sick of being critical of other people's writings, so I applied and was accepted into the BFA program.

Yay for positive life decisions.
Al franken just said the democrats believe in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps (and followed with but you need to have the boots).

Does no one know thats physically impossible?
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