I am not quite as anti-Nate as the rest of you, but he's a terrible Twitter follow. Thin skin. Had to cut him loose.
King Harold the Enten-tainer is sixty times more fun to follow and you get all the same content.
I am not quite as anti-Nate as the rest of you, but he's a terrible Twitter follow. Thin skin. Had to cut him loose.
Hillary playing an ad during the first commercial break of The Walking Dead.
King Harold the Enten-tainer is sixty times more fun to follow and you get all the same content.
Hillary playing an ad during the first commercial break of The Walking Dead.
Hot take: he gets his twitter account back and goes batshit
How is he still breathing after that shiv Brian Williams slipped between his ribs the other night
If Romney's loss four years back is any indicator, it will be glorious!
God. I cant wait for kellanne Conway to disappear.
He's also using every garbage poll he could get his hands on and using the adjusted leader resultsNate posted that Hillary is struggling in the Midwest and partially justified that post by posting an image that shows the 538 model only has Hillary+5 in Minnesota.
There has been one Minnesota poll in the last six weeks, it showed Hillary+8.
I don't know if justifying your model by spitting out entirely unverified results from your model is very sensible.
he's only gonna get more and more popular, too.
America and Obama be like
Two days away until Trump and his followers Kellyanne, Sean Hannity, and Steve Bannon are swallowed in the Dark Dimension, to be tortured by Andrew Breitbart's ghost for all eternity.
I think there's a 50/50 shot of a CNN/ORC poll tomorrow showing Trump ahead which will send the world into a panicI need more polls. MORE. POLLS.
Ham and cheese sandwichScott Walker approves this image.
Real talk: The greatest service his campaign staff can do for the continued functioning of our democracy is keep twitter out of the hands of donald trump.
I found Nate's gaf accountNate Silver has gotten so much unwarranted shit. I hope he is vindicated in some way
How has any of it being unwarranted?Nate Silver has gotten so much unwarranted shit. I hope he is vindicated in some way
Wikileaks has posted 8000 additional hacked DNC emails.
There can't be anything more damaging than Spirit Cooking, so why bother?Wikileaks has posted 8000 additional hacked DNC emails.
God. I cant wait for kellanne Conway to disappear.
Wikileaks has posted 8000 additional hacked DNC emails.
Wikileaks has posted 8000 additional hacked DNC emails.
They've tried so hard to keep emails relevant that they've completely diluted them and their name in the processWikileaks has posted 8000 additional hacked DNC emails.
Dramatic? I don't see it.If anyone wants to see Ralston be super dramatic:
Reid can ride off into the sunset knowing he has created perhaps the most fearsome political machine in history
And not 1 of them will lead to anything most likely.
This one would be troublesome for CNN more than DNC or Hillary: https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/25846