Fuck emails she's going to win. I took Wednesday off to celebrate.
That is standard stuff.
This one would be troublesome for CNN more than DNC or Hillary:
Lol, looked at the thread in t_d about the email dump. Desperation is off the charts over there.
I think they will at least get to 50- IL, WI, NH, PA. Good to have a variety of opportunities to get beyond that and only need 1 of them
PPP is answering questions on twitter right now about where they think the Presidential states and Senate races will fall. They think Dems hit at least 50 in the Senate.
NBC reporters:
I don't know if that means Georgia is close, but I do think they think Dems will win the Senate.Hot take: Georgia is a lot closer than we know.
Georgia senators break with party, say they'll consider Clinton's supreme court picks
PPP is answering questions on twitter right now about where they think the Presidential states and Senate races will fall. They think Dems hit at least 50 in the Senate.
Coin flip but remember Clinton ground game- especially with early vote- allowed her to exceed expectations in primary there
One of the things I've been most perplexed by this whole election was the uncertainty around whether CM would take the Nevada seat. Between the Latino population and the Reid machine, I'm just not sure how it came about.They'd need NV but that seems like it's going to happen.
LA Times thinks she's going to win NC, FL, AZ.
LA Times thinks she's going to win NC, FL, AZ.
Well if Florida is any indication it's probably going pretty well.Arizona?!? How is the latino vote doing down there?
So (knock on wood) say we are at 11pm EST and "We have news".... Who do you think will best deliver that moment?
Keith was emotional in 2008 which I thought was kinda cool.. But I thought Brian Williams had the most impact monologue at 11pm.
Although they will probably give it to Maddow, I think Brian Williams should do it, he just has a great voice and way with words..
The Unquestionably Impartial and Non-Partisan Wikileaks Responding Directly to the Honorable General Flynn Re: His Concerns About the FBI's Ability to Go Through All 650,000 Emails So Fast
Why on earth would it take 3 minutes per email? Most of the ones I've seen are a couple of lines long, at most.
I bet it'll be Maddow.
And I know that he won't deliver The Call, but Dan Rather was on MSNBC this evening and earlier this week, and I really, really hope he returns on Tuesday night to wax philosophical about the election's consequences after The Call has been made. He is fantastic in big moments.
My wife, sister in laws(x2), and brother in law and myself all puerto rican living in Tampa FL and NPA(we have just kept it that way since we moved here 5 years ago simply due to how we view politics back home and how we voted back home in particular) will be voting Tuesday morning..(Hillary + 5) 1 brother in law will be voting for orange turd.. I TRIED GAF.
I don't know if that means Georgia is close, but I do think they think Dems will win the Senate.
Why on earth would it take 3 minutes per email? Most of the ones I've seen are a couple of lines long, at most.
It would when you have to look for Secret Hidden Messages within each email!
PPP is answering questions on twitter right now about where they think the Presidential states and Senate races will fall. They think Dems hit at least 50 in the Senate.
There was one released today that I would have thought had more damage potential than the others. Fox News got so excited about it that they published their story twice. Doesn't seem to have made a very big splash in r/The_Donald, though (maybe they had a moment of self-awareness and realized that they were on a pro-Trump forum?).There can't be anything more damaging than Spirit Cooking, so why bother?
My wife, sister in laws(x2), and brother in law and myself all puerto rican living in Tampa FL and NPA(we have just kept it that way since we moved here 5 years ago simply due to how we view politics back home and how we voted back home in particular) will be voting Tuesday morning..(Hillary + 5) 1 brother in law will be voting for orange turd.. I TRIED GAF.
I highly doubt even if Clinton wins Georgia a Republican Senator there will lose. He's probably more afraid of the "drop Garland" switcheroo.One of them is up for re election. He might be seeing some trends he doesn't like.
Senators usually don't break with party on stuff like this. When the GOP was doubling down on not holding a hearing for garland, only portman, ayotte, and the usual suspects in dangerous seats opposed it.
Hot take: Georgia is a lot closer than we know.
Georgia senators break with party, say they'll consider Clinton's supreme court picks
Are you all voting for Murphy over Rubio?
The Unquestionably Impartial and Non-Partisan Wikileaks Responding Directly to the Honorable General Flynn Re: His Concerns About the FBI's Ability to Go Through All 650,000 Emails So Fast