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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Hillary has always been held to a double standard. Release tens of thousands of emails, release your transcripts... I would love to see the shitstorm if this were demanded of anyone else.
His interpretation of whites is flawed. Iowa and NH have more white liberals and Iowa apparently has lots of people who describe themselves as socialists. This image might as well be posted the at the top every page. Look where Nevada falls.


That graphic again...its like the socialism gallup poll all over again that Iowa kind of made irrelevant. I am looking forward for the same to happen after Nevada.
Fuck off. This is not public officials never doing anything private, this is public officials accepting more money than a minimum wage worker would make in 1,018 years from a group very tightly concerned with the legislative process. If it was a Republican candidate doing it you guys would all be calling them out. Instead you're all sitting here pretending your shit smells like roses.
Attack her for the speechs and the price. Demanding you know what she said is infringing of privacy.

If someone wants to leak audio or whatever but demanding a right to private citizens speech is wrong. Should all meetings with politicians and stakeholders be released? Every meeting with their staff?
That graphic again...its like the socialism gallup poll all over again that Iowa kind of made irrelevant. I am looking forward for the same to happen after Nevada.

Hey, sometimes, you need to show the facts over and over to those who refuse to accept it.
Because no one in this thread likes cruz at all and know hes going to lose the nomination most likely and would 99% lose the GE with his crazy views. We know where hes coming from.
People don't really like any of the republican candidates in here either. There wouldn't be a fuss about John Kasich speaking to Merill Lynch.
That graphic again...its like the socialism gallup poll all over again.

You asked for an argument and it has been delivered my friend. The guy just says reduces "whites" down to a more simplistic interpretation than what is actually the case. That's where the article goes off the rails. He also completely ignores the closed caucus factor. Sanders didn't win Democrats in Iowa, his strength came from independents.
That graphic again...its like the socialism gallup poll all over again that Iowa kind of made irrelevant. I am looking forward for the same to happen after Nevada.

Aren't socialism poll numbers usually used in the context of Bernie's chances in the general election?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Ted Cruz's wife worked at Goldman Sachs (the most conflict of interest possible) and you don't see people here mentioning it that often. I doubt people would care much for speeches either.

Again, I think Ted Cruz should also be open about these things. Also, when you're using whataboutery on the scale of 'at least Clinton isn't as bad as Ted Cruz', you should be ashamed of yourself and your argument.


You asked for an argument and it has been delivered my friend. The guy just says reduces "whites" down to a more simplistic interpretation than what is actually the case. That's where the article goes off the rails. He also completely ignores the closed caucus factor. Sanders didn't win Democrats in Iowa, his strength came from independents.

He might win them tonight though
People don't really like any of the republican candidates in here either. There wouldn't be a fuss about John Kasich speaking to Merill Lynch.

Because we hate him already, I don't get what you are arguing. I would love to see the transcripts of republicans but hillary's matter more in the context of the election. The argument of everyone else is doing it is a shitty argument to justify things.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
If someone wants to leak audio or whatever but demanding a right to private citizens speech is wrong. Should all meetings with politicians and stakeholders be released? Every meeting with their staff?

Staff is (probably) unnecessary, but I am 100% okay with all meetings between politicians and their donors being public content by law.

Aren't you? Why not?


There's a lot of funny in there if you know where to look!

Modern Marxists? Not always so much with the funny. I'm trying to break the mold. Stop throwing shade, brah.

I'm sorry, I'm not used to Marxists defending Socialists. I'm more used to them arguing with each other more furiously than they do with the Capitalists :p
Again, I think Ted Cruz should also be open about these things. Also, when you're using whataboutery on the scale of 'at least Clinton isn't as bad as Ted Cruz', you should be ashamed of yourself and your argument.
Your original claim was that people would be calling out republicans in the way people are calling out Hillary but I don't think people here would care much.
Staff is (probably) unnecessary, but I am 100% okay with all meetings between politicians and their donors being public content by law.

Aren't you? Why not?

So, if a politician and a donor are at the same party, should said politician have to being out the record function on their iPhone if they come over and ask about the kids?
Hillary Clinton: "I'll rise to a higher standard when everyone else does. Or the polls say that it's suicidal not to. Whichever comes first. Whatever." *Hillary shrug*
Is she for breaking up the banks so it doesn't happen again? Not really.

She's wrist-slappin' with the best of them! "Stop being naughty, you fine American Bankers! *wink*"

Move that goalpost! A minute ago you claimed that she only recently blamed them.

Also, breaking up the banks is only one aspect of a solution. It's essentially as deep a policy as "free college." We'd be better off starting with regulating (or just taking over) the ratings agencies, but that would put everyone to sleep on the stump.

