Bernie might just concede tonight.
eh? wouldnt urban areas favor clinton due to the minority vote?
Ohio is definitely at >10% reporting, most of it being early votes.
Um no, he's going to stay in and drag ha through the mud for a few more months.
Still bummed OH fucked this up. gj Ohio
Sucks, now I have to see Kasich's shitty ass even more.
Bernie might just concede tonight.
So Dem race finally over after tonight?'s the website with the sprites of each candidate? Trying to find a place easily digestible info instead of the regular dumps.
barely 15% though, no?
Ohio! Thanks Adam!
Did that guy on the young turks call the NY times the Jew York times?
Where is your moe now?
Man that Ohio difference is huge right now.
Someone send a scouting party to r/sandersforpresident