@Nate_Cohn 53s53 seconds ago Brooklyn, NY
The early vote in Ohio was pretty old. In Franklin County, for instance, 46% were ages 65 and over. Clinton can't keep these margins up
Rubio is basically a less entertaining Jeb. His campaign has been a joke.
That was a sermon, not a campaign suspension.
That was a sermon, not a campaign suspension.
I don't mean to sound bitter. I'm asking sincerely. What has she moved leftward on? She's always been pretty strong on guns and that's good. Always been pro-choice and pro-women's rights and that's good. But she still supports the death penalty, still gives wishy-washy answers on wall street, still doesn't support single payer, etc. I can't help that I find those positions hard to be enthusiastic about.
Totally, but he asked god to bless Trump, that was nice from him.
I can't wait for Trump to come out tonight and interrupt Kasich's speech.
That was a sermon, not a campaign suspension.
What are the chances a Dem wins his senate seat?
0% if Dems pick Grayson. 75% if they don't. Grayson is the Democratic Trump.What are the chances a Dem wins his senate seat?
This is why I can't stand Rubio and am baffled people were afraid of him. Everything he does feels like a bad 70s rock cover band. He's always trying to re-create something he's not. This is him trying to be Reagan in 1976. But Reagan won multiple states that year, more than 20 iirc. He was clearly the "next man up" and the future of the party. Rubio is none of those things.
Worse yet he's now out of a job. So what's he going to do, join a firm or become a lobbyist for four years after giving a speech about "the establishment" not caring about the common man? Good luck with that.
2016 United States Presidential Election |OT| Clinton v Trump: Yawn of Justice
What are the chances a Dem wins his senate seat?
Can't wait for Clinton vs. Romeny vs. Trump in the General Election this fall.
Trump's final boss.
I chose it, WILLINGLY. Liefeld is mainstream now thanks to Deadpool. I think political correctness is the next great frontier.Oh man, did you lose a bet and I missed it?
What has happened to Liefeld?
She might really sweep it all, holy shit. MO might be his only lifeline right now
The firewall holds!Hillary won every state in the South:
- FL
- GA
- SC
- AL
- MS
- LA
- AR
- TN
- NC
- VA
Illinois literally has 1.5% reporting, and Ohio has 1.3%. That mostly means only rural counties have had their votes counted, these places favor Clinton.
Reagan in 76 gave an incumbent President a run for his money. Comparing Rubio to that is laughable.
Illinois literally has 1.5% reporting, and Ohio has 1.3%. That mostly means only rural counties have had their votes counted, these places favor Clinton.
eh? wouldnt urban areas favor clinton due to the minority vote?
Ohio is definitely at >10% reporting, most of it being early votes.Illinois literally has 1.5% reporting, and Ohio has 1.3%. That mostly means only rural counties have had their votes counted, these places favor Clinton.
What? I don't think that's true, especially in Illinois. Cities are where the Clinton/minority votes lie.Illinois literally has 1.5% reporting, and Ohio has 1.3%. That mostly means only rural counties have had their votes counted, these places favor Clinton.