Big Poppa Trump knows math! Don't make him break it down for you.
What would you like to see from her?
Northern Marinara Islands.Northern Marianas Islands
Cook county is king. As long as she leads chicago, she winsLooking at IL:
Champaign county started reporting, Bernie getting a blowout as expected.
Clinton's lead is 58k.
Main counties that are left are:
Champaign (UIC campus)
Sandamon (Springfield)
Madison (very white)
Sanders also leads in Kane and Will which HC will definitely need to keep close.
Heh heh heh"Five deep and long" ~ Donald Trump
Cook county is king. As long as she leads chicago, she wins
Clinton will be fine with or without Sanders supporters. Obama hasnt even started pulling for Clinton yet. This is the pre-game. Everyone is forgetting that we are barely even getting STARTED. Once the train starts it wont even be close.
Until she starts campaigning.One person who I didn't even think about campaigning/rallying for Clinton. Michelle Obama. That women is overwhelmingly liked. She's a secret weapon.
Clinton will be fine with or without Sanders supporters. Obama hasnt even started pulling for Clinton yet. This is the pre-game. Everyone is forgetting that we are barely even getting STARTED. Once the train starts it wont even be close.
Trump is dull tonight
Until she starts campaigning.
I wish I was counting how many times he says people.
Clinton needs to begin courting Sanders supporters ASAP. If those voters stay home in November, her campaign will fail.
Clinton will be fine with or without Sanders supporters. Obama hasnt even started pulling for Clinton yet. This is the pre-game. Everyone is forgetting that we are barely even getting STARTED. Once the train starts it wont even be close.
So Michigan was an anomaly?
True, but all depends on her final margin there. Still very close overall. Just a strange one compared to Ohio, I guess college students in IL turned out more for Bernie than in OH.
The other counties are very small compared to cook, but if Bernie runs the margins there he will catch up. E.g. he is at 70%+ in Champaign, 55% in Will, 54 in Kane. Will probably do very well in the non-reporting ones too.
"Marco Rubio has a great future"