User 463088
Shitting on VA's is something that anyone that held political office does so wouldnt be particularly worried. Especially when it seems somewhat incredulous that anyone would support the alternative to government providing healthcare for them.
Either way, if VA track record is your concern, sadly you wont be voting, yes? After all...
While sorta true, horrendously incompetent in regards to optics, and as such, walked back.
Can democrats afford nominating someone with suh a clear capacity to shove her foot in her mouth? Join me next time as i Concern Troll some more!
Hillary made a stupid statement, although what she was trying to say I think I understand.
Bernie refused to hold hearings. If you remember, in 2008. the GOP was moderately successful at holding Obama's voting present over his head. I can see them doing the same thing with this. Again, though, Bernie is the one who wants a government take over of healthcare, not Hillary. Here we have a government run healthcare program that was under (in part) Bernie's oversight. He didn't hold hearings and had to be dragged into making the changes necessary. This is more of an issue for his ideas regarding healthcare than anything else. It reinforces the idea that Bernie is an ideologue.
Crab, can you let me know what it would take to get a 13-11 delegate advantage to Bernie in NH? If I'm reading it correctly, something like 55/45 would net in a 12-12 tie, depending on congressional district. I'm too lazy to look up how NH allocates, and I know you posted it a few days ago. If you have time, if not it's totally cool.