All breaking up the banks does is limit the impact of one of them shooting themselves in the foot in blind greed. it doesn't stop the blind greed or help the victims of it.


I'm sorry, I'm not used to Marxists defending Socialists. I'm more used to them arguing with each other more furiously than they do with the Capitalists :p
Bob Avakian's synthesis is the only true path to real revolution.

People don't really like any of the republican candidates in here either. There wouldn't be a fuss about John Kasich speaking to Merill Lynch.
John Kasich worked as an investment banker for Lehman Brothers.
Staff is (probably) unnecessary, but I am 100% okay with all meetings between politicians and their donors being public content by law.

Aren't you? Why not?

As long as we're wishing for the moon, can't we just switch to publicly-funded elections already and get rid of all this bullshit surrounding private donations and SuperPAC money from corporate interests? Seems like that would solve all these problems since you'd no longer have private money interests influencing politicians, and it's got about as much chance of passing as requiring full disclosure of every meeting between every politician and everyone who gives money to them.
I'm sorry, I'm not used to Marxists defending Socialists. I'm more used to them arguing with each other more furiously than they do with the Capitalists :p
Me too :(

I'm not popular with most other Marxists. I think that workers need to elevate themselves to the level of worker self-management before any sort of revolution is going to be effective.
Fuck off. This is not public officials never doing anything private, this is public officials accepting more money than a minimum wage worker would make in 1,018 years from a group very tightly concerned with the legislative process. If it was a Republican candidate doing it you guys would all be calling them out. Instead you're all sitting here pretending your shit smells like roses.

dont talk to my boy metsfan like that. and don't you know you can be banned for that type of salty language


Me too :(

I'm not popular with most other Marxists. I think that workers need to elevate themselves to the level of worker self-management before any sort of revolution is going to be effective.

I must express admiration for Marxists. In all sincerity, I have respect for anyone who can remain dedicated to such an ideal despite decades of evidence that the vast majority of the workers either don't care about it or are actively opposed to it.

dont talk to my boy metsfan like that. and don't you know you can be banned for that type of salty language

Crab can't help it, he spends his life immersed in salt :p
Move that goalpost! A minute ago you claimed that she only recently blamed them.

Also, breaking up the banks is only one aspect of a solution. It's essentially as deep a policy as "free college." We'd be better off starting with regulating (or just taking over) the ratings agencies, but that would put everyone to sleep on the stump.

All breaking up the banks does is limit the impact of one of them shooting themselves in the foot in blind greed. it doesn't stop the blind greed or help the victims of it.
What I'm saying is that she has recently sharpened her rhetoric.

Bernie's rhetoric has always been sharp on this. Go back to attacking him on guns.

Also, there needs to be a Godwin's law for 'moving the goalposts' accusations.


This is going to be the noobiest, most out of touch question, but I'm curious - what is it about Goldman Sachs that makes it such a vilified bank? Like I think it's the go-to name for financial corruption. I was around 14 when the housing crisis occurred and I don't know too much about it. Is it because of the housing crisis? Did it play a large role in it? I thought that the ratings agencies were giving inaccurate ratings, and that some people were able to predict that the housing bubble was about to happen and shorted the market, but did Goldman hold a larger role than other banks in perpetuating the deception? Also, Goldman's net assets and total income are lower than banks like JP Morgan and Citi. Does it wield more influence than those banks? Thanks in advance!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Your original claim was that people would be calling out republicans in the way people are calling out Hillary but I don't think people here would care much.

I think that's because everyone knows Cruz doesn't give a toss so there's no point in asking, and also they don't want to draw attention to Clinton's failings.

So, if a politician and a donor are at the same party, should said politician have to being out the record function on their iPhone if they come over and ask about the kids?

I mean, there'd be limits on the degree of donorship - if someone donated $3 and you've raised $20 million, they're too insignificant a proportion to be able to influence your judgement. I think mostly this would be restricted to companies, unions, large advocacy groups, and their official representatives. There'd obviously be some non-enforceable settings, like casual encounters, where you can't reasonably expect people to record, and they would have to be excluded. I expect the response would be a noticeable rise in "casual" encounters; but at the very least it would be more difficult once these are no longer in private settings and the social norm has been entrenched that one should not talk with moneyed interests outside the public eye.
What I'm saying is that she has recently sharpened her rhetoric.

Also, there needs to be a Godwin's law for 'moving the goalposts' accusations.

You said she only recently started blaming the wealthy class. And you said she blamed the homeowners. Both wrong.

Now you are saying she's "recently sharpened her rhetoric."

Yes, that's goalpost-moving.

I expect in a few days you will be back to repeat the same lies, be called on them, and move the goalposts again.

