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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Trump will win Florida and lose Ohio and we're headed to a contested convention where Trump's brownshirts will start a riot on the RNC floor.

Has a national convention ever descended into violence before?

Listen man, in my opinion, we have yet to top congress caning each other. We're probably due for another smackdown and WWE sounds like it needs a bit of a boost. A brokered convention sounds like a good time to bring some wrestlers out of retirement.



No Scrubs
Random but how come people keep saying and posting graphs that Sanders is going to definitively win New York? I've seen it mentioned on here, on other websites, and over my FB timeline and it doesn't seem like it adds up to me. Am I mistaken?

It's delusion on their part.
Hey, I consider you lucky. I had great hair until I got sick a few years back and was put on some shit that just fucked it up. It isn't bad, but it ain't what it was. Been thinking about the shaved head thing for a while.

Aww, I'm sorry. I was on an anti-seizure medicine for a while that totally messed up my hair. My weave was thirsty as hell. Brittle hair and shit. However, once I switched to another medicine, my hair recovered which was good. The problem is, I dye it a lot. Kyle's mom yells at me constantly. I let her fix it, and I promised not to color it for a few months.

Kick Kyle in the crotch then

Look at it this way.. At least it isn't Trump-like?

That's too kinky even for me ;)
Palin: It's good to be here, thawing out, from Alaska. Literally, I'm thawing out. Before getting on a flight up here, I was ice fishing on my frozen lake. And my husband was out snowmachining, and thank you guys for your prayers for my husband who is recovering right now in ICU after a little wreck on a snowmachine, so thank you. Big wreck. Thank you. But, uh, you know, when real life happens, right? When somebody is sick in your family, there's an accident that happens, all these struggles... all these real life issues that happen, it really puts things in perspective, doesn't it? And doesn't it make you appreciate your time? Time is our most valuable resource. And it makes me appreciate the time that we have to spend in doing something so worthy, and that's to get Donald J. Trump elected President. And what we don't have time for is all that petty, punk ass little thuggery stuff that's been going on with these quote-unquote protesters who are doing nothing but wasting your time.

Democrats need to pressure Rahm Emanuel to not run for reelection. If this race mattered more, I would suspect they would have had him resign already. If there is a shift in the results from a few weeks ago, it's the most likely cause.

Really disappointed Obama hasn't said much of anything about Rahm. I understand how much he values loyalty and the friendship he has with Rahm...but you have to call it for what it is. Rahm needs to go. I've sensed a lot of feelings of betrayal and confusion among many Chicago people who are close with the president over this nonsense.


Poll opening, closing times

Florida primary – Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. EST (or 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. CST for parts of panhandle)
Illinois primary – 6 a.m.-7 p.m. CST
Missouri primary – 6 a.m.- 7 p.m. CST
North Carolina primary – 6:30 a.m.- 7:30 p.m. EST
Ohio primary – 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. EST

Really disappointed Obama hasn't said much of anything about Rahm. I understand how much he values loyalty and the friendship he has with Rahm...but you have to call it for what it is. Rahm needs to go. I've sensed a lot of feelings of betrayal and confusion among many Chicago people who are close with the president over this nonsense.

Is Hillary losing IL a blow to Obama in anyway? She is his preferred successor. She has tied to self to Obama. It has delivered her the South. My thinking was it would deliver her atleast IL.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Random but how come people keep saying and posting graphs that Sanders is going to definitively win New York? I've seen it mentioned on here, on other websites, and over my FB timeline and it doesn't seem like it adds up to me. Am I mistaken?

Okay, so I'm not going crazy. I've also seen that a couple times and wondered what universe I was in. I also caught a friend of mine say it last week and had to correct them with my most polite "I don't think that is very likely."


Random but how come people keep saying and posting graphs that Sanders is going to definitively win New York? I've seen it mentioned on here, on other websites, and over my FB timeline and it doesn't seem like it adds up to me. Am I mistaken?

this sounds like a job for Tyler tbqh


Okay, so I'm not going crazy. I've also seen that a couple times and wondered what universe I was in. I also caught a friend of mine say it last week and had to correct them with my most polite "I don't think that is very likely."

Its crazy, but its a fiction that has to persist for any of this to make any sense so people have to just go with it.


Thanks for the responses! I know it might get pretty split there considering both have a history with New York but to call it a definitive win seemed strange considering Hillary was voted into office twice there. Didn't know if there were new polls or anything that changed the subject.


