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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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There's that study that formative political years shape and entrench future positions... but that would apply to Obama, not a primary campaign that if unsuccessful will probably be basically forgotten.

Also there are studies that show young people don't know what the hell they want. Because they're stupid.
Al franken just said the democrats believe in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps (and followed with but you need to have the boots).

Does no one know thats physically impossible?

Seriously. Even worse is when people say they don't have a horse in this race. Nobody does! These are human beings we're talking about!


There's that study that formative political years shape and entrench future positions... but that would apply to Obama, not a primary campaign that if unsuccessful will probably be basically forgotten.

Also there are studies that show young people don't know what the hell they want. Because they're stupid.

My FB feed is so full of BSanders propaganda it's annoying. Every time I want to say something snippy, I just refrain from doing so. Once Bernie gives his concession speech on Super Tuesday, then I'll see how quickly they'll change their tune.


My FB feed is so full of BSanders propaganda it's annoying. Every time I want to say something snippy, I just refrain from doing so. Once Bernie gives his concession speech on Super Tuesday, then I'll see how quickly they'll change their tune.

you gonna be waiting on that concession speech longer than Super Tuesday. Bernie is in till convention.
Hey thats not nice >_< I was more calling to attention that hard work is important but is almost never sufficient for success.

Haha, nothing personal :D I just see people complain about that saying a lot and it's like, hey, idioms very often don't make literal sense.

But yes, to your point, you have to remember that a lot of people saying it are successful themselves, and therefore not eager to attribute any of their success to anything but their own hard work.
Al franken just said the democrats believe in pulling yourself up by your bootstraps (and followed with but you need to have the boots).

Does no one know thats physically impossible?

Just? He said that in 2008 o_ô

i can't think of a pun said:
“Conservatives always talk about pulling yourself up by the bootstraps,” he said. “Well, first you need the boots. I think the government’s job is to give people the boots.”


I wonder how long Ben Carson can keep getting into these debates when he's just interested in scamming people. It's honestly an impressive scam.
He didn't even meet the initial requirements this time. I dunno wtf happened. I guess they decided he should get a chance to call out Ted.
Sorry. Scams are not meritocratic.

I feel like you take everything I say super seriously.

Thats what everyone thinks which is why they join the pyramid :p

The youth love bernie, and there is research that people don't actually change their views when they get older. I think things will be even more progressive in 15 years (automation will be rearing its head around then in full force).

Yup, mdphd is not the money route (thats MD dermatology) even in science, but I like what I'm doing and don't have the motivation to do something I don't like so I will accept peanuts for the amount of the work I have to put in so all of you get your fancy neuro toys.

The robots will keep me around to program their neural architecture ;)

Hey, with my undergrad education and references, I'm sure as hell not gonna be at the bottom.

Or I'll just end up getting a masters in statistics and working in industry.
I wonder how long Ben Carson can keep getting into these debates when he's just interested in scamming people. It's honestly an impressive scam.

...it was striking how little of his expenditure went on hiring staff and how much on raising more money. In the third quarter of last year over half of every dollar raised went on fund-raising, chiefly through expensive, pre-digital methods...

...also striking that much of the cash went to companies linked to Dr Carson&#8217;s associates. The biggest marketing contracts went to firms with ties to his senior adviser on fund-raising, Mike Murray, including contracts worth $5.6m to a company called TMA Direct of which he is chief executive...

...Campaign-finance laws place tight restrictions on whom cash may be collected from, but not on how it can be spent. &#8220;You cannot make yourself rich from your campaign funds,&#8221; notes Paul Ryan, of the Campaign Legal Centre. &#8220;There is no law against making your friends rich.&#8221;...
I feel like you take everything I say super seriously.

Hey, with my undergrad education and references, I'm sure as hell not gonna be at the bottom.

Or I'll just end up getting a masters in statistics and working in industry.

Hehe thats also what they all think, be careful! My dad who is a prof at an eh engineering school tells me about how many super qualified people from top 10 phd's, with good postdocs get denied for not even tenure track jobs, its an incredibly tough market. Industry is always a nice fallback.
The rift is real and it's very concerning.

Bernie fans: is getting your guy nominated worth risking at least four years of a Rubio presidency?

Would you rather have Sanders lose to Rubio instead of Hillary getting the nomination and winning?

I say if Rubio gains momentum, go with Hillary. If Cruz or Trump start running away with it, there's not going to be many better opportunities to get a guy like Sanders in the white house.

In regard to Rubio's chances, when's the last time a candidate lost IA and NH and still got the nomination? Bill Clinton aside since he lost Iowa to Harkin who was from Iowa.
Hehe thats also what they all think, be careful! My dad who is a prof at an eh engineering school tells me about how many super qualified people from top 10 phd's, with good postdocs get denied for not even tenure track jobs, its an incredibly tough market. Industry is always a nice fallback.

Impression i got when dealing with academia was that it was, just like every damn field in the planet, far more reliant on who you know than on what you know (which is still important, obv, but not as much as networking).
Impression i got when dealing with academia was that it was, just like every damn field in the planet, far more reliant on who you know than on what you know (which is still important, obv, but not as much as networking).

Yep, really sad. Though the slightly good news is that most people do want to advance the field just only if it fits their view of that field (lots of competing theories).


I say if Rubio gains momentum, go with Hillary. If Cruz or Trump start running away with it, there's not going to be many better opportunities to get a guy like Sanders in the white house.

In regard to Rubio's chances, when's the last time a candidate lost IA and NH and still got the nomination? Bill Clinton aside since he lost Iowa to Harkin who was from Iowa.

That's why I'm sort of dubious of Rubio's strategy. He has to win a state eventually. Which one?
Actually, I think he's eventually going to be seen as a glimpse into the direction of the party, which would ultimately make him a run-of-the-mill dem in 15 years, not a radical. The question is if he could move away from the out-at-leftist-sea-all-by-himself position he finds himself in today by November. Ted Cruz and co. don't seem to garner the same kind of "radical" claims Sanders does within their party, and I think it's because the party rapidly moved with Ted Cruz into that territory. Sanders' challenge would be in getting the party to shift with him because, as it stands, a good number of dems could probably establish themselves as belonging to a totally different party than Bernie does.

For what it's worth, I'm not in denial about the difficulty involved in a Sanders GE. It would be tough. However, I'm personally of the opinion that either candidate would ultimately best what the GOP puts up, especially if that happens to be Donald Trump which, by almost every indicator, is what will happen.

I agree with most of this. I still think Sanders has very little chance of winning the nomination, and agree that GE polling at this point is bullshit and that Clinton would have an easier time in the GE, but I want him to stay in the race as long as possible just to influence the direction of Clinton's campaign and the election as a whole.


FGC Waterboy
This is why I always am pessimistic about any Dem candidate's chances - the DNC never ceases to amaze me on idiocy.
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