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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Brutal Anti-Cruz Attack Ad Just 30 Seconds of Candidate's Photo Displayed Without Any Text, Voiceover, Music.
“It’s absolutely revolting, and I can’t believe they would run something like that on television,” said Dorothy Chalmers, a Dillsboro, NC mother who saw the ad with her three small children. “I immediately turned it off, of course, but I had to talk with my kids about what we had just seen. It was so nasty and unpleasant, my youngest one started to cry. Is this the kind of low-blow campaigning we can expect to endure through November?”



It isn't even a free trade or TPP question. It's just trade with other countries. Even North Korea does it.


Guys I'm diablosing hard. Help me

So my Ohio friend tells me that there's some concern that Bernie may do so well in Florida thanks to the old Jew vote that they'll have to do all the Southern primaries over again. It's a little-known quirk in the rules that Tad Devine slipped in in 2012.


I just got back from voting in the NC primary. My polling place is a three minute walk from my house, so I always enjoy voting on the day of an election rather than bothering with early voting. In the past I think our primary was in, like, May, so this is the first time ever that my primary ballot had any effect whatsoever on the national race. Some quick thoughts:

- I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes when being asked to show ID to vote for the first time. It's a good thing, too, because I'm sure there's a legion of so-called watchdogs out there ready to challenge any provisional ballots. Later, I was pleased to overhear the election staff quietly grumbling about the voter ID nonsense.

- I was amused that they didn't even ask which ballot I wanted and just handed me the Democratic one. Admittedly, I'm a total longhair so it's an easy guess, but I like to think that it's more that I'm voting in Chapel Hill, i.e. the town that went 70% for Obama in 2012. It was a safe assumption.

- NC uses scantron ballots (man, why doesn't everywhere else want a clearly marked ballot that leaves a simple audit trail) and the machine lets you know what number voter you are at your polling place when you submit your ballot. I was inordinately pleased to be voter 187 at my own polling place and have had "Deep Cover" stuck in my head ever since.

- Finally, I decided to Feel The Bern, but not because I think Bernie has any chance of winning; if I were worried that it felt like a tight race I would have happily voted for Hillary. Instead, I think Hillary basically has the nomination in the bag, so my Bernie vote was in the "encourage Hillary to lean further left" vein. As soon as the convention and the general election roll around, I look forward to going full on YAS QUEEN.


Fnord of Versailles
About what? I am a bernie supporter, and theres like a 0.1% chance he will be nominee. Hillary has it. IDK what there is else to diablos about, rubio is trash, kaisich is LTTP, cruz is the closest thing to a FF villain IRL, trump is ????.

You've been here long enough, you should know PoliGAF can invent something to diablos over.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I voted 78 times for the queen in Chicago today. Thanks rahm for all the extra ballots! I also drove a collection of college students into a back alley and locked them there until 8pm cst
So my Ohio friend tells me that there's some concern that Bernie may do so well in Florida thanks to the old Jew vote that they'll have to do all the Southern primaries over again. It's a little-known quirk in the rules that Tad Devine slipped in in 2012.

Dammit Ted Devine.


Not sure what's there to diablos about. Rubio's career is practically over. Trump will go to a contested convention where Cruz will be the anti-Trump candidate. If not, an independent run by a Republican will be at play, splintering their support in half...

Bernie keeping the race close is only a good thing. If Hillary falls today by some sort of miracle (losing all 5).....well, the people have spoken.


- Finally, I decided to Feel The Bern, but not because I think Bernie has any chance of winning; if I were worried that it felt like a tight race I would have happily voted for Hillary. Instead, I think Hillary basically has the nomination in the bag, so my Bernie vote was in the "encourage Hillary to lean further left" vein. As soon as the convention and the general election roll around, I look forward to going full on YAS QUEEN.


Fnord of Versailles
Did the same as you for the same reasoning when I voted here in MI.
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