We get enough active distortion and reality-ignoring from the GOP, we really don't need it in the Democratic primary.

I can't tell if you are self-deluded, uncritical in your thinking, or just willing to lie to get what you want. All options suck, and you make your candidate of choice look bad.

I'm not uncritical of Hillary, but the distortions are off the hook lately thanks to people like you.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
As long as we're wishing for the moon, can't we just switch to publicly-funded elections already and get rid of all this bullshit surrounding private donations and SuperPAC money from corporate interests? Seems like that would solve all these problems since you'd no longer have private money interests influencing politicians, and it's got about as much chance of passing as requiring full disclosure of every meeting between every politician and everyone who gives money to them.

Brother, you have no much idea I want publicly funded elections. Every citizen gets a $30 voucher from the state to divide between electoral campaigns of their choosing, and that's the only source of money in politics. Would be excellent. Something for the future, perhaps.


This is going to be the noobiest, most out of touch question, but I'm curious - what is it about Goldman Sachs that makes it such a vilified bank? Like I think it's the go-to name for financial corruption. I was around 14 when the housing crisis occurred and I don't know too much about it. Is it because of the housing crisis? Did it play a large role in it? I thought that the ratings agencies were giving inaccurate ratings, and that some people were able to predict that the housing bubble was about to happen and shorted the market, but did Goldman hold a larger role than other banks in perpetuating the deception? Also, Goldman's net assets and total income are lower than banks like JP Morgan and Citi. Does it wield more influence than those banks? Thanks in advance!
Compare the names of Treasury, Fed and White House officials and Goldman Sachs executives over the last three decades.


Brother, you have no much idea I want publicly funded elections. Every citizen gets a $30 voucher from the state to divide between electoral campaigns of their choosing, and that's the only source of money in politics. Would be excellent. Something for the future, perhaps.
Why should I pay for your donation to a political campaign?

Just for that I'm giving my $30 voucher to Hillary for a speech.

and that's the only source of money in politics
Oh wait, you're eliminating the government, nevermind.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Why should I pay for your donation to a political campaign?

Just for that I'm giving my $30 voucher to Hillary for a speech.

Benji let's not play the contractualist game. It always ends with someone vetoing the state.
You asked for an argument and it has been delivered my friend. The guy just says reduces "whites" down to a more simplistic interpretation than what is actually the case. That's where the article goes off the rails. He also completely ignores the closed caucus factor. Sanders didn't win Democrats in Iowa, his strength came from independents.

Sanders isnt even yet winning with whites overall (just white males and younger whites). What bothers me about that graphic is that it assumes Sanders voters are only white and that he will unable to gain any significant number with non whites, which I think is not correct as if minorities where just unable to respond to campaign changes/momentum and pre-primary bombing of propaganda. He has made significant gains with minorities and he is not particularly disliked by non white voters according to polls (his favorables are actually pretty good).

What Nevada will show is that maybe his numbers right now are a problem of recognition, not so much of minorities disliking him. South Carolina may confirm that, if his problem is with racial divides or age divides.


Brother, you have no much idea I want publicly funded elections. Every citizen gets a $30 voucher from the state to divide between electoral campaigns of their choosing, and that's the only source of money in politics. Would be excellent. Something for the future, perhaps.

The primary problem I see with publicly funded elections in the way you describe is self-reinforcement. An ideology becomes dominant, more people support it, more money for candidates that follow it, go to one.
This is going to be the noobiest, most out of touch question, but I'm curious - what is it about Goldman Sachs that makes it such a vilified bank? Like I think it's the go-to name for financial corruption. I was around 14 when the housing crisis occurred and I don't know too much about it. Is it because of the housing crisis? Did it play a large role in it? I thought that the ratings agencies were giving inaccurate ratings, and that some people were able to predict that the housing bubble was about to happen and shorted the market, but did Goldman hold a larger role than other banks in perpetuating the deception? Also, Goldman's net assets and total income are lower than banks like JP Morgan and Citi. Does it wield more influence than those banks? Thanks in advance!

A few things.

1) They manipulated instrument ratings and pricing to protect themselves when mortgages went to shit as a security. There was a rule implemented later to address this ("mark to market") but without it, they were just acting unethically, not illegally.

2) Once things began to accelerate, they took opposite sides on deals of their clients on fraudulent terms. Basically, once they saw the mortgage-backed stuff was crap, they pushed it on customers and got it off their own books.

^^^ The above is a somewhat sloppy shorthand and I may have some details a little off, but that's the gist of it. Essentially they avoided losing in the crisis, and then actively profited, by being unethical (and in the second case, illegal-- they were fined for it IIRC).

FWIW, I used to work there in IT, but all this is so far removed from the part of the business that I was involved in and largely after I left.
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