Really disappointed Obama hasn't said much of anything about Rahm. I understand how much he values loyalty and the friendship he has with Rahm...but you have to call it for what it is. Rahm needs to go. I've sensed a lot of feelings of betrayal and confusion among many Chicago people who are close with the president over this nonsense.
If Obama believes Rahm should go, I feel like he would communicate that in private. Rahm gave up his congressional leadership ambitions for Obama. He was one of Obama's earliest supporters in Illinois. It's striking enough that Obama isn't saying anything in his defense.
It's no wonder political advisers are often delusional about their candidates prospects. The alternative, if this thread and myself are any indication, is crippling anxiety every fucking voting day.


No Scrubs
It's no wonder political advisers are often delusional about their candidates prospects. The alternative, if this thread and myself are any indication, is crippling anxiety every fucking voting day.

That'd probably be better since it would lead to trying to fix what's wrong.
My caucus is coming up this week.

It says on the website that you can register on site, but does that include if you moved from another state?

I am registered in a different state right now, but moved over a year ago. Anyone have any experience on this?
The anxiety comes from lack of concrete knowledge. Internal numbers would give you a better idea of what should happen. Hillary's people seemed to know they were going to lose MI up to and including the day of the election.

I need hard data, brahs.

Watching Mittens in Ohio is just LOLOLOL.
Is Bernie kinda dodging the shit out of the questions about overlap between his and Trump's supporters?

There are always people who just want the establishment to burn.

They don't care one bit about policies so could vote for either one.

However, I don't think they are statistically significant, and I don't think Bernie should have to answer for them.
For more on why the plan of getting Cruz to play along at the contested convention is unlikely, here's another great bit:


I wonder how the hardcore Cruz supporters at places like Red State will react when, or if, they figure out that Kasich is sticking around not only to keep Trump from a majority of delegates, but to prevent Cruz from even a plurality of delegates, and likely now at the behest of at least a few party leaders. Every few weeks, a "WTF, Kasich?" diary pops up, and they still haven't really come to understand the depths of the loathing that the GOP has for Cruz.

Should be good times when they finally figure this out.
Is Bernie kinda dodging the shit out of the questions about overlap between his and Trump's supporters?

Really don't think that matters. He's a fringe outsider candidate who attracts some followers who have few ideological views outside of "establishment bad/country rigged." That doesn't describe the majority of his support so the question strikes me as cheap.


No Scrubs
Really don't think that matters. He's a fringe outsider candidate who attracts some followers who have few ideological views outside of "establishment bad/country rigged." That doesn't describe the majority of his support so the question strikes me as cheap.

It's the sort of question you need to ask if you want to write a response to that Guardian article in the OT so it doesn't bother me too much.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to campaign for Hillary. I will be announced as her new endorser at a rally at 11am.
I just got a call from a Bernie supporter encouraging me to vote for Bernie. I told them that I'd already voted, and that I'd voted for Hillary but that I wished him luck on reaching out to people. He told me I could "un-vote" and vote for Bernie instead.

: sigh :


I just got a call from a Bernie supporter encouraging me to vote for Bernie. I told them that I'd already voted, and that I'd voted for Hillary but that I wished him luck on reaching out to people. He told me I could "un-vote" and vote for Bernie instead.

: sigh :


Is that really a thing? Are there taksies backsies in primaries? Even with early voting that seems unlikely.


Okay, so I'm not going crazy. I've also seen that a couple times and wondered what universe I was in. I also caught a friend of mine say it last week and had to correct them with my most polite "I don't think that is very likely."

Every Bernie fan online seems convinced Bernie will win NY and CA in blow outs. When asked why they just go "unlike Mississippi and South Carolina those are liberal states."

Is that really a thing? Are there taksies backsies in primaries? Even with early voting that seems unlikely.

No. He told me he heard I could go to my board of elections and ask them to spoil my ballot. You cannot do this. He also asked me why I voted for Hillary. Which...I've always been told if they say they voted for someone else, thank them for their time and move on. Arguing with someone who already voted is useless.


That's the idea, they don't want a Trump situation. Watch the GOP do something similar next time.

The problem is if you ever actually need the superdelegates to override the will of the people, the party is probably fucked anyway. Imagine if they tried to use superdelegates to screw Trump out of the nomination.
A woman at the grocery store just told me I have "beautiful hair, not unlike a young Hitler."

I....I don't know what to do with that.

That might be the worst compliment in the history of human civilization. I'm totally stealing it for future use. "You have such lovely eyes, like Pol Pot gazing out across the killing fields."
Every Bernie fan online seems convinced Bernie will win NY and CA in blow outs. When asked why they just go "unlike Mississippi and South Carolina those are liberal states."

I could see him winning them narrowly if he builds some real momentum.

Probably not enough to make a difference though.
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