Morning Consult 1/29 - 2/1
Trump 41
Cruz 12
Carson 9
Rubio 8
Bush 7
Morning Consult 2/2-2/23
Trump 38
Cruz 14
Rubio 12
Carson 9
Bush 5
Im shook.
Morning Consult 1/29 - 2/1
Trump 41
Cruz 12
Carson 9
Rubio 8
Bush 7
Morning Consult 2/2-2/23
Trump 38
Cruz 14
Rubio 12
Carson 9
Bush 5
The funny part about the whole "obama compromised too much" aspect is that if you ask any conservative, they will swear to you that Obama is the most uncompromising President in history, that he tried to ram an ultra liberal agenda on the country, and that he refuses to listen to the people.
It looks like something some crazed Redditor would have put together.
You make it sound so crude! The campaign would call it "connecting with the base."
Morning Consult 1/29 - 2/1
Trump 41
Cruz 12
Carson 9
Rubio 8
Bush 7
Morning Consult 2/2-2/23
Trump 38
Cruz 14
Rubio 12
Carson 9
Bush 5
Mike Memoli
.@marcorubio refers to @POTUS' visit to mosque, says latest example of his "constant pitting people against each other. I cant stand that"
Still solid, brahs are going to go after Bubble Boy hard this week. Cruz will be dealt with too.Morning Consult 1/29 - 2/1
Trump 41
Cruz 12
Carson 9
Rubio 8
Bush 7
Morning Consult 2/2-2/23
Trump 38
Cruz 14
Rubio 12
Carson 9
Bush 5
Has a competitive presidential primary against an incumbent ever worked out for the party in power?
That's fucking stable
In "Republicans are douchebags" news:
Eat a bag of dicks, Marco.
Eat a bag of dicks, Marco.
Fuck him fuck him fuck him fuck him so much oh my god.
Parts of that sound so similar to debates this cycle. Some things don't change I guess.
It's very rarely even attempted--because the person attempting usually gets beaten into submission by the party.
I'd disagree. I don't think Sanders has been nearly as aggressive as he needs to be. Folks should go back and watch the very first 08 debate where everyone was piling on Hillary. Or the GOP 2012 debates where everyone piled on Romney. Sanders has not done that and seems unwilling to be aggressive unless it's on twitter. Nor has he done much challenging of Hillary. O'Malley was more direct in his attacks.
You can run a positive campaign while also challenging your opponent. I thought Obama did a pretty damn good job of appearing positive while constantly grinding Hillary down with indirect ("this is more of the same politics of the past") and direct (the Walmart attack, Iraq, etc) attacks. Hillary became frustrated, Bill was frustrated, etc and it led to the media magnifying various attacks she was making while ignoring Obama's.
Cruz is doing the same thing to Trump, and it's pretty entertaining. Trump lashes out, Cruz laughs it off before striking. I think it's clear Hillary wants to really go after Sanders. He should pick a fight and then take the high road. The media will side with him.
It's from 2011, at that time a lot of people were questioning Obama's Progressive Credentials because as you said he had let a lot of people down. If anything I think Sanders' was trying to go for 2 birds with those comments--that Obama had disappointed on the "expectations vs reality" front, and that he thinks a major issue is the lack of competition within the party. For the latter, it's assumed a sitting President will always get their run for the second term, but why? What if they are inept? There should always be competition for the highest office in the world, and even more so for lower positions within the Federal Government--this Senators sitting for 20-30+ years bullshit is nonsense.
He's implying Obama isn't a progressive because he isn't passing progressive legislation. But he knows better.
This. The Left is swelling with a short-sighted populism and convincing itself that Hillary Clinton is a DINO. Sanders is the savior that will somehow revolutionize all of American politics and quickly establish social parity with (successful) European socialist countries (never mind the not-so-successful ones). All proponents of the contrary are wrong, evil, or "have no faith".It's a sign that the left is about to start running into the polarization problem that's crippling the right. :-/
Um, I think they want the candidate over *there*. *points at Rubio*Debate lineup is almost certainly
Ben getting kicked off!
I don't disagree. Sanders' should have known Obama probably wanted to pass things like UHC but had no chance of getting the votes.
EDIT: Is Trump the only candidate consistently streaming all of his speeches on YouTube? I see like 1 every other day, but for Sanders and Clinton almost never.
The funny part about the whole "obama compromised too much" aspect is that if you ask any conservative, they will swear to you that Obama is the most uncompromising President in history, that he tried to ram an ultra liberal agenda on the country, and that he refuses to listen to the people.
funny stuff that politics. No wonder Obama has aged so fucking much. Even without the international issues, his soul aged 35 years the past 7.
LameSantorum endorsed Rubio.
Fucking Obama, trying to pit people against one another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Santorum endorsed Rubio.
Rubio is well-acquainted with Santorum, I hear. Not a shock.Santorum endorsed Rubio.
TrashSantorum endorsed Rubio.
at least cruz has an honest face
BOOOOOOOOOSantorum endorsed Rubio.
Jeb Bush and Hugh Hewitt approve though.That's fucking stable
In "Republicans are douchebags" news:
Eat a bag of dicks, Marco.
Oh, Melissa Harris-Perry was almost attacked by a white supremacist in Iowa:
It Cruz really saying Obama's economy destroyed poor people?
Used in ads in NV and SC starting next Wednesday.
Sanders: The reason the President has been so able to move so far to the right is there there is no Primary Challenge.
As a matter of fairness, that post looks like a direct response to an earlier tweet from Hillary's camp:
That said, twitter fights are dumb and only rile up the uglier parts of each others' bases.
Both camps need to stop this stupidity
Country about to level up and unlock new kill streak rewardsThis generic metal rift on Trumps steam is really getting me pumped for his speech.