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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Goddamn, how did I miss Sanders saying it would be a good thing if Obama was primaried in 2012? If I were Clinton, I would hammer him with that as much as possible. (Cue quotes that show I've been ignorant to the race and they have been doing that).
Goddamn, how did I miss Sanders saying it would be a good thing if Obama was primaried in 2012? If I were Clinton, I would hammer him with that as much as possible. (Cue quotes that show I've been ignorant to the race and they have been doing that).

Well, they've brought it up. But, shall we say, maybe the Hillary campaign has been waiting for several states in a row with large minority populations to remind voters of this fact.


Goddamn, how did I miss Sanders saying it would be a good thing if Obama was primaried in 2012? If I were Clinton, I would hammer him with that as much as possible. (Cue quotes that show I've been ignorant to the race and they have been doing that).
I have the distinct feeling that this particular line of attack has been set-aside deliberately. A surprising portion of the Dems' voters might not know about that juicy bit of trivia.

(Annnnd Jesse has the same idea, lol.. Firewall, indeed.)


Run a campaign dependent on winning many of the voters who voted for Obama.

Have previously called for Obama to be primaried.



Goddamn, how did I miss Sanders saying it would be a good thing if Obama was primaried in 2012? If I were Clinton, I would hammer him with that as much as possible. (Cue quotes that show I've been ignorant to the race and they have been doing that).
I was so disappointed in Bernie when I found out about that. A downright foolish thing to want to happen.

User 406

The thing is, no one would hit him on this stuff. No one from the right will hit him on it and Bernie's gonna go on about the millionaires and billionaires, he'll be up against two of them so he won't be able to help himself. Bloomberg is gonna look like a damn rose in comparison to everyone else.

Uh, Bloomberg won't be able to take a shit without BLM following him into the stall.


Well, they've brought it up. But, shall we say, maybe the Hillary campaign has been waiting for several states in a row with large minority populations to remind voters of this fact.

That makes sense to me. Hold off until SC/NV before unloading this ad nauseam. This coupled with the minor quote on that new book makes a couple of statements in a row that have Sanders poking the President.


Why was the twitter thread closed? ModBot confuses me sometimes.

The entire point of the PoliGAF community thread is to keep OT from being clogged up with threads about literally every tiny event, gaffe, interaction, or tweet that relates to a political candidate.
The entire point of the PoliGAF community thread is to keep OT from being clogged up with threads about literally every tiny event, gaffe, interaction, or tweet that relates to a political candidate.

This could be flipped. The entire point of putting PoliGAF in the community section was to promote political discussion outside of this thread where many people won't go.


Watched the unedited "please clap" video. That is just weird. I mean, was he hoping to get a good soundbite for a commercial so he asked them to clap so they could edit it together?


The entire point of the PoliGAF community thread is to keep OT from being clogged up with threads about literally every tiny event, gaffe, interaction, or tweet that relates to a political candidate.

I think it could have been a good discussion, but I agree the presentation was pretty poor. I think changing the title would have been better than outright closing it, though.

User 406

That'll only increase his percentages in red and purple states.

While this is true, they'll be the only ones hitting him on it. No one is going to be able to take advantage of it.

That would just help him with conservatives everywhere.

Yeah, we know, the right wing is racist. Now, if the left wing is also racist enough for this to be trivialized just because black people are saying it, well, we deserve what we fucking get.


Yeah, we know, the right wing is racist. Now, if the left wing is also racist enough for this to be trivialized just because black people are saying it, well, we deserve what we fucking get.

Well Sanders supporters VS BLM happened.

So yes racism still abounds, even among the 'hard' left.
As for the basis of the dumb as hell slapfight it seems like a bad idea to for all intents and purposes call out the popular sitting President who you want to succeed.
How long until we see polls conducted post-Iowa Caucus? This weekend perhaps? Wondering if the results are going to change national polls or NV\SC polls. Dat Iowa bump might be real for Rubio and Sanders--I suspect Cruz will drop off after Iowa and Hillary will stay strong.

As for the basis of the dumb as hell slapfight it seems like a bad idea to for all intents and purposes call out the popular sitting President (among Democrats) who you want to succeed.

Obama is even in terms of approve/disapprove, but he has been largely in the red when it comes to job approval. I think he's done a fine job--probably one of the better presidents in the last 50 years--but to say he's popular might be a bit disingenuous.
Yeah, we know, the right wing is racist. Now, if the left wing is also racist enough for this to be trivialized just because black people are saying it, well, we deserve what we fucking get.

Preach. It's really a shame the extent to which the democratic party has often failed communities of color. I would love for us to be the party that actively engages in addressing racial issues on their merits and fighting for them rather than the "Well, we won't actively fuck you over like the republicans" party. I'm not sure that there's a single major politician that I feel adequately emphasizes racial issues and advocates for them, and that's a shame. Maybe some members of the house I'm not aware of? Otherwise, I can't think of any.

Also, lest we forget how much bloodier 2008 was in comparison:


How long until we see polls conducted post-Iowa Caucus? This weekend perhaps? Wondering if the results are going to change national polls or NV\SC polls. Dat Iowa bump might be real for Rubio and Sanders--I suspect Cruz will drop off after Iowa and Hillary will stay strong.

Obama is even in terms of approve/disapprove, but he has been largely in the red when it comes to job approval. I think he's done a fine job--probably one of the better presidents in the last 50 years--but to say he's popular might be a bit disingenuous.

First started coming in today:

Stability in first fully post-IA national poll. Morning Consult:
—Trump 38 (=), Cruz 14 (+1), Rubio 12 (+2)
—Clinton 51 (=), Sanders 35 (+4)


No Scrubs
How long until we see polls conducted post-Iowa Caucus? This weekend perhaps? Wondering if the results are going to change national polls or NV\SC polls. Dat Iowa bump might be real for Rubio and Sanders--I suspect Cruz will drop off after Iowa and Hillary will stay strong.

Obama is even in terms of approve/disapprove, but he has been largely in the red when it comes to job approval. I think he's done a fine job--probably one of the better presidents in the last 50 years--but to say he's popular might be a bit disingenuous.

The point is more he's popular among the people Sanders is trying to win over.
First started coming in today:

About what I expected. Sanders and Rubio get a bump, Cruz sees a slight bump with talks of Republicans dropping out and after winning Iowa--I think after NH we'll have a better idea. Iowa is such a crap first state--has a demographic unlike any other, and votes so bizzarely it's impossible to use as a real barometer. I'm wondering if the +4 for Sanders is because of a neck and neck finish with Clinton, or that he picked up O'Malley supporters. If it's the latter I find that strange for some reason.

The point is more he's popular among the people Sanders is trying to win over.

That's definitely true. Is there a link to a video or a source for the full quote? I'm wondering what the full context was.
I'm not really talking about general polling where Republicans revile him. Within the Democratic base though he has sky-high approvals. Within the black voter base he has, from memory, sky-high approvals.

Outside the stupid twittersphere, these direct comments were reported on Bloomberg of a CNN appearance.
Sanders says “most” progressives he knows don’t take millions of dollars from Wall Street; were always against U.S. 2003 war in Iraq; didn’t vacillate on matters such as Keystone, TPP, gay marriage

And with the exception of the Iraq vote, that's basically Obama.


Another NH poll actually just dropped:

1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 425 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 9%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
Jim Gilmore (R) 0%
Mike Huckabee (R) 0%
John Kasich (R) 12%
Rand Paul (R) 3%
Marco Rubio (R) 10%
Rick Santorum (R) 0%
Donald Trump (R) 31%
Undecided 8%



Obama is even in terms of approve/disapprove, but he has been largely in the red when it comes to job approval. I think he's done a fine job--probably one of the better presidents in the last 50 years--but to say he's popular might be a bit disingenuous.

The Sanders momentum is not going to happen in Nevada and South Carolina if he's talking shit about someone with a 90% approval with black voters and an 80% approval rating with Democrats generally.

He should be going in the opposite direction honestly, especially since Nevada is a closed caucus and Hillary killed him in double digits with self identified Democrats in Iowa.


How long until we see polls conducted post-Iowa Caucus? This weekend perhaps? Wondering if the results are going to change national polls or NVSC polls. Dat Iowa bump might be real for Rubio and Sanders--I suspect Cruz will drop off after Iowa and Hillary will stay strong.

Obama is even in terms of approve/disapprove, but he has been largely in the red when it comes to job approval. I think he's done a fine job--probably one of the better presidents in the last 50 years--but to say he's popular might be a bit disingenuous.

All those numbers are for the entire country, which about 40% hate him because of the party platform.
He is 80%+ among democrats. The people that Sanders want to the votes from.


Most progressives weren't on the record saying they wouldn't support a gay nondiscrimination ordinance as mayor in the 90s, but hey, people vacillate.
Another NH poll actually just dropped:

1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 425 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 9%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
Jim Gilmore (R) 0%
Mike Huckabee (R) 0%
John Kasich (R) 12%
Rand Paul (R) 3%
Marco Rubio (R) 10%
Rick Santorum (R) 0%
Donald Trump (R) 31%
Undecided 8%

Damnnit Christie. Rise some more.
Another NH poll actually just dropped:

1) 2016 New Hampshire Republican Presidential Primary
Asked of 425 likely voters - republican
Jeb Bush (R) 14%
Ben Carson (R) 3%
Chris Christie (R) 6%
Ted Cruz (R) 9%
Carly Fiorina (R) 5%
Jim Gilmore (R) 0%
Mike Huckabee (R) 0%
John Kasich (R) 12%
Rand Paul (R) 3%
Marco Rubio (R) 10%
Rick Santorum (R) 0%
Donald Trump (R) 31%
Undecided 8%


Do the jeb dance https://vine.co/v/iOTvvP1I110

That has to be an error...

All those numbers are for the entire country, which about 40% hate him because of the party platform.
He is 80%+ among democrats. The people that Sanders want to the votes from.

That's true. I had meant that overall (both parties) he's not necessarily popular--but among Democrats he's definitely popular. Personally I think it's completely fair to criticize Obama, but it should be on Policy issues, not on character or anything like that.
Sanders has been tap dancing around the anti Obama stuff for some time now, I'm shocked he's gotten away with it as much as he has


No Scrubs



Can't stump, won't stump.

The Sanders momentum is not going to happen in Nevada and South Carolina if he's talking shit about someone with a 90% approval with black voters and an 80% approval rating with Democrats generally.

He should be going in the opposite direction honestly, especially since Nevada is a closed caucus and Hillary killed him in double digits with self identified Democrats in Iowa.

Combine that with a commercial of him calling for Obama to be primaried in 2012 and he stands no chance